Read more and stop with the fear porn. The good guys are now in charge if you haven’t been paying attention for the last two years.
A Blockchain has the potential to perfect honest capitalism and government. What may have been previously created for evil purposes can be turned into something great for the world. And even if the NWO planned to usher in Bitcoin as the OWC, it’s possible that white hats realized Bitcoin was an immutable evidence trail of crimes and kept very detailed records of its use by low and mid-level members of the global criminal cartel. The NSA can do things that can spin my head for years. Let’s just say Bitcoin+Tor is not completely anonymous and it’s possible to ensnare a lot of higher ups based on this fucked up crypto web that’s been weaved.
Sure your scenario might be true but 1) I don’t think Trump is part of the NWO 2) I have guns 3) I think Q was on to something when he said BE THE PLAN. Fear porning about the NWO and Bitcoin while it’s quite clear to me they’re on their last legs accomplishes nothing. Whats your solution to a global debt bubble and unlimited fiat printing presses other than a full scale economic depression/meltdown? Even with stimuli it will be very painful for a large portion of the population. One or a handful of legal, stable cryptos solves MANY problems at once.