Understood. Is it allowed for another agency or Q to have attributed the codename MOCKINGBIRD to Hillary?
See the very first posts by Q.
In #1, Q says HRC will be arrested 10-31-17.
In #2, first word at top is MOCKINGBIRD
Underneath that is, HRC
(btw no mention of MSM or clown propaganda in any of the first dozen or so posts)
Note: Arkansas State Bird is a Mockingbird.
Post ends with "Mockingbird 10.30.17"
#3 begins with, "HUMA" (who happens to be Hillary's aid)
(Beneath that is) "Operation Mockingbird."
Another fun fact: Remember a vid going around about Hillary that stated she tried to take on an Arky twang as the Governor's wife so the people would accept her? does the mockingbird mimick the songs of other birds?