Bitcoin did not start the sound money debate. GATA (Gold Anti-trust Action Committee) has been around for 2 decades along with people like Ron Paul and others. Bitcoin came out in 2009.
Ya, it could be crimes against humanity. Straight up EO classification for severe crimes against humanity and economic corruption.
Although Bitcoin is capped in quantity, new cryptos are coming out every day, which inflates the overall cypto pool. The best blockchain can be is an amazing currency, it can never be money. Only silver and gold are money. However, it is a wonderful innovation that was the breakthrough blockchain needed. I think the blockchain may be the best invention since the internet tho. However, the closer currency can be to real money, the better it is. Therefore, blockchain used to account for metal is a great option to use as your currency holding , while keeping most of your savings in real money, somewhere safe. As for Kinesis, they have a kick ass monetary team, which are aided by a great digital team. Not just extremely talented computer people giving (sound) monetary theory their best shot. Andrew Maguire, who blew the whistle on JP Morgan for rigging precious metal markets, is on the team. The CEO Tom Coughlin has ran ABX (Allocated Bullion Exchange) for almost a decade. It also has solved the Gresham's law problem with bringing metals into circulation (via profit sharing minute transaction fees and paying as interest instead of a credit card company taking all profits). Check into it yourself tho. Money will still be money…same as always.
Silver is a monetary metal, just like gold. Silver moves hand in hand with gold and is 95%+ correlated. The word for silver is the word for money in several languages. Indians have been passing generations of wealth down in their families via silver and gold dowry. It has been money for 1000's of years. It works great when not jacked around by banksters via paper metal contracts.
I could see the 1:10 ratio as a good holding %. The rich man can go heavy gold, but the average person should stick with heavy silver for the time being. The higher you can tolerate a little risk, the heavier you should go silver.
If the currency was to be backed by real money and everyone's assets are denominated in that currency, then the average citizen with any currency at all will have metals (money) exposure. Having a good measuring stick as money only helps the scenario. Constitutional money (silver and gold) are a way better base for an economy than RothsChild-Diddler pedo paper debt notes.
We need to drain the swamp. Then confiscate their assets legally via the EO & give the assets to the Treasury. Default on the debt that has least public exposure. Tell the banks they can piss off. Repatriate any metal that left in the Fed to the Treasury and absorb/abolish and confiscate assets. Hold the banksters accountable for economic crimes and confiscate all their assets too. This is treason and sever human abuses. It is literally robbing the population of their life donated to earning currency. Back a Treasury dollar and go back to Constitutional money. The definition of a dollar is 371.25 grains of silver. You can pay $1000 in debt with $100 of gold IF you allowed the price to rise by 10X.
Drain Swamp - Confiscate Assets - End/Absorb Fed - Default on bad debt - Raise the price of metals to a level that will clear the books - Release Treasury gold/silver backed dollars - Allow silver & gold ratio to work its magic after hopefully getting close (or at least closer) to fair value
There may be a hangover but it will be worth exiting the cancerous monetary system and getting back to free markets and honest money. It is not something that we can't get through as a nation.