Anonymous ID: e31206 April 8, 2019, 2:48 p.m. No.6100622   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0665

All in the very morning hour

Our gentle Lord and Savior

Was fettered and arraigned before

the bailiff of Judea.


But heathen Pilate found no stain

In him or civil terror

Accordingly he sent him on to

Magistrate King Herod


Third hour, and the son of God

Was scourged by whips and bludgeoned.

And then those sinful people placed

A crown of thorns upon him.


Revile him, did those citizens

And beat him, did those soldiers.

The cross on which he was to die

was laid upon his shoulders.


Sixth hour, they stripped him of his robe

And on the cross they nailed him.

The Christ was bleeding freely now.

(And are the faithful wailing?)


His enemies made sport of him,

So did the true believers.

The sun itself retired then

To scorn their cruel behavior.


Ninth hour, Jesus Christ cried out

"My God I am forsaken!"

They gave him bile and vinegar

His mortal thirst to slaken.


Then Jesus Christ gave up the ghost

And all creation trembled;

The temple fell and from the hill

The rock of Ages tumbled.


And in the very vesper hour

The two thieves' bones were broken.

A spear was thrust in Jesus side,

And Jesus' side did open.


And blood and water did run out,

It flowed beyond all measure,

And all the folk from round about

did mock our lord and Savior.

Anonymous ID: e31206 April 8, 2019, 2:57 p.m. No.6100712   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0753

Odysseus said to Athena that it is “ already becoming hard to recognize the gods” when embodied human form. When people were "possessed" or "inspired" by the gods they did things they were not otherwise capable of doing. Trojan and Greek heroes alike performed super human feat when in when in ‘god mode.’ What does that mean? At the battle before Troy all the gods were recorded as present and they took part on the fighting on either the Greek or Trojan side.

What did Homer mean? What happens when a human is possessed by a god? In Homer's accounts men were said to look different, though as Odysseus complained Athena, the gods were harder to recognize in 3D space. Odysseus was particularly sensitive. recognizing Athena by her ox-eyes alone. Homer talks about a heroes’ "shining", a glow and intensity like an aura which marked the men or women who shared or were displaced in a human body by the gods. Divine possession is necessarily brief, Homer said because human physiology can't stand the strain of higher energies very long. Consider too the psychospiritual environment in which soldiers besieging Troy live. Daily rituals, invocations of the gods , constant offerings, animal and human sacrifices in addition to daily battle create a hyper charged psychic environment, one where the line between the abstract world, the Mudis Imaginalis and material world is blurred and the gods whisper their secrets in men’s ears.

Anonymous ID: e31206 April 8, 2019, 3:03 p.m. No.6100776   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pedovore cultist openly promote and overtly worship of satan and solicit kids on You Tube to take part in ritual ceremonies disguised as theater. art or comedy. Hypnosexual mind control games. Satanic “brands,” employ ancient runes, and talismans, sigils and glyphs perfuse our culture. News and “entertainment” media content is pumped full of embedded symbols, sounds and subliminal images related to SEX and DEATH. These occult influences combine over decades to produce and sustain a selfish, shallow and violent materialist consciousness, a culture where satan and his reptoids can most easily manifest the hierarchal, slave society of pedovore criminality they prefer.

The frieze on Apollo’s temple at Delphi, properly translated does not say “Know yourself.” It says “Watch yourself." And if you watch yourself you will begin to add additional layers of reflection, increasing your cognitive power as you learn. Humans appear capable of (literally) infinite self-improvement, and you can see how blood drinking petty gods and lizards would not like that. They have expended so much cleverness in a futile effort to channel and confine human consciousness. Constricted human consciousness, harassed and distracted with unnecessary mandated tasks, busy work ‘initiatives” social duties and financial harassment generally insures we do not awaken to real universe and the powers of big G God inside us.

The ‘toids don't believe in GOD, because they can't perceive a self-aware quantum field like the Holy Spirit. All they can do is what they've always done, with drugs, sex, illusion and NLP mind tricks.

Anonymous ID: e31206 April 8, 2019, 3:11 p.m. No.6100852   🗄️.is 🔗kun



snake on a stick

bronze serpent that Moses raised on a pole. Those who looked at it were healed.


"An odd word that recurs obsessively in the Bible, where it appears in forty passages: "Burn their Asherah in the fire and cut down the idols of their god", "Cut down their Asherah and burn their idols in the fire." How many times and with what stubborn vehemence, does Yahweh enjoin his people. Asherah designates a goddess, the partner of Baal. And at the same time certain sacred poles, which were worshiped. Asherah is a name that condenses within itself the abomination of idolatry. Yet for a long time, until the reign of Manasseh, it happened that "the objects that had been made for Baal, for the Asherah, and for all the heavenly host" were housed inside the temple for Yahweh. For Israel, the perennial risk was that the house of Yahweh still contained the altars of other divine beings. Hence Manasseh "made his son pass through fire and practiced astrology, and magic and dealt with familiar spirits and wizards: he wrought much wickedness in the sight of the LORD, to provoke his to anger. "

Anonymous ID: e31206 April 8, 2019, 3:14 p.m. No.6100872   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0895 >>0929

Imagine if the information we get from the natural world through our eyes, ears, nose and skin could be tampered with? An enemy who controls our sensory inputs can control what we buy, what we think about and what we will become in future.


Most of the information we receive today does not come to us directly through our senses. It still comes via the optic nerve to the brain, but the source is digital media displayed on a monitor or device screen.


Less that 10% of the average person's daily information input is direct sense experience of the natural world. What we imagine we know about the greater, outside world, our fellow humans is all acquired from TV "news" or "entertainment" programming - TV, movies, games VR and MR are how we form our understanding of greater social, economic and political reality.


We are entirely dependent on the integrity of MSM legacy media for our understanding of the reality we share and MSM legacy media is running psyops, Information Operation engineered to divide, confuse and terrify us.


Over 90% of all the information we take in about the world, about our reality, our fellow citizens, friends and neighbors, comes to us through a MSM driven SCREEN.


The average American household has only 2.75 people, but 3 TVs and 6 Internet devices.


The average American family spends more money each month on media consumption than on groceries or electricity.


The average American consumes 12-15 aggregate hours of digital media per day.


The average American child consumes more than 10 hours of digital media per day.


The average American smartphone is checked every 6-12 waking minutes.


70% of Americans binge view.


With the emergence nonlinear networked communication it became possible to control individual and group information environments at all levels. Modern technologies have made "kinetic war" obsolete.


Information warfare destroys people and countries from within. By controlling the minds of citizens, by exploiting conditioned response with prepared information packages targeted individuals or nation can be brought to take ANY specified action (including 'genocide') voluntarily.(See link below)


Non-linear or Information war tactics involve turning enemy nations against themselves by infiltrating and subverting moral values. By gradually degrading the whole information infrastructure, from popular entertainment to text books. Occult material are introduced into required reading lift as is rewritten history. Historical frauds are legotimized self-destructive behaviors are promoted as fashionable, mental illnesses and perversions like pedophilia are normalized by stages, and programs like "common core" are created to turn kids off learning.


By capturing the news and entertainment industry, and gradually, over decades, reducing the public vocabulary, promoting social division, emphasizing inequities, fanning the flames of old grievances, using false flag terrorism to foster or rekindle resentments, falsifying historical records to provide evidence for a shameful cult created US history that never happened. Destroying the story of a nation destroys that nation; the nation falls apart.


Mind war, non linear war, is a highly developed form of conflict, with tested doctrines and a protean tactical repertoire. We don't hear about IO, mind war and it's power and tactics because our entire information distribution infrastructure, entertainment industry and social media/ tech companies are all controlled by a subversive confederacy of deep state criminals. in short, they're comp'd.


Thanks to Admiral Mike Rogers' NSA, POTUS and MI, the attempted genocide of the American people has been exposed.


It's a terrible thing to discover you have been betrayed by those you most trust. It is well to remember we have ALL been deceived. Some may learn sooner, some learn later; but whenever you do, remember the others. Our fellow citizens still trapped in the false matrix of lies and fears and taboos created by sophisticated IO operators for purposes of social control. Those people still trapped need to be rescued not blamed. .


The Algebra of Conscience is the formal mathematical basis of IO. Vladimir Lefebvre proved that if you know you enemies belief system you can get them to voluntarily do anything, by providing prepared information.


Springer has thoughtfully put Lefebvre's "Algebra" online in pdf for free. This is formal math - don't worry if you can't understand the formulas, the mathematics is sound, it's been repeatedly proven in practical, real world use. Look and think about what could be done if the enemy had complete control of almost all news and entertainment = because they do.


Imagine how things will be for us when this poisoning is stopped.