TY Bakers!!!
The more I look at the twitter account, the more something seems off. It joined twitter last month, has insanely high numbers already, and the whole thing looks like a massive hit piece.
Pumping the breaks on this one. The links between the characters would make a lot of sense, though, when trying to make sense of Q posts about the site/source. It would make sense that CIA/MOS was running WL, and JA in US custody (not even in the Embassy).
Monitoring, but more for curiosity sake than anything else.
It makes sense both ways, hence the "monitoring". JA = black hat funded by Soros as an espionage outfit. JA got some damaging shit on Clinton, and they moved to kill him after Seth. Operatives take JA, but CIA ended up with WL. WL admins start dying off. CIA runs WL.
The Rupert/Soros/Snowden shit all makes sense, too. That was their backup MSM gameplan once others had to be taken out (JPB). Hence Qs posts regarding Snowden.
Anyway, JA in custody means DECLAS is just part of the Trump card. If Assange is being character assassinated here, then CIA/MOS getting ahead of his debut in front of Congress to make everyone leery of his testimony because in the end, it comes back to them anyway.
I dont think JA was CIA, btw. I would think more foreign; maybe even MOS.