I have a strong suspicion that it's the religious/spiritual perversions & alterations that are going to rock most people to their core, FWIW. I have been here learning about all the satanic rituals, sacrifices, sick pedo stuff, child/human trafficking, you name it-and while it is profoundly disturbing it is not altogether that surprising. But if I learn that the truth about my religion has been mostly or completely manufactured by these sick fu**s…that would probably impact me the most. But I'm waiting on the great awakening here just like most everyone else here.
Well anything you or I could say about it would be pretty much speculation as this juncture-as it has been thus far. Just waiting semi-patiently to learn the answers…
I follow everything you are saying, anon. I would elaborate more but in the interest of not shitting up the bread I'll try to keep it brief; sounds a lot like a near-death-experience where you are able to leave your physical body, momentarily, and see your life from a completely different perspective than you've ever even been able to contemplate…and see your evil words/actions/etc..from a totally different plane…feel yourself be on the receiving end of your own selfish 7 cruel words and deeds…and THEN see yourself through the eyes of God and just how far you've fallen from grace. I see it as something like this-only without the "death" part of a NDE. Make sense?
…that "7" was a typo, btw…meant to be an "&".
But the type of experience you've described would definitely bring me (or any person with half a conscience) to their knees in humility…IMHO.
This anon leans on revenge by proxy a LOT….
You are probably correct, anon. It's just that this whole mass surveillance thing-watching & listening to everyone all the time, even in the 'privacy' of their own homes-deeply disturbs me. And I associate Palantir with mass surveillance…BUT I trust POTUS and Q-team…so I suppose it balances out.