Anonymous ID: 9438fc April 8, 2019, 2:50 p.m. No.6100646   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0674 >>0840 >>0850 >>0893 >>0964 >>1072 >>1163

[P] = Prussia

Spouse anon did some interesting digs earlier today.

Prussian tiara → U.N. Flag

Notice any similarity?

This tiara was designed for the final Emperor's wedding and looks an awful lot like the current U.N. logo (symbols will be their downfall)


In 1871, German states (notably excluding Austria) united to create the German Empire under Prussian leadership


British Queen Victoria was the mother of Emperor William II of Prussia. The last German Emperor (King of Prussia) was WIlhelm II, William's son.


Who else came from this Empire and bloodline? Is this worth digging some more?,_German_Emperor