too many dollars chasing too few goods.
if the money supply was stable, things would actually become cheaper over time.
while a nickel may have been able to buy you a cheeseburger and coke 70 years ago, it should in fact be able to buy you multiple cheeseburgers and cokes today because of supposed competition and technological advances.
The fact that it now costs 5, 10, 20 dollars shows you how much theft has occurred.
one of the only sectors that actually gives you a better product at a cheaper price every year is consumer electronics. not much government intervention or cheap money flowing into the sector to result in more expensive products and shittier qualitiy.
however, there is an issue with planned obsolescence and incremental improvement versus building a quality product that will last 20 years, and this is a result of our current monetary system which must continually suck wealth and money from everyone or it will collapse.
bring back sound money and we won't need a new iphone every year with the smallest of minute changes to it.
the bullshit monetary system incentives apple to make tiny progress and contributes to all the waste