"Race Day"
>a good reason for SegWit's existence
blockchains can't scale. I'm not against second layer solutions.
Not sure what you mean about blockstream pushing ponzis. Those guys are generally Bitcoin maximalists.
I think you point out an interesting nuance in the cypherpunk world. I noticed it with the SAFE crew as well. There is some overlap with honest idealistic utopian commies, libertarians, and anarchists in being against centralization. It's important not to conflate them nor to confuse a well meaning idealist with a bastard centralist masquerading as Bernie Sanders. It's subtle, but your blanketing blockstream for having some lefties…
Think for yourself. Look at their individual fruits. Follow money and relationships. For the moment, I'm comfortable with them. Bitcoin was/is a shit protocol that is still the best hope for destroying the fed. That said, I'm hedging bets. Not going all in on anything. Never go full retard!
(Digital) Gold destroys the FED.
You lost me at EOS. Forget Blockstream. If you're pushing EOS and some of these other attempts at scaling + features, then FUGGGGG… EOS is more centralized than Blockstream would ever want to make Bitcoin. That itself undermines the argument. I worked with some of the folks from one of main block producers for EOS. The whole thing is a scam in the back office. I ran away as far and as fast as I could. That BS will blow back hard and I hope Dan Larimer, his dad, and their combined decades with Raytheon will be a lesson for the fast money crowd. Direct investors were fairly famous international liberal/establishment billionaires. There was already open discussions with gates foundation money and direct connections to Soros NGOs, etc. It all got too spooky for me so I bounced. I'm sure I could have stayed and made bank, but I want to crush those people. It would have been illegal for me to record them, but FUGGGGGG. The crypto community is ignorant and naive.
Coinbase promoting shitcoins doesn't mean anything. Look at who has left Coinbase. Compare their values vs. those that stayed. Look who banks Coinbase. They've already stated they hate Bitcoin. Coinbase is compromised, IMO…and you're bitching about Blockstream? Seriously?
Promoting SV as a scaling solution? GTFO already. Lots of things can be shown to scale technically, but not economically. Plus, you need adoption. All the good will in the world, won't make anyone's pet/preferred project win the race. Shit has to work, and the best minds in the world, Blockstream or not, are working on Bitcoin. Period. End of Story. There are a handful of experiments on the side, like my preferred SAFE Network because it's at least a 10x improvement from blockchain as a consensus mechanism + a whole network, not just a distributed ledger, womp womp, but 99.9% of the rest is shill territory and pure fraud.
Central Bankers, Pharisees, Cabal, whoever. Same people. I'd personally tie millstones to their necks.
Centralized money isn't the only problem. It's the underlying problem of centralized data/information at the heart. This calls for more than just blockchain, the end of the FED, or the end of MSM.
Don't confuse distributed with centralized either. before 1987, there were lots of medium and large sized banks. And now, there's only about 6 big investment banks plus the scraps for regional banks. Sure, the FED and no gold was still the underlying issue, but distribution was better. Full decentralization has undesirable tradeoffs. The demand on individuals would undermine the benefits of working together and specialization. Some level of not centralization but transparent audited distribution is optimal…just not the mere 20 or so nodes of EOS…
Almost forgot the link.
Sat(ire) but True!
Much great articles. Wow clean fun!
Dan Larimer Receives Guinness World Record for Most Crypto Exit Scams
2 weeks ago Coin Jazeera
Photo courtesy of Virginia Tech.
Photo courtesy of Virginia Tech.
Serial swindler, Dan Larimer, who conned his way into becoming a Blockchain Billionaire, was awarded the Guinness World Record on Thursday for most crypto exit scams. Larimer, who is best known for his role in creating popular hit scams such as Bitshares, Steem, and EOS received the award after brilliantly exit scamming EOS in October and announcing plans for creating his fourth new shitcoin.
The genius behind Larimer’s work is his finesse. He tells everyone he’s not quitting and then…he quits!”
Brendan Blumer (CEO Block.One)
Although Larimer still claims to be the CTO of Block.One, our reporters checked Github only to realize he hasn’t made a single commit to EOS since October.
When asked about his new project, Dan told Coin Jazeera:
“The muse behind my art is greed. With EOS I was able to raise $4 Billion Dollars by liberating a bunch of suckers, I mean investors, that missed out on the Ethereum ICO. I consider it to be my finest work to date. For the next one I think I can raise $8 billion. It will be my masterpiece. My magnum opus. I have this brilliant idea to tell people I can create a better Bitcoin. People believed me three times already. Why not four?”
We caught up with Kyle Samani of notorious hedge fund Multicoin Capital, and asked how it feels to have thrown away his reputation and disgraced himself in the industry by shilling Larimer’s latest work.
“Being a Crypto fund manager is hard. Like really hard. My job is to hedge into Ethereum competitors but everything else honestly sucks. If we keep our LPs money in ETH they say we’re not doing enough. If we move into shitcoins they say why didn’t we stay in ETH. It’s tough. I don’t know what I’m doing, but I try hard to act like I do. My job is literally to beg for money for a living. It sucks. I wish I just invested in Ethereum in 2014 so I wouldn’t have to do this shit. At least Dan has the best scams, err- art, and tells us about them beforehand. In that regard he deserves the Guinness.”
People believed me three times already. Why not four?
Dan Larimer (We don’t even know anymore)
Upon receiving his award, Dan said, “This is an honor. I’d like to thank my parents for teaching me these values. I also want to thank my mentor Brock Pierce for helping me exit scam everyone from Burning Man to LA. Without them, none of this would be possible. It took years of practice to get this far. I started with chain emails and moved my way up to Herbalife. When I came across crypto, I knew this was my moment. My only wish is that Elon gets us to space soon so I can scam the aliens.”
Dan Larimer is 36 years old.