Anonymous ID: aad67a April 8, 2019, 2:31 p.m. No.6100450   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4940687 (from French Bread #1 - Q-The Basics - call to translate)

Voici enfin une traduction format PasteBin mais j'ai besoin de critiques des anons français avant que ce soit finalisé. J'ai aussi besoin d'aide d'un anon doué dans le traitement graphique a le mettre dans le format graphique original.


I finally translated this and posted it in French Bread #2, asking for French anon feedback before posting a final version (like we did with the original Q-The Basics bread).


If the original non-tech-writer-fag who wrote this is baking, perhaps you could help me get this to the graphics-fag who did the wonderful graphic/formatting?


Which reminds me - this needs some serious updating in the English version; I updated Q post numbers and qresearch post numbers in this French version but both that as well as the Q-related websites listed in the graphic version need to be updated for it to be relevant/helpful.