Anonymous ID: 66d237 April 8, 2019, 1:10 p.m. No.6099692   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9709 >>9739

Trump Fires Head Of Secret Service


Update (2:30 pm ET): The administration has already found its replace for Alles. Sarah Sanders said the president has picked James Murray, a career member of the agency, to take over.

Anonymous ID: 66d237 April 8, 2019, 1:19 p.m. No.6099751   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9825 >>9944 >>0128

What’s the Difference Between Democrats and Communists?


I’m starting to think Joe McCarthy wasn’t wrong, just early.


I wasn’t even born when McCarthy was going after communists in our government and political class. I wasn’t there, so I have no idea what really happened. But history says he was wrong. Okay, let’s go by that assessment.


That was then. This is now. Today’s Democrat Party is no longer hiding its infatuation with socialist, Marxist and even communist philosophy. And that my friends is un-American. Because to embrace the radical views of today’s Democrat Party is to embrace the end of America and everything our Founding Fathers believed in.


First, it’s important to examine the economic news out this week. On Thursday, we found out US jobless claims fell to 49 year lows, below all forecasts. The last time this few Americans were out of work was 1969- the year man first landed on the moon.


Then on Friday, the Labor Dept. reported the US economy added 196,000 jobs in March, far exceeding expectations. The Trump economy is booming. As usual, capitalism is a roaring success.


Here’s are important questions: Who could possibly be angry at these results? Who could deny the economy is booming? Who would desperately demand a change?


Today’s Democrat Party hates these results. They desperately demand a dramatic change in course. Today’s Democrat Party is turning towards the darkest political philosophy in history. Remember, the problem isn’t just the misery and unimaginable poverty caused by socialism and communism. During the 20th century about 100 million souls were murdered in the name of communism.


Even liberal publication “The Atlantic” ran a story days ago titled, “The Democratic Party is Radicalizing.” They listed what today’s leading Democrats stand for…


*The Green New Deal that would (in their words) “completely transform the American economy, put the federal government in control over large sectors, retrofit every building in America…and constitute by far the greatest centralization of power in American history.”


*Make all college free


*Make all healthcare free


*Increase taxes to 70%


*Abolish ICE, protect sanctuary cities and take down all existing walls on the Southern border.


*Eliminate the Senate filibuster, pack the Supreme Court with extra judges, end the electoral college.


*Reparations for black Americans. This actually makes The Green New Deal sound sane.


*Allow abortions up until the baby’s moment of birth, or even after birth.


*Opposition and in many cases, outright hatred towards Israel, America’s longtime best friend.


There is no question what Democrats stand for. This is all public news. The only question is, what separates this “wish list” from the agenda of the Communist Party of America?


The answer: NOTHING.


But if you require more proof: Eight prominent Democrat presidential candidates gathered in DC last week for the “We the People Conference.” The conference began with the organizer invoking the words of radical, communist Black Panther Joanne Chesimard (now known as Assata Shakur), a convicted cop killer and member of the FBI’s “most wanted fugitive terrorist list.”


*Reparations for black Americans. This actually makes The Green New Deal sound sane.


*Allow abortions up until the baby’s moment of birth, or even after birth.


*Opposition and in many cases, outright hatred towards Israel, America’s longtime best friend.


There is no question what Democrats stand for. This is all public news. The only question is, what separates this “wish list” from the agenda of the Communist Party of America?


The answer: NOTHING.


But if you require more proof: Eight prominent Democrat presidential candidates gathered in DC last week for the “We the People Conference.” The conference began with the organizer invoking the words of radical, communist Black Panther Joanne Chesimard (now known as Assata Shakur), a convicted cop killer and member of the FBI’s “most wanted fugitive terrorist list.”

Anonymous ID: 66d237 April 8, 2019, 1:22 p.m. No.6099779   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Netanyahu doubles down: ‘Palestinian sovereignty…is dead’


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Israeli media in an interview yesterday that he intends to annex West Bank settlements, “if possible with American support”.


According to the Jerusalem Post, Netanyahu told Arutz 7 that he intended to “apply Israeli law to the communities in Judea and Samaria [the West Bank]” during “the next term”.


Asked whether the Trump administration was aware of these plans, Netanyahu replied: “Sure”, adding: “They [the US] will react as they will react. We will see. These are my principles.”


The Likud leader also doubled down on his vow not to remove illegal settlements.


“If we do not tear out the settlers, then who are they going to live under? They are going to be under Palestinian sovereignty? That is dead,” he declared.

Those who live in the settlements, “will be under Israeli sovereignty,” he added.


Netanyahu further elaborated to Arutz 7:


The Palestinians can have all the powers to govern themselves, but none to threaten us, which means we maintain security control. We don’t uproot anyone. We don’t divide Jerusalem.


“My friend [former US vice president] Joe Biden, who may be running for the presidency of the US [in 2020], said, ‘Bibi, that is not a state. That is not sovereignty.’ I said, ‘Joe, you call it what you will. This is what it is. These are my positions. I am not changing these positions.’”


Meanwhile, in an interview with Army Radio, “the prime minister clarified that he does not intend to annex all of the West Bank, just the places in Area C where the settlements are located”, the paper added.


“A Palestinian state will not be created, not like the one people are talking about. It won’t happen.”


ethnic cleansing

Anonymous ID: 66d237 April 8, 2019, 1:26 p.m. No.6099822   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9974 >>9998 >>0065 >>0310 >>0389

End the transgender 'unregulated live experiment on children' say whistleblowing workers who have quit clinic treating patients as young as THREE


Five staff from the Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) clinic have quit

Clinicians concerned children are having unnecessary gender change treatment

One whistleblower only stayed in post to stop more children having treatment

Number of youngsters referred to service rose from 94 in 2010 to 2,519 last year


Five whistleblowing workers at the only NHS transgender clinic in Britain have quit over fears children as young as three are going through unnecessary gender reassignment treatment.


The clinicians from the Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) clinic based in London and Leeds left over concerns children were being incorrectly diagnosed with gender dysphoria.


It was feared some gay children struggling with their sexual identity are being incorrectly diagnosed as transgender.


Specialists also worried that some of the youngsters were being referred and pressured into having gender change treatment after suffering homophobic bullying.


All five former staff members were part of the team deciding if youngsters should be given hormone blockers to stop their development before puberty, according to the Times.

Anonymous ID: 66d237 April 8, 2019, 1:29 p.m. No.6099844   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9868 >>9873 >>0024

The One Jewish State Solution


Some of the more advanced Israel/Palestine commentators have agreed amongst themselves that the ‘one-state solution’ amounts to empty talk for the simple reason that Palestine is ‘one-state’ already: It has natural borders, one electric grid and even one international pre-dial number (+972). But this beautiful and historic land, stretched from the river to the sea, is dominated by a foreign and hostile ideology that is racially supremacist and vile towards the indigenous people of the land.


Some of those perceptive analysts have been bewildered following a peculiar shift in Israeli politics: while the so-called Israeli ‘Left’ has been advocating racial and ethnic segregation between Jews and Palestinians by adopting the two-state solution, it is actually the Zionist ultra-right that has been pushing constantly for an integration of the ‘land’ by means of Israeli annexation.


While very few within the Israeli Left joined the call for a one-state solution, it seems as if PM Benjamin Netanyahu and the entire Israeli Right are thrilled by the idea.


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed on Saturday to extend Israeli sovereignty to the settlements of the West Bank if he is re-elected in Tuesday’s poll.


Netanyahu’s declaration shouldn’t take us by surprise. Two weeks ago, a Haaretz poll revealed that 42% of Israelis back West Bank annexation. Apparently, 16% of those polled support annexing the entire West Bank without giving any political rights to the Palestinians who live there. I guess that it is hard not to see the political reasoning behind PM Netanyahu’s promise to annex settlements. Netanyahu, who is likely to form the next Israeli government, is attempting to appeal to the Israeli ultra-right voters. He wants them to vote Likud on Tuesday rather than ‘wasting’ their vote on a small ultra-right party or another.


There is obviously a big difference between the one-state call that has been pushed by Palestinian solidarity activists and Netanyahu’s politics of annexation. While Palestinian rights advocates are referring to one democratic state, Netanyahu is not committed to democracy at all. He is solely faithful to the Jewish population and what he offers in practice is a ‘One Jewish State Solution.’ After all, Israel defines itself as ‘the Jewish State’ and it is there to serve one people while denying others their most elementary rights. Israel, as we know, is not a state of its citizens, it is a state of its Jewish citizens. By the time Israel comes to term with its sin and transcends into a state of its citizens regardless of their race, ethnicity or religious belief it will be renamed. It may as well be called Palestine.

Anonymous ID: 66d237 April 8, 2019, 1:40 p.m. No.6099924   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Lebanese President Michael Aoun reportedly received a US-Israeli document detailing plans for creating a civil war in Lebanon, during US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s visit to Beirut, Lebanon on March 22nd.


The document outlines covert false flag operations and a possible Israeli invasion, Lebanese TV station, Al-Jadeed reported.


According to the report, the source of the document is Israeli and it was created in partnership with the US, it is unclear who exactly presented it to President Aoun.


The document presents an alleged US plan to splinter the Lebanese Internal Security Forces (ISF), a domestic institution separated from the Lebanese Army. This would be carried out by an $200 million investment in the ISF. The money would be “disguised” as a means to keep peace, but $2.5 million would be specifically designated to create a conflict against Hezbollah.


The document states the ultimate goal is to destabilize the country by creating a civil war in Lebanon which will “help Israel on the international scene.” The United States and Israel plan to accomplish this by supporting “democratic forces.” If that sounds familiar, its because it is currently happening in Venezuela (or is rather about to possibly happen) and is actively still happening in Syria and Libya.


The document also expects no casualties, all the while the “full load of our firepower will be unleashed.” The civil war would lead to requests for intervention from Israel’s Defense Forces (IDF), and after “extreme reluctance” Israel would agree to do so.


Israel, according to the document also would play a vital role of creating “covert false flag operations,” with the progression of the conflict. The operations aren’t specified, but they could potentially include chemical attacks, similar to the ones the Syrian government is blamed for.


The document admits that the plan could be challenged by Hezbollah’s strong presence in all areas of governance in the country, as well as in the ISF and the Lebanese Army.


Separately, during his visit Mike Pompeo gave Michel Aoun an ultimatum: to contain Hezbollah or face consequences.


“It will take courage for the nation of Lebanon to stand up to Hezbollah’s criminality, terror, and threats,” Pompeo said.


Sami Nader, a Lebanese political analyst, said this shift came as part of U.S. President Donald Trump’s reversal of his predecessor’s Middle East policy toward confronting Iran. “Now the US says, ‘Hezbollah is your problem.’ As in a Lebanese problem that Lebanon must sort out and not America,” Nader said.


The Lebanese government isn’t sure how to deliver on Pompeo’s wishes. It can neither take on Hezbollah militarily nor stop it from accessing its share of government resources. According to Aoun, Hezbollah scored two-thirds of Shiite votes in the last elections. That’s make it entitled, under Lebanese convention, to offer services and jobs to its constituents, just as Sunni, Druze, and Christian parties do.


It is unclear if Pompeo’s staff presented Aoun with this document as a threat prior to their meeting. If the documents are true, however, it is clear that the US and allies are planning to carry out clandestine operations similar to past and current ones in Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, Iran.

Anonymous ID: 66d237 April 8, 2019, 1:44 p.m. No.6099956   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9974 >>0065 >>0174 >>0310 >>0389

Launch date for Trump peace plan depends on Israeli election outcome – report


US President Donald Trump’s Mideast peace plan will be unveiled by mid-June, White House sources told Channel 13 news on Monday, though an exact date has yet to be set.


The date will depend on a number of factors, including the outcome of Israel’s general elections, and the next prime minister’s progress in forming a governing coalition, the report said.


It said the White House was also taking into account national holidays, and Jewish and Muslim religious festivals, in choosing a date.


Earlier on Monday, Blue and White party chief Benny Gantz said that if he wins Tuesday’s election, he expects the Trump administration to delay the release of its peace plan until after he forms a government.

“I expect the American administration to see that I won the election, and to hold off with their plans until I can form a government,” Gantz told the Walla news site in an interview. “After that, we can sit down and discuss the plan in an organized and orderly way.”


He promised to seriously consider whatever the US proposed for the region, and said he hoped the White House had not already given Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu details of the plan that has been in the works for two years.


Washington had promised to unveil its long-promised proposal sometime after Tuesday’s election, in which Netanyahu is seeking a fifth term.


Netanyahu, running for re-election while facing the possibility of indictment on corruption charges, has cited his close relationship with Trump to underline his experience as a statesman with personal ties to world leaders.


In the run-up to Tuesday’s vote, the prime minister has hosted US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, visited Trump in the White House, and received both American recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights and, on Monday, a US designation of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terror organization.


Last week, Netanyahu said he had informed Trump that not “even one person” would be evicted from a settlement under any US peace plan.


On Saturday, Trump struck a cautious tone about the outcome of Tuesday’s vote, saying the “close” race for the premiership was between “two good people.”

Anonymous ID: 66d237 April 8, 2019, 1:48 p.m. No.6099983   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0065 >>0310 >>0389

Iran puts US forces in West Asia region on its terror blacklist


Iran's Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) has slammed the US government as "supporter of terrorism," designating American forces in West Asia, known as the United States Central Command (CENTCOM), as a "terrorist organization."


In a statement on Monday, the Iranian top security council said the designation came as a "reciprocal measure" against US President Donald Trump's "illegal and unwise" move to blacklist Iran's Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) as a foreign terrorist organization.


Trump said in a statement earlier in the day that the Iranian elite forces' designation "makes crystal clear the risks of conducting business with, or providing support to, the IRGC. If you are doing business with the IRGC, you will be bankrolling terrorism."


The SNSC strongly condemned the "illegal and dangerous" move by the US regime against the IRGC and said, "The Islamic Republic of Iran regards this baseless move as a major threat to regional and international peace and security and a blatant violation of the compelling rules of international law and the United Nations Charter."


It added that CENTCOM has been tasked with implementing terrorist policies of the US government against countries in West Asia, noting that CENTCOM's effort to impose those policies has endangered Iran's national security and the lives of both Iranians and non-Iranians, including through participation of the US in the massacre of the Yemeni people and other civilians in the West Asia region.


Iran's SNSC also warned that the US regime "will be responsible for dangerous consequences" of this adventurist measure."


Earlier in the day, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif proposed that the SNSC should add American forces in West Asia to its list of terrorist groups in the Islamic Republic.


In his letter to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, who also chairs the SNSC, Zarif said given overt and covert support of US military forces in the region for terrorist groups and their direct involvement in terrorist acts, the SNSC should designate American forces as terrorists based on a law titled "Countering America’s Human Rights Violation and Adventurous and Terrorist Actions” passed by the Iranian Parliament in 2017.


The US has already blacklisted dozens of entities and individuals affiliated with the IRGC, but not the entire force.


Syria condemns US designation of IRGC as ‘terrorist’ organization


In a related development on Monday, an official source at Syria’s Foreign and Expatriates Ministry said Damascus strongly condemned the US government’s designation of the IRGC as a ‘terrorist’ organization, describing it as a flagrant violation of the sovereignty of Iran.


According to Syria’s official SANA news agency, the unnamed official added that the US administration’s “irresponsible step” was part of the declared war launched by the US against Iran.