On Travis View's Dumb "QAnon Anonymous" Podcast
Someone asked about Travis View LB. Here's a recent podcast: Ep 16, 3-27-19.
Want to see how gross our opposition can get? Listen into the podcast of Travis View, Julian Feeld, Jake Rockatansky. In this episode, they are chatting with notorious anti-Q writer Mike Rothschild from the Daily Dot on the future of Q movement. You can't tell who's talking, they don't bother to make it clear. Very cynical guys, lots of swearing, think they're really smart…..
13 mins
What will Qanon movement morph into?
Good chance Q movement will become "more violent."
Or maybe succumbs to infighting? patriots vs paytriots.
Or maybe DJT will acknowledge Q?
[They ask the questions but never answer them. Sound like a bunch of pot-smoking druggies after a few bowls too many….]
MR is writing a book about conspiracy theories.
Laugh about the idea that HRC ordered the hit on SR.
They compare DJT to John Gotti
Manage to talk about Mueller report in a way that avoids saying it help POTUS in any way.
There's moar talk but you gotta give 'em money for it….even anti-Trumpers pro'bly wouldn't shell out for this kind of crappy conversation…..[and by the way ALL their shows sound like this]