the more i think about this whole situation the more i think Patriots are setting up/anticipating a transfer of wealth from the criminals at the top to those who know how to go out and get it…
sure, wealth will likely be returned to the citizens in some form when trillions in assets are seized. but how long will that take? i fear the deep state will undoubtedly try to fuck the economy (they currently control the msm it appears, unless their flustered bellyaching is all a controlled ruse) to prevent a Trump re-election and if that happens people may need a safety net. many voters don't really care about what's going on in washington and vote with their wallets.
Trump CANNOT lose.
could guiding towards a decentralized movement to take advantage of a "rigged" market - Crypto, Forex, etc be in the realm of possibilities?
on my mind are things like the market drops of exactly 666 points last year, the economist cover and october 10th…
are there hidden comms we're not seeing?