Anonymous ID: 0a328a April 8, 2019, 8:50 p.m. No.6104702   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4954 >>5056

Anons/Baker Primer Dig on SIGNIS

and a call to shovels please as this subject is enormous

For instance, how many media and other personalities are actually working for SIGNIS?

Would that not help to explain certain positions?

What if we find most people who are Anti POTUS are also Pro SIGNIS?




“Who controls HW?

Who really controls HW?”


Do you not wonder why Q felt the need to ask twice?

Could it be because the common and most popular answer to this question is incorrect?

Could it be that this enemy is very smart, smart enough to cover and surround itself with layers of “insulation” also known as Scapegoating?


Please allow me to shine some light upon this dark subject in this little wiki based Primer.


The Vatican' apparatus to influence(ban/censor/control) All types of Media the world over.

94 countries and 6 continents to be exact.


Let's start a little farther back to 1933 and have a look at the predecessor of Signis, The Catholic Legion of Decency!


The Catholic Legion of Decency

The Birth of the Vatican' apparatus for controlling Media in the United States.


“The National Legion of Decency, also known as the Catholic Legion of Decency,[1] was founded in 1933 as an organization dedicated to identifying and combating objectionable content in motion pictures from the point of view of the American Catholic Church.[2]:4 After receiving a stamp of approval from the secular offices behind Hollywood's Production Code, films during this time period were then submitted to the National Legion of Decency to be reviewed prior to their official duplication and distribution to the general public.[2]:5 Condemnation by the Legion would shake a film's core for success because it meant the population of Catholics, some twenty million strong at the time, were forbidden from attending any screening of the film under pain of mortal sin.[2] The efforts to help parishioners avoid films with objectional content backfired when it was found that it helped promote those films in heavily Catholic neighborhoods among Catholics who may have seen the listing as a suggestion.


“History of censorship in early American cinema[edit]

In 1915, the Supreme Court heard a case regarding censorship in motion pictures called Mutual Film Corp. v. Industrial Commission of Ohio; the Supreme Court held that states could censor films before they were released.[3] In 1948, the Supreme Court reversed the Mutual decision in the United States v. Paramount Pictures, Inc. case.


more info at the wiki link yet all of this is just scratching the surface


and the Pope has his own little council to determine what the world sees, hears and thinks


which Francis merged into one


and now on to SIGNIS please


“SIGNIS (official name: World Catholic Association for Communication)[1] is a Roman Catholic lay ecclesial movement for professionals in the communication media, including press, radio, television, cinema, video, media education, internet and new technology. It is a non-profit organization with representation from over 100 countries.

The word SIGNIS (always in upper case) is a combination of the words SIGN and IGNIS (Latin for fire). It is not an acronym.”


“The Holy See has officially recognized SIGNIS as an International Association of the Faithful, and has included the "World Catholic Association for Communication, also known as SIGNIS" in its Directory of International Associations of the Faithful, published by the Pontifical Council for the Laity.

“and offering advice on the release of films with particular Catholic interest or controversies (from The Da Vinci Code to Antichrist)''


please read the basics in the links

and please before you go

if you liked this little primer please BAKER NOTABLE this thread



>>this threads post #


baker notable

like this baker notable


and for the Diggers

Would it not be interesting to discover that someone like Alex Jones was on the SIGNIS Payroll?

Could this be more common than any of us imagine especially in the media and news industry?

Maybe even entire networks paid for by SIGNIS

You may have dug many things yet you have never seen any kind of information void like this one


I hate the thought of a foreign entity deciding anything for Americans and so should all Freedom loving Americans


at least now there is no denying the reality


