>And one of the most prevalent truther mantras is that one price-suppression ends, SILVER is going to be even MORE important than gold. Their argument is interesting: the silver is actually largely consumed (in industry) unlike gold, and that its available above-ground scarcity is not properly reflected in its price (i.e., in the re-set, silver might right to meet gold's price, increasing many more multiples in value than gold, making silver-bugs richer).
Problem is without tech, most things would become extremely inefficient, mining included. Because of this they subsidize other things to keep silver cheap. If silver skyrocketed electronics wouldn't exist as we know it. IOT would become too expensive and we know 5G and IOT are high on their to-do list.
>Note Q never said anything about silver, but he did say Gold is important somehow in "destroying" the Fed.
The fed was a world central bank. The world previously used gold for p2b & b2b transactions (ie you move and want to use a new bank you'd cash out gold and buy into your new bank). Silver was always the currency of the commoner p2p.
The fed replaces the 'state' for country to country and business to business transactions. We only need gold to get rid of the fed. If NESARA/GESARA are true, we're going to a 4 metal system but still gold should be the most valuable metal considering the price and mined stock. Platinum might be twice as valuable but much less of it.