blah blah blah
Meh, whichever one you are at the moment.
You all admitted to working together, as Freddy/Toots, on a livestream like fucking retards.
I think it was originally Travis's idea… but the point is…
you're all MAGA Glowalition.
I think Adam does a lot of the anti-semitic spam posting, since it nosedives whenever he's on the livestream.
Less of a drop when it's just Glen, but still very noticeable.
In case y'all mised it, there was gunfire reported at sudan protests.
Now, here's the fun part.
The MAGA Glowalition knows that Freddy is Donald Trump's Brother…
And they know that Toots is a reference to his dying of alcohol poisoning…
Yet they still… on livestream… support it.
At first, this might seem surprising… but then when you consider they share an address with Pelosi…
It all makes more sense.
Not only is the MAGA Glowalition anti-Q, they're anti-Trump as well.
But considering how the price if someone dares to #WalkAway is that they'll doxx, shame, and deny the earnesty of the person who left the Dems…
It's really not all that surprising… now is it?
Wew lad…
Lt. Lickme went hard on this one.