Anonymous ID: 9ecb10 April 8, 2019, 8:22 p.m. No.6104446   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Another anon seems to have posted a picture of "Pan" in the last bread. When I think of "Pan" I think of this man, Dr. Richard Pan. In the litany of shame regarding vaccines he is top contender for "Dr. Death". SB277 made it all but impossible to attend California schools without completely complying with the full CDC "slow death by injection" childhood vaccine schedule. He conspicuously ignores and talks down to parents plus he frequently lies about his agenda. Now Californians are facing SB276 which strips the authority for granting medical vaccine exemptions from doctors and bestows it on public heath authorities. For any anon still willing to look at fb here is a link to his page (It looks like someone has 'memed' it good).

Anonymous ID: 9ecb10 April 8, 2019, 8:42 p.m. No.6104610   🗄️.is 🔗kun

If you live in the Kansas City area, would you (politely) give this legislator a call and suggest he reconsider legislation that would deny parents the right to use a religious exemption to vaccine requirements. Many vaccines contain ingredients that are objectionable depending upon your faith. You should have the right to decline.

Anonymous ID: 9ecb10 April 8, 2019, 8:55 p.m. No.6104749   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4800 >>4814


I so agree with Trump about Ilhan Omar. I need to be careful because she makes me so angry and the best response to people like her is to take away her pulpit (vote her out/prosecute her if she's up to the crazy sh@4 it appears she is). It seems to me that as an immigrant (did she marry her brother or is that just rumor) whose made it as far as she seems to have, she should be interested in respecting her new country and not lecturing us. If the left wants us to rethink our allegiance to Israel they need to pick a different spokesperson! I have known many people of Jewish ancestry (not many who practiced Judiasm). They tend to be smart, savvy, good providers for their families and I have NEVER felt threatened by them. Take a look of the footage of Muslim "immigrants" having fun at Mall of America and decide who you'd like to have around. Mossad could be extremely wicked, but the US has the C_A. I hope people around the world don't judge me by the actions of the C_A. I don't judge Israel or Jews by the actions of Mossad. Go home Ilhan Omar!

Anonymous ID: 9ecb10 April 8, 2019, 9:22 p.m. No.6105005   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Funny how you jumped on "the jews" and didn't look at what is actually happening in places like Minnesota. I have lived around Jews most of my life and honestly admired most of them. You can provide "sauce" to say that Jews are not actually "jews" as described in the Bible and I might go along with that. The book of Revelation describes people who are called the "synagogue of Satan". Those are people I'd have a problem with, but most of the people around me called "Jews" don't seem to be that. I don't believe all "Jews" support Israel, anyway. I think some believed that if they were meant to have that territory, it would be given them supernaturally and not with arms. I have met a handful of Muslims whom I have respected, but Ilhan Omar repulses me for her visible disdain for a country that has shown her the best it has to offer.

Anonymous ID: 9ecb10 April 8, 2019, 9:29 p.m. No.6105077   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Please don't confuse "synagogue of Satan" with actual Jews, please. Genocide is the product of the devil. I love the story of Purim. If you remember Haman had plotted the destruction of the Jews (God's people) and ended up hoisted on the gallows he planned to use to kill Mordecai. As a Christian, I am part of God's people now, and don't feel inferior to anyone. I hope that the "gallows" the wicked planned for all people (Agenda 21) is turned on them. Do you suppose there are some FEMA camps intended for regular, God-fearing Americans that might house some deep state cabal members at some point? Modern day Purim might be a good thing.