>You don't save the world by blowing it up.
>Blowing it up serves the people with lots of cash: the wealthy.
>Blowing it up blows up pensions and retirements.
>the dollar is going away or going to be restructure, but not at the expense of the everyman
Real estate anon here - see debt, and fiat based debt, as source problem. Think the part of the answer to the finance side of the “plan” will involve blowing up the debt - and in doing so - also blow up the inflated (by debt) asset prices we see across real-estate, equities, etc.
If cheap/fake fiat currency can no longer be acquired, people across the board wont be able to pay as much for whatever assets. This will force prices down and be deflationary.
Pensions/401ks/etc., need their target RoRs to service their obligations and I just don’t see how transitioning from fiat to a non-fiat system (read: pulling debt, and debt’s false inflation of asset prices out of the system) won’t have AT FIRST a negative impact as prices fall due to the debt bubble bursting. Nor do I see how keeping any component of a fiat system going forward makes sense…it’s like that scene from LOtR where Isildur, after winning against all odds, refuses to destroy the ring.
Anyways to your point, fucking with pensions/retirement is a major pain point. Ditto for all those who are not yet close to retiring but on their way to building their nest-egg. Here’s the rub I see: I don’t see (and of course perhaps I am wrong) a way forward to BOTH remove the fiat/debt monster AND NOT create a massive deflation in asset prices (and yes, I get the argument asset prices are just returning to their “true” price, but that ain’t going to comfort anyone when the shits going down).
Very curious to see how they plan to solve this.
Lastly, and almost in passing, I’ll note one of the biggest challenges we - and Q/Q+ - face is waking up the normies. Hitting someone in their pocketbook is PAINFULL and I doubt even a normie could sleep through it. Again, don’t know if/how this will be employed but still note financial pain would get a vast amount of normie attention…for better or worse.