Anons, does it seem to any of you that the 'border crisis' is about 75% optics?
On any given week, we could be told there is another horde on the way. Or they turned back, or 100K of them got through. Or 10K of them got sent home. Or Mexico intercepted them. Or not. Who even knows whats really going on?
Starting to think this is just POTUS trolling and white hats feeding headlines somehow.
Any MexAnons here can confirm or deny?
My, aren't you the whiny little bitch clown. Just shit posting as fast as you can type aren't ya.
How does it feel to be so devoid of an opinion that you just cock swallow whatever your handlers shove in your face?
Great meme!
I like that word 'knowingly', kinda how I like 'actionable' hehe
China building DUMBS in Africa
“They (China) have been itching to set a permanent military presence in this country, to protect their vast economic interests here but Mugabe was resisting the overtures,” said the former cabinet minister. “Although the cover argument was around offering technical assistance and support to our armed forces, it later became clear that Mnangagwa had his own agreement and arrangements with China. This infuriated Mugabe, and it was also during the same period Mnangagwa had first traveled to China as vice president, holding high-level meetings which his boss had not fully been briefed on. The incident increased Mugabe’s political mistrust for Mnangagwa, whom he suspected was presenting himself to President Xi Jinping, as the best political actor to secure China’s investments in Zimbabwe after he steps down. The rest is history. Mnangagwa has since invited China back to mine diamonds in Marange, and their special force has received the greenlight from vice president Rtd General, Constatino Chiwenga, to find a station in the country. Now there is every reason to believe that Mugabe’s November 2017 ouster, could have been a result of China viewing his stay in power as a threat to their economic investments, especially after having stripped them of diamond mining rights.”
Yet they are full batteries. I wonder why that is…
Israel plants a flag on moon
8 chan has a collective meltdown
Hasn't landed yet, thats probably just a CG