XRP will be world currency, predictions from $200-$10000 per xrp.
XRP will be world currency, predictions from $200-$10000 per xrp.
bitcoin won't be used for this, bitcoin is slow and shit. it will be tron.
those are some of the ugliest things i have seen.
The rockefellers were actually foot soldiers for the rothschilds in europe.
Retards should shouldn't be relying on some 3rd party company to hold their own bitcoin, a simple offline wallet would have been sufficient.
Crimes happen with money, You need to be smart and not trust everything you see on the internet. You can only trust yourself.
When will the Federal Reserve becomes Restructured?
When will the IRS be abolished?
Netflix provides a service you dipshit, what does bitcoin do?
All it does is suck up electricity, it's quickly becoming largest drain of electricity in the world and a huge waste of resources to maintain. Bitcoin is legacy crypto, it was a proof of concept only it is not here to stay indefinitely. Ride the coin until its high and cash out into other alts who are here to stay. Like XRP.
hur dur hur gwoabal woming
Fuck off kid, You need to stop being so emotional about bitcoin and only focus on your own financial gain.
XRP is actually more decentralized than bitcoin, Who owns bitcoin? Anyone who can have the highest hashing power, which is currently China.
Who owns xrp? No one. even if the company ripple went out of business it would still function.