Anonymous ID: a6a767 April 8, 2019, 8:24 p.m. No.6104464   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4550 >>4754 >>4954 >>5056

Hillary Contractor Described ‘Cover-up Operation Work Ticket’ in Newly Uncovered Email


A newly obtained internal message from the Denver-based Platte River Networks firm that serviced the personal email system used by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for official diplomatic business referenced a “Hillary cover up operation work ticket archive cleanup,” the non-profit government watchdog Judicial Watch said Monday. The email with the cover-up reference is contained in FBI notes on a February 2016 interview of an unidentified Platte River Networks official.


Judicial Watch obtained the notes as part of more than 400 previously unreleased FBI documents a federal district court ordered turned over to the non-profit as a result of its Freedom of Information Act suit.


In the Dec. 11, 2014, email, an unidentified Platte River Network official told another that “I’m kind of freaking about Gresham. Thoughts on what to do with [name redacted].” The official responded that “Its all part of the Hillary coverup operation. I’ll have to tell you about it at the party.” A smiling emoji was inserted by the responder between the two sentences. The “Gresham” reference appears to be to the Chicago-based Gresham Partners LLC. It’s not clear what if any connection there is between that firm, which describes itself as “an independent investment and wealth management firm that has been serving select families, family offices and endowments since 1997,” and the “Hillary coverup operation.”


In another of the newly released documents, an unidentified individual working with an Intelligence Community Inspector (ICIG) General inspector told a Department of State official in a June 27, 2015, email that “I have personally reviewed hundreds of documents in the HRC collection. I can now say, without reservation, that there are literally hundreds of classified emails in this collection; maybe more.” It is not known from the documents how many emails were contained in the reviewed collection in which the classified emails were found by the unidentified individual.


Clinton has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing with the private email system, which included a server located in a bathroom in the New York mansion she shares with former President Bill Clinton. She turned over to the State Department a year after leaving office an estimated 30,000 emails that her attorney David Kendall and members of her State Department staff claimed dealt with official business. She claimed another 32,000 emails were personal and were destroyed using a product known as BleachBit, with no independent prior government review. Former FBI Director James Comey recommended in a controversial nationally televised statement against prosecution of Clinton in July 2016, but that did not prevent crowds of supporters of then-Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump from chanting “Lock Her Up, Lock Her Up” during rallies before and after his election victory.


The Epoch Times reported Feb. 25, 2019, the Justice Department told Comey Clinton had to have intended to compromise classified documents. The law requires only a showing of “gross negligence.” Judicial Watch said in a news release Monday that the new documents it obtained include several that “show Platte River Networks’ use of BleachBit on the Clinton server. The BleachBit program was downloaded from a vendor called SourceForge at 11:42am on March 31, 2015, according to a computer event log, and over the next half hour, was used to delete the files on Hillary’s server.” If any of the destroyed emails concerned official U.S. diplomatic business or any other aspect of Clinton’s actions as secretary of state, each of them would represent a potential violation of federal laws and regulations concerning preservation of official documents.

Anonymous ID: a6a767 April 8, 2019, 8:40 p.m. No.6104594   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4691

Trump Signs Bill Promoting Bob Dole’s Rank to Colonel


President Donald Trump on April 8 signed into law a bill that authorizes the “honorary appointment” of former Republican Sen. Bob Dole from captain to the grade of colonel, according to the White House. The S. 252 bill passed the House of Representatives unanimously in March after it went through the Senate. The text of the legislation recognizes the time Dole spent in the Army.


Dole, who was born July 22, 1923, in Russell, Kansas, enrolled in the Army Enlisted Reserve Corps in 1942 when he was a student at the University of Kansas. He was later called to active duty the following year and served during World War II. Dole, now 95 years old, finished his military service with two Purple Hearts and two awards of the Bronze Star Medal with the “V” device for valor, as well as a number of other awards.


“It is certainly humbling to know that my friends in the Kansas delegation, Senators Roberts and Moran and Congressman Marshall, along with General Mark Milley, chose to give me an honorary promotion to the grade of colonel in the U.S. Army,” Dole said in a statement in March, at the time when Congress passed the legislation. “I was proud to wear our nation’s uniform 77 years ago when I enlisted, and my pride in America’s brave servicemen and women continues today.” During a deployment to Italy when he was in the Army as an infantry lieutenant in the 10th Mountain Division, Dole was seriously wounded in combat and was “twice cited for acts of heroism under fire.” Dole later served in the House of Representatives from 1961 to 1969 and served in the Senate from 1969 until 1996.


Trump praised Dole in 2018 as a “great American” during a presentation of the Congressional Gold Medal, according to Fox News. The medal is the highest civilian honor bestowed by Congress. The legislation has no effect on Dole’s pay or other military benefits. The bill was pushed by members of the Kansas House and Senate delegations. “Thank you for your service to America and Kansas @SenatorDole!” the Kansas GOP Twitter account stated on the day the bill was signed.


During his time serving in Congress, Dole sponsored and co-sponsored bills in Congress that would improve veterans benefits, improve accountability of missing members of the Armed Forces, and to establish the Persian Gulf War Veterans Health Registry, among others. On April 6, Dole and a number of current senators attended a veterans event in Washington.


“This weekend, Senators Elizabeth and Bob Dole (@SenatorDole), @SenJackReed, and @SenatorHassan had the pleasure of greeting veterans, including a special all-female Honor Flight from Rhode Island, at the WWII Memorial,” The Elizabeth Dole Foundation wrote on Twitter. “A beautiful day in DC in more ways than one!”

Anonymous ID: a6a767 April 8, 2019, 9:01 p.m. No.6104810   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4824 >>4856 >>4882 >>4954 >>5056

Bokhari: Amazon Is on a Digital Book Burning Spree


Under pressure from left-wing journalists and activists, Amazon is purging right-wing authors from its store, including a book co-authored by English Islam critic and independent commentator Tommy Robinson.


The web retail giant has become the dominant market player in book sales, accounting for nearly 50 percent of physical and 83 percent of e-book sales in the U.S. As such, Amazon has the power to effectively cut an author off from the vast majority of the books market. Amazon began its new round of purges by targeting the white nationalist fringe. In February, the tech giant banned a number of books from white identitarian Jared Taylor, and a book called The White Nationalist Manifesto by Greg Johnson. This followed bans on Holocaust revisionist books in 2017, and a purge of all books by controversial pickup blogger and author Daryush “Roosh” Valizadeh in 2018.


As with financial blacklisting, a censorship spree that starts by targeting extreme ideas quickly moves towards the censorship of more mainstream ones. In early March, the online retailer banned Muhammed’s Koran: Why Muslims Kill for Islam, a Chronological Koran and critique of the Islamic religion co-authored by British populist Tommy Robinson. The book is a chronological reordering of the Islamic Koran, followed by commentary by Robinson and his co-author, Peter McLoughlin. Amazon did not return Breitbart News’ request for an explanation of why the book was banned.


In 2010, Amazon refused to take down a book defending pedophilia on first amendment grounds. “Amazon believes it is censorship not sell certain books simply because we or others believe their message is objectionable,” an Amazon representative told CNBC at the time. “Amazon does not support or promote hatred or criminal acts, however, we do support the right of every individual to make their own purchasing decisions.” Public and media outcry was not enough to pressure Amazon into watering down its commitment to content-neutrality when it came to a pro-pedophile book. But it now takes only the slightest pressure for the tech giant to ban right-wing critiques of religion. And even before that, Amazon had watered down it’s commitment to “the right of every individual to make their own purchasing decisions.” In 2015, the site banned the sale of all merchandise depicting the Confederate flag.


Amazon doesn’t seem to have a problem with extremist of destructive books in general. Two of the most destructive books in history, Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf and The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels are available for purchase. So too are books by black nationalist Louis Farrakhan, notorious for his racist and anti-semitic comments — so it seems racial hatred isn’t subject to a blanket ban on Amazon either. Amazon has abandoned its previous commitment to carry all books no matter how controversial, and it’s unclear what consistent principle, if any, the company now follows.

Anonymous ID: a6a767 April 8, 2019, 9:05 p.m. No.6104843   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4855 >>5057

Kamala Harris: Restore Foreign Aid to Central America to Help Solve Border Issues


Appearing Monday on MSNBC’s All In with Chris Hayes, 2020 presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) proposed restoring U.S. foreign aid to Central American countries to help solve the immigration problems plaguing the U.S.-Mexico border.


Last month, the State Department announced it is cutting aid to El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras for failing to prevent migrants from traveling north.


CHRIS HAYES: When you talk about the aid, that is 100 percent true. We have reduced every year of the Trump administration to those three countries — El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala — the Northern Triangle. If you were president or right now let’s say or president in the future when something like this presented itself — because it does seem, the administration’s rhetoric aside, the numbers are going up and theirs’s a genuine capacity issue in terms of the current bureaucracy’s ability to deal humanely with families and young children. What should be done? What is the program you would like to see pursued here?


SEN. KAMALA HARRIS: Well, it’s a multi-pronged approach that’s required. It is both about reinstituting that aid so we can deal with the long-term effects of the crisis and hopefully mitigate or reduce them. And, which is the reason that people are fleeing these countries through aid. We can potentially reduce the reason that they have to flee. There is short-term what we need to do, which to is to have a robust approach to processing asylum claims, so that we give people a meaningful process by which they can tell their stories and describe the harm they’re fleeing.

Anonymous ID: a6a767 April 8, 2019, 9:16 p.m. No.6104938   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4954 >>4959 >>5047 >>5056

Donald Trump’s Enemies, Friends Praise Embattled USCIS Chief


Supporters and opponents of President Donald Trump are rushing to defend Trump’s deputy at the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, Lee Francis Cissna.


Sen. Chuck Grassley tweeted in support of Cissna, who is facing immediate firing as Trump cleans house at the Department of Homeland Security, according to a wide series of media reports. Commissioner McAleenan will do gr8 job @ DHS. Has gr8 support from 1 of smartest immigration policy minds I know: US Citizenship & Immigration Services Dir Cissna who worked w me for 2yrs on judic cmte & is doing an excellent job leading USCIS— ChuckGrassley (@ChuckGrassley) April 8, 2019


Trump has already fired Kirstjen Nielsen and replaced her with Kevin McAleenan, the commissioner of the Customs and Border Protection agency within DHS. Many media reports say Trump also plans to fire the DHS’s acting deputy leader Claire Grady, and DHS general counsel John Mitnick. Cissna is also on the chopping block, even though Trump’s critics say Cissna has done a very good job for Trump.


Cissna’s agency handles a vast amount of tasks — including curbing fraud by migrants, developing and implementing asylum reforms, overseeing the citizenship process, and tracking the visa worker programs, which keep a population of more than 1.5 million white-collar workers in U.S. jobs. “Cissna is the best thing that has happened to that agency since was created,” said Dan Stein, president of the Federation for American Immigration Reform. Under President Barack Obama, “it was taken over by people who thought it was their job to rubber-stamp [work] visa applications, to [always] ‘Get to Yes’ .., [but now] Cissna is applying the law,” said Stein.


Cissna is also backed by Mark Krikorian, the director of the Center for Immigration Studies, which favors Trump’s “Hire American” policy. Moreover, Krikorian’s argument in favor of Cissna is backed by an advocate for cheap labor immigration, Alex Nowrasteh at the Cato Institute, who bitterly opposes Trump’s pro-American immigration policies. Cissna’s implementation of Trump’s pro-American policies also got a backward endorsement from Aaron Reichlin-Melnick, a pro-migration advocate at the immigration lawyers’ advocacy group, the Immigration Council. “None of this makes any sense,” Reichlin-Melnick wrote. “Cissna has been an extremely effective advocate for the administration’s restrictionist priorities, and his agency has little to do with the current border issues. Why fire him?” Via Twitter, Krikorian argued that Cissna is vital for Trump’s”Hire American” policy, which has raised wages for Americans since 2017 — and promises to keep raising those wages before the 2020 elections. Firing Cissna “would not be ‘cleaning house’, it would be burning the house down. Cutting off your nose to spite your face. Throwing out the baby with the bathwater … There’s no one else who is committed to “Hire American” AND capable of implementing it,” he wrote. Cissna is a former immigration lawyer who has worked for DHS and on the Hill. Cissna knows what regulations need to be changed before Trump’s “Hire American” policy can be fully implemented, and he also knows how to change those rules, a Hill source added.