Anonymous ID: b62abf Jan. 11, 2020, 1:28 p.m. No.7785712   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3512


>Dinars. Global Currency Reset. Thoughts?

A leader messing with CBs is hazardous to their health.



>distribution of wealth based on social security

>those who have paid into the fiat debt system the longest get paid out first

>the fairest way to do it


"Fair" is the philosophical tooth fairy.


Whatever is done with the currency habbening, there will be winners and losers in the general population in the short-term. Those who perceive it as a win will view the process as fair, those who perceive it as a loss will not.


The white-hats will need to be cautious here as even though I believe ALL will be better off - despite the short-term pain/trauma of the transition - you're going to have large parts of the population pissed when they perceive a large part of the wealth/worth/financial security being fucked with.


So if you can't do this in a "universal FAIR way," perhaps you can do a "universal CLEAR way" to get the populace to accept the new system while minimizing the collateral damage.


If the [illegal] FED tainted everything post-1913, then everything the FED touched would be akin to the fruit of the poisonous tree. Thus if the FED were proven to be illegal, any monies paid to it need to be returned to the payee as they tendered under an unlawful system.


Assuming the IRS records are accurate - or at least perceived as "accurate enough" - refunding all illegally paid taxes to living tax-payers might be a modus operandi to recapitalize the population after a major shift, especially if one believes all digital assets and liabilities are to be wiped.


People can argue over the fairness of such an idea all they want BUT I'd suggest the CLARITY of this is self-evident. Those who had the most taken by the government are those who get back the most from the government. For all those who were cute on their taxes (e.g. RE guys using paper losses and complex transactions to defer taxation indefinentely…cough), they'll get back less as less was paid in. For those who did not, they'll get back more.


There may be other MOs too. A few PCBTs ago an anon floated the idea of applying depository insurance to help with the transition…for example, the government may use FDIC/NCUA to "insure" up to a certain small amount - say $1,000, for instance - in bank accounts.


>replacing stocks

I think the key is REPRICING stocks in the new currency without faux-fiat-debt. ACME Corp will still be ACME Corp, will still make widgets, gadgets, etc., and still be a going concern meaning it will still offer value and be worth something.



Not sure about bonds…unlike a useful corp making something, I just don't see how they offer any intrinsic value.


>retirement savings with real physical assets seems like it would go over pretty well

As a RE anon, this is a big part of my thinking.



>you must write for ZH…

No sir, just trying (poorly) logic my way through this.



>anyone have numbers on how much money was confiscated in the dec 2017 human trafficking executive order

My guess is "enough" gold, based on Q's posting. No idea how to interpret that to [ x ] tonnes or whatever.

Anonymous ID: b62abf Jan. 17, 2020, 12:14 p.m. No.7839690   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>What's the probability that the market pulls back once mass arrests start and how far does it go down?

>FB, TWTR, CRWD, GOOG/GOOGL, AMZN, DIS, T, BEN, BLK…if we assume these companies are in trouble and will be exposed with their CEO's getting perp walked or step down for the likes of Treason, etc.. does the stock drop?


The market gains are not due to value creation but rather due to freshly created fiat dollars being "reinvested" in the market. Same idea behind manipulation in the debt market where someone cough FED cough is buying up debt to manage the yield curve and keep rates low. And of course, low rates lead to cheaper to service debt, which in turn leads to more debt, which goes back to fuel up the debt bubble vaulting the market to new highs. Take away is the mechanism I see, which determines when the debt-inflated asset bubble pops is the FED, not arrests.


If we assuming the following, then I'd suggest the question is this:


>Assuming there is a material debt bubble across all assets, and

>Assuming the FED is actively inflating the bubble by pumping/printing easy liquidity into the markets, and

>Assuming "the plan" involves a return to based money and a purge of fiat, and

>Assuming a (the?) catalyst to kickoff the financial boogaloo will be the FED turning off the tap on easy liquidity, and

>Assuming the purge of fiat will be unsettling to the general population


…when does it make sense (or when does it not make sense) for the public to "incur" the psychological shock of the currency component of the plan related to the other psychological shocks of the plan?


For example, if the answer to that is the financial component needs to come early in the awakening, my guess is you'd see the FED tighten up liquidity and/or raise interest rates effectively lighting the (short?) fuse on the derivative time bomb before any major political arrests or happenings.


If the goal is to time it with the major political happenings/10 days of darkness/etc., then you'd probably see it all at once.


There was a ZeroHedge article today which hit on the FED's market fuckery, pics related:


> The worst kept secret in the financial world is now not only accepted orthodoxy, but finally being discussed openly by, at least some, authorities. Central bank policies are directly driving asset prices and the bubbles therein.


>Worse, in order to keep banks well supplied with liquidity and hedge funds content and preventing them from closing out of these massively levered pair trades, last week repo expert Scott Skyrm said that the problem with the broken repo market and the Fed's respective Repo operations, similar to the problem observed with QE and the Fed's balance sheet in general over the past decade, is that the market is now addicted to the easy Fed liquidity.


>As Skyrm wrote, "it's easy to see how the Repo market can get addicted to easy cash from the Fed when the stop-out rates for the RP operations are 1.55% - behind the offered side of the market." But, as the repo strategist adds, as the Fed keeps injecting cash, the market gets used to it.


> But now that cash has gone to other markets, meaning the Fed is trapped in providing liquidity in perpetuity unless it hikes rates which in turn will cause a market crash.


>In short, just as the market got addicted to QE and the result was a 20% drop in the S&P in late 2018 when markets freaked out about Quantitative Tightening, the Fed's shrinking balance sheet, and declining liquidity, Skyrm cautions that "it will take pain to wean the Repo market off of cheap Fed cash" since "it's a circle" which can be described as follows:


>For the Fed to end daily RP ops, they need outside cash to come back into the Repo market. For the Repo market to attract cash, Repo rates need to move higher. For rates to move higher, the Fed needs to stop RP ops.

Anonymous ID: b62abf Feb. 29, 2020, 7:58 p.m. No.8288974   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9478

Interesting notable from the general thread.



>The Fed Reserve and the System it's tied to is in no position to 'pay' people to use currency and expand the market/financial supply.


>They've got 30 different Wars going, they've got illegal immigrants to move around and pandemics to spread. They need more money. They need more reserves. They need more liquidity.


>POTUS is about to drive the Fed into Negative Interest Rates, dry up their cash flow and start assuming control of the money supply while at the same time auditing and valuing the hard financial stock of the US Treasury in a monetary currency/asset coupling inaugural implementation.


>In laymans words, POTUS is using existing US Monetary Policy to legally bring down the Federal Reserve as a currency manager/reserve banking system and re-couple the American Dollar to internal US commodities/assets which lead to the US Treasury taking control of Currency Printing for the converted Dollar backing assets.


>The new 'Federal Reserve Bank' liquidity will once again be the Financial Worthiness of the US Treasury and nothing more. The dollar will have a real and recorded wealth.


>It's happening Anons. President Trump, the stable genius, is bringing down the Fed and putting it under the US Treasury, just like he took the CIA and put it's responsibilities under the NSA/MilIntel, even though on paper the CIA still exists, a shell of what it once was.


>Brilliant Q+, just brilliant.

Anonymous ID: b62abf March 3, 2020, 2:14 p.m. No.8310663   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2403 >>2906

4ch/pol thread of note




Here is the series of events that will take place instead.

>coronachan devistates world economy

>all countries bend knee economically to their ((central banks)) for liquidity

>USD begins to inflate dramatically

>doesn't stop stock market from tanking

>emergency meeting called by Trump

>audit of US gold supply from several sources takes place.

>audit comes back with surprising result… The us has 10x more gold than was previously on the books.

((it seems that Trump has raided the gold supply of the elite in return for immunity deals))

>announces that Treasury dollars are now available and backed by gold and silver at a rate of $100,000 treasury dollars per oz of gold.

>any US CITIZEN can exchange the money in their bank accounts for a new US treasury account (exchange rate of USD to new UST to be determined somewhere between 1/1 and 1/10 probably)

>all of ((their)) banks fail as CITIZENS begin mass exodus of USD and open a Treasury bank account.


Trumps master plan begins to take shape. Trump has taken a simple stone (gold) and crushed ((them)) with it. Trump has finished the work of Jackson and routed the vipers completely out.


This sets USA up for literal golden era while all other central bank countries begin to collapse around us.


Manufacturing comes back and new life is breathed into the USA. All other countries want to do business with us as they collapse.


screen this.

Anonymous ID: b62abf March 26, 2020, 7:08 p.m. No.8580133   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0315






Okay - so Treasury orders the mint to produce a $1T coin, or two, depositing them into the FED effectively circumventing the all Dollars MUST be borrowed into existence issue.


Clever. Think I get that part. Also get how you wipe out the FED's only real product - fiat - by forcing the FED to create fiat but not through itself.


Also get how the Chy-na virus is prepping for the phase out of old notes to transition to new notes.


→ Don't get the digital dollar part.

>According to the draft, the digital dollar will be “dollar balances consisting of digital ledger entries recorded as liabilities in the accounts of any Federal Reserve bank.”


So the FED now can tell me in one spot all the dollars I have on deposit with any individual member bank? No thanks.


Suspect I'm retarded here.


→ Don't get how "Gold destroys FED".


Would appear Platinum destroys FED (?)


Or perhaps "Gold" refers to the "Gold Bullion Act" not the actual metal? But if so, why are Central Banks worldwide amassing gold?


→ Don't get why the FED is pumping dollars into foreign central banks.



Anonymous ID: b62abf March 26, 2020, 8:40 p.m. No.8581114   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4581


>Q gives us hints, doesn't tell us things.

>GOLD ENDS THE FED is to much 'on the nose'


Can't argue with that!


Digital Dollar Part:


>Digital Currencies are called COINS, there's a reason they are Coins, not dollars.


Is it because "coins" is not associated with a specific currency while still being associated with currency in general? If so, would "notes" also work here too…even if bitnotes sound far less interesting than bitcoins?


>The theory is that the Secretary of the Treasury can Mint a Trillion $ Platinum COIN and define it's value however he wants.

>The Secretary is Minting Digital Coins and defining their value.

Philosophical question: isn't this just fiat but with more steps? As long as the medium of exchange can be debased, it's only a matter of time before purchasing power is covertly stolen from digital asset holders through inflation vs. overt theft through someone hacking their private key.


What guarantees the FED / Treasury / whoever from printing or copypasta'ing digital [whatevers] into oblivion? First answer which comes to my mind is every digital dollar is link to a specific real world hard asset (i.e. each digital dollar is linked to 1oz of gold).


Any idea how to reconcile digital dollars with the fact central banks worldwide have been scooping up gold for the past three years are record paces?


"Central Bank Gold Hoarding Hits 50-Year High"

> Central banks accumulated over 668 tons in gold purchases this year, which is more than 2018’s record numbers. In fact, the key drivers in gold demand this year stemmed from central bank purchases, most of which were bought (390 tons) during the first two quarters of 2019.


>Consider this the updated digital age version.


Think I partially get this. I get they can improve the underlying tech/math/algos which support the distributed ledger but still don't get how the updated version deals with the more fundamental problem of using a fiat unit of currency vs. a based unit of money.


Basically my question is this: okay, so they updated the technical side. Good, I guess…but does this even matter if there's not an answer to the how-to-base-the-digital-dollar-so-it's-not-fiat?


Again, I can't help but note CB's are hoovering up gold and wonder if we'll see something akin to what new-note-anon suggested upthread with a tri-part system where an oz of metal was linked to a digital coin and a note.


>Admiral Rogers retired from the military to sit on the board of TEAM8, TEAM8 owns CURV. look what CURV does.

Read CURV whitepaper - here's what I got from it.


CURV acts as an independent party who is needed to sign off digitally WITH asset owner to complete a transaction. Neither CURV nor the asset owner can independently sign a transaction, effectively establish dual-control for digitally signing a transaction. The asset owner can specify limits and thresholds for CURV to request additional confirmation before CURV signs off on its part of the transaction.



>Digital Dollars are about to End the FED as we know it today


Could this be the hook to latch onto all American's existing dollars on deposit with FED member banks to pull them from the old system to the new? Using digital dollars to distribute the COVID relief could be a way to prime the system.


Crazy thought - could a worldwide currency be a requirement for the ayyys?

Anonymous ID: b62abf March 28, 2020, 9:53 a.m. No.8599478   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>What's your opinion?



>Yeah but, gold standard when?


I don't think we're going back to a just gold standard. Constitutionally only gold and silver are considered valid - see Article I, section 10:


>No state shall… coin money, emit bills of credit, make any thing but gold and silver a tender in payment of debts…


Since the US mint issues coins in four precious metals (Ag @ $1, Pd @ $25, Au @ $50, and Pt @ $100) my guess is you'll see some "rainbow" approach using all four - and maybe others - as the base.


Again would note the net gold purchases of CBs as well as JPM stacking (and manipulating!) silver over the past decade evidence to me the banksters' bet on Ag and Au.


Look, I honestly don't know what they're going to do BUT do know that Q/CBs/JPM/etc., are far smarter than I with access to resources vastly beyond what we anons have. I am smart enough to know I'm NOT smart enough to know what's really going on. Therefore my plan is to "do what the smart guys do", which I interpret as stacking Gold (safest), Silver (cheapest, g/s ratio above 110!), and Platinum (speculative). Bonus style points if you stack using the system's own tools against itself…hehe.


Sooner or later precious metal pricing will break free from the paper derivative numbers and rise to their true value…that is to say the dollar will fall to its true value in relation to PM. Very curious to see how this plays out as a skyrocketing gold price will spook the market, especially if people are already uneasy about inflation shooting up.


Then again, maybe this is just what the plan calls for. PMs being correctly valued against the dollar showing just how far the dollar has fallen to help catalyze runaway inflation. Existing debts are inflated away, as is the last remaining purchasing power in the USD, and the question then becomes how do we move the population from the old dollar to the new.


For example, if you had $500k of cash saved up that's now worthless how does this move to the new notes?

Anonymous ID: b62abf April 6, 2020, 1:11 p.m. No.8705186   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3512 >>6102


>without Credit, how do we solve the demand for quick and trustless digital transactions?


You've got to figure out what can stand in place of a base metal. So far the answer to this has been "notes". But if the new answer is "notes" or "e-notes" you've still got the issue we had before of bad actors printing more notes than the base metals can support.


I don't know what the answer here is but a triple-entry public ledger seems interesting as it links every ounce to a note to a digital note meaning if one were to suddenly add (issue more notes) or subtract (stated metals cannot be physically verified) the ledger system should kick the transaction and/or raise the alarm.


Something like:



DR 1oz Silver

CR $1UST note

ER 1 e-coin


DR = debit, CR = credit, ER = electronic record


The "ER" part of this is what would answer your question of how to tender payment without exchanging metals or notes.




Archive link of that thread here: