Anonymous ID: c51805 April 8, 2019, 9:42 p.m. No.6105184   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5231 >>5386

Hillary Clinton: Nielsen Resignation Won’t End Trump’s ‘Dehumanization and Cruelty’ Toward Migrants


Failed 2016 Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said Monday that the departure of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen won’t end what she described as the Trump administration’s “dehumanization and cruelty” toward migrants that reach the U.S.-Mexico border.


“Let’s be clear: This administration’s dehumanization and cruelty toward migrants will not stop after Kirstjen Nielsen leaves office. It is their principal policy,” Clinton wrote in a social media post. Clinton’s remarks follow Nielsen’s Sunday evening resignation, which was first reported by CBS News and later confirmed by President Donald Trump. “Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen will be leaving her position, and I would like to thank her for her service,” the president said. “I am pleased to announce that Kevin McAleenan, the current U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner, will become Acting Secretary for @DHSgov. I have confidence that Kevin will do a great job!”


Nielsen’s departure as comes as U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) struggle with a surge in illegal immigration at the Southern border and the expansion of the Catch and Release policy, which allows migrants to enter the U.S. while they await a hearing in an immigration court.


Breitbart News’ John Binder reported: During Nielsen’s tenure as DHS secretary, illegal immigration has increased nearly every month over the last year and a half. Simultaneously, the Trump administration has yet to construct a border wall on new land at the southern border that did not previously have barriers built by the Bush and Obama administrations. Most recently, officials with the National ICE Council accused Nielsen of “grossly” mismanaging DHS and failing to acknowledge that the agency had been operating an expanded Catch and Release policy for border crossers and illegal aliens for months. Nielsen previously served in the Bush administration overseeing a crisis team following the destruction of New Orleans, Louisiana, by Hurricane Katrina in 2005.


During Nielsen’s tenure, the Trump administration introduced the “zero tolerance” immigration policy, which sought the prosecution of every alleged border crosser. An unintended consequence of the policy resulted in the separation of families at the border, which she repeatedly called on Congress to address. President Trump signed an executive order in June 2018 to halt the practice of separating migrant families apprehended at the border.


*Side Note: Posted above: It seems as though Krassenstein is replying back to Hillary as well…just a couple of days ago it was Obama..wonder who else they are trolling now, hmm

Anonymous ID: c51805 April 8, 2019, 9:53 p.m. No.6105269   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The only thing that comes to mind is a bot mechanism, I haven't looked in the last couple of days, however, I haven't seen much of a response to Potus tweets. Seem to have reversed sides so to speak.

Anonymous ID: c51805 April 8, 2019, 10:04 p.m. No.6105348   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5513

Documentary About Google’s Power Might Be Changing The Conversation About Big Tech


A documentary detailing the extent to which Facebook and Google profit by exploiting and manipulating nearly every facet of their users’ lives came out about six months ago, and some are claiming it is starting to change the conversation about big tech. The title of the documentary, “The Creepy Line,” got its name from an infamous 2010 speech by then-Google CEO Eric Schmidt, who said it was his company’s policy “to get right up to the creepy line and not cross it.”


The documentary has interviews with several high-profile public figures, including clinical psychologists Dr. Jordan Peterson and Dr. Robert Epstein, who explain how, in their estimation, these tech giants hold great power that threatens society. The Daily Caller interviewed the film’s director, M.A. Taylor, on how the general perception of Google and Facebook has changed since the movie’s debut.


“The film’s arguments have been considered. Really, probably the biggest show of force was with the [Google CEO] Sundar Pichai hearings, where research from the film was brought up many, many times on both sides of the aisle—whether the Democrats were denouncing it or the Republicans were promoting it,” Taylor stated. “So I think, you know, you don’t get a more direct response than having the CEO of Google asked specifically about things that we had in our film.” He went on to call Pichai’s testimony in front of the House Judiciary Committee last December “a large part of our goal” in making the film. Pichai was peppered with questions about political biases from Republican lawmakers like Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz. Committee members also asked him about leaked communications published by The Daily Caller News Foundation in November. The documents showed the tech giant’s employees debated burying conservative media outlets in Google’s search function as a response to President Donald Trump’s election. Many Democrats spent the hearing dismissing claims of anti-conservative bias.


“Before we delve into these questions, I must first dispense with a completely illegitimate issue, which is the fantasy dreamed up by some conservatives that Google and other online platforms have an anti-conservative bias,” Democratic New York Rep. Jerry Nadler, the ranking member of the committee, said during Pichai’s testimony. “As I have said repeatedly, no credible evidence supports this right-wing conspiracy theory. I have little doubt that my Republican colleagues will spend time presenting a laundry list of anecdotes and out-of-context statements made by Google employees as supposed evidence of anti-conservative bias. None of that will make it true.” Democratic Tennessee Rep. Steve Cohen also criticized Pichai and Google during the hearing, but for the “overuse” of conservative news outlets. He based his claim on the fact that when he Googled his name, articles from Breitbart and The Daily Caller came up.


Epstein’s research, which revealed that specific search results can sway opinions, was a major part of the film and many Republicans mentioned it in their questioning of Pichai. He cited a blow Facebook has taken to its reputation in recent years, after being asked whether or not the film could have played a role in the decline. He referenced an Axios-Harris poll from March that showed Facebook’s reputation dropped further than any other company, from 51st place last year to 94th. “‘The Creepy Line’ is more an outcome of that trend rather than a cause,” Epstein said, essentially diminishing the impact of the film.


More recently, in a battle to raise awareness regarding Google’s perceived influence, Republican Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley got into a heated back-and-forth during a judiciary hearing with Google senior privacy counsel Will DeVries. “Actually, it’s not complicated. What’s complicated is you don’t allow consumers to stop your tracking of them,” Hawley stated, after DeVries deflected on a question about Google’s data gathering. “You tell them that you do, you would anticipate that they do, a consumer would have a reasonable expectation based on what you’ve told them that they’re not being tracked but in fact you’re still tracking it. You’re still gathering the information and you’re still using it.”

Anonymous ID: c51805 April 8, 2019, 10:13 p.m. No.6105407   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israelis go to polls in referendum on Netanyahu's record reign


JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israelis began voting in an election on Tuesday that could hand conservative Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a record fifth term or see him dethroned by an ex-general who has pledged clean government and social cohesion. Polling stations opened at 7 a.m. (0400 GMT) across the country and close at 10 p.m. (1900 GMT). But the victor may not be decided immediately. No party has ever won an outright majority in the 120-seat parliament, meaning days or even weeks of coalition negotiations will lie ahead.


Dubbed “King Bibi,” Netanyahu has rallied a rightist camp hardened against the Palestinians and played up Israeli foreign policy boons that are the fruit of his ties with the Trump administration. But the 69-year-old Likud party leader’s hope of overtaking Israel’s founding father, David Ben-Gurion, as longest-serving premier in July has been dented by a looming graft indictment. He denies any wrongdoing. Critics warn of “Bibi fatigue” and argue that the parliamentary election should bring fresh faces to high office.


Stalking Netanyahu in the opinion polls has been Benny Gantz, a former chief of the armed forces and centrist political novice. Buttressed by two other former generals at the top of his Blue and White party, Gantz, 59, has sought to push back against Netanyahu’s self-styled image as unrivalled in national security. “This is a choice between a strong right-wing government under Netanyahu or a weak leftist government under Gantz,” Likud said in a statement. Gantz told Reuters in response: “Netanyahu is not the messiah, nor an irreplaceable legend. The people of Israel long for something else.”


With little policy daylight separating the two candidates on Iran and the Palestinians, or on Israel’s humming economy, much of the voting will by guided by the question of their character. In vitriolic campaigns waged largely over social media rather than in town squares or street corners, they have exchanged escalating allegations of corruption, of fostering bigotry and even of conspiring with Israel’s adversaries.


Netanyahu casts himself as the victim of media bias and judicial overreach. Gantz casts himself as a salve for Israel’s religiously and ethnically riven society and its relations with liberal Jews abroad. “This election is about one thing - whether or not Netanyahu should remain in office. It’s the only thing that really defines 12 out of the 13 parties which will be in the next Knesset,” said Anshel Pfeffer, author of the biography “Bibi: The Turbulent Life and Times of Benjamin Netanyahu”.


Israel’s president, Reuven Rivlin, will consult with the leaders of every party represented in the Knesset and choose whoever he believes has the best chance of forming a government. Although both Netanyahu and Gantz have publicly ruled out a future alliance in a “national unity” coalition, some analysts predict a rethink - especially if the candidates agree to tackle together a widely expected U.S. plan for Middle East peace. That plan’s sponsor, President Donald Trump, offered an unusually clement observation on the election, telling his Republican Jewish supporters on Saturday: “I think it’s going to be close … Two good people.”

Anonymous ID: c51805 April 8, 2019, 10:39 p.m. No.6105603   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I believe this is a shell company for the CGI..if you read how much money went into this thing..and no explanation of where it went. It also seems the principals didn't live extravagantly either..which is highly unusual for something with as much money into it. Then you have to ask yourself, how did WJC find out about them..and how many in the private sector were really aware of their existence.

Anonymous ID: c51805 April 8, 2019, 10:53 p.m. No.6105677   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5719 >>5793


Property Seizure Documents

Civil complaint to seize properties allegedly used by NXIVM for sex trafficking. (17pgs)

Anonymous ID: c51805 April 8, 2019, 11:11 p.m. No.6105746   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Devin Nunes sues McClatchy for alleged scheme to derail Clinton, Russia investigations


Rep. Devin Nunes has filed a $150 million lawsuit against the McClatchy Company for allegedly attempting to derail his investigations into former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and Russia. A complaint says McClatchy and one its reporters, MacKenzie Mays, “schemed to defame [Nunes] and destroy his reputation." The central purpose of this alleged scheme was to "interfere with [Nunes]’ Congressional investigation of corruption by the Clinton campaign and alleged ‘collusion’ between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 presidential election." The complaint highlights a story by the Fresno Bee, a California newspaper owned by McClatchy, titled: "A yacht, cocaine, prostitutes: Winery partly owned by Nunes sued after fundraiser event."


The way the article was written, the lawsuit said, gave the impression that Nunes was somehow involved in a 2015 party aboard a yacht where “25 of the Napa Valley-based [Alpha Omega Winery]'s top investors, all men — [who] were openly using what appeared to be cocaine and 'drawing straws' for which sex worker to hire.” The complaint points to the headline, which describes the event as a fundraiser instead of a charity event, despite McClatchy’s knowledge that Nunes had nothing to do with the event. "The McClatchy headline intentionally omitted the word 'charity' and labeled the event a 'fundraiser' in a clear effort to imply it was a political fundraising event that a politician like Congressman Nunes would naturally attend," the complaint says. "Indeed, the entire purpose of every element of the Yacht/Cocaine/Prostitutes article – the headline, the photo, the film clips, and the text itself – is to link Nunes to an event that McClatchy actually knew before publication he had no involvement with."


The complaint also alleges McClatchy coordinated in some way with Republican consultant Liz Mair, who is described as an opposition researcher. Mair was referred to in one McClatchy article as only a “political commentator” despite running Mair Strategies, an opposition research firm. "McClatchy failed to inform readers of Mair’s employment with Mair Strategies, an opposition research company that, in Mair’s own words, 'smears' targets for paying clients," the lawsuit alleges.


May, who was an investigative reporter for the Fresno Bee, is now a reporter for Politico covering education in California. Appearing on Fox News after he filed the lawsuit Monday, Nunes said some of McClatchy's reporters there were “the biggest perpetuators of the Russia hoax.” "I'm serious. I'm coming to clean up all of the mess,” Nunes told host Sean Hannity. “So, if you're out there and you lied and you defamed, we're going to come after you."


The McClatchy lawsuit is Nunes' second in as many months. He filed a lawsuit last month against Twitter, which also named Mair as a defendant, seeking $250 million in compensatory damages for allegedly "shadow-banning conservatives" to impact the 2018 midterm elections and being defamatory against him. “Remember, a few weeks ago I filed against Twitter, that they were censoring conservatives,” the California congressman said Monday.


In the March lawsuit, Nunes also listed the people behind the accounts “Devin Nunes’ Mom” and “Devin Nunes’ Cow” as defendants. The cow account went viral, ultimately getting more Twitter followers than Nunes. Nunes served as chairman of the House Intelligence Committee for four years before Democrats took control of the House this year. He is now ranking member of the panel.