Anonymous ID: eaa303 April 8, 2019, 2:36 p.m. No.6100485   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6100190 (LB)

Thanks for your input, Anon. I follow everyone for their input (ex @InTheMatrixxx, @RealEyeTheSpy, Sather, etc) because I appreciate other views than my own echo chamber, but when you pull the bullshit PM is accused of, infuriates me. We already have enough bullshit to deal with in this movement with criticism, accusations, and fake news about us, this just dumped gasoline on the fire if charges come against PM. WE DON’T NEED THESE PEOPLE, (((they))) are gonna make us all seem not only anti-semetic/racist/sexist/bigots (which is not true), but like we are only here for money. We already have MSM claiming that we kill our family because we believe their reptilians (NOT TRUE), believe we are going to try and blow the Hoover Dam (NOT TRUE), and that we promote racism and violence (ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE). Q said to be careful who you follow, so do you believe this can be used in the argument against Q himself? I’m sure I’m gonna get the redundant “you’re a shill” & the “fuck off Jew” shit, but fuck you if you do, I’m just speaking out loud and asking questions.