Anonymous ID: 154cb0 April 9, 2019, 7:33 a.m. No.6107904   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8196 >>8302

Hillary Clinton: 'White nationalists certainly think MAGA is a white nationalist slogan'


Hillary Clinton said Tuesday that white nationalists around the world have adopted President Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan.


In a tweet, the former secretary of state wrote that racists have adopted the president's campaign slogan as their rallying cry, adapting it to right-wing causes around the world.


"The white nationalists certainly believe 'MAGA' is a white nationalist slogan," she wrote, linking to an article in HuffPost that described how the suspected shooter in last month's attack on two mosques in New Zealand had searched for pro-Trump content "extensively" on social media.


"Make America Great Again” has become more than a U.S. political slogan. For [Alexandre] Bissonette and other white nationalist, radical right and anti-immigrant extremists all over the world, it’s a symbol; a kind of political messaging that transcends the specifics of country and language," wrote HuffPost senior reporter Nick Robins-Early in the article.


Clinton's comments echo those of other left-leaning figures who have accused the president of stoking white nationalism with his rhetoric on immigration and other issues, including activist and actress Alyssa Milano, who has called the red "Make America Great Again" hats popularized by Trump during the 2016 election the 2019 equivalent of a Ku Klux Klansmen's hood.


Bissonette, who is charged with carrying out the March attacks on two Christchurch mosques that killed 49 people, wrote about his lukewarm support for the president in a 70-page manifesto that also expressed white supremacist sentiments and anger at Muslim immigration in the country.


“As a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose? Sure. As a policy maker and leader? Dear god no," Bissonette reportedly wrote of Trump.


The president, meanwhile, harshly condemned the New Zealand attack last month in his own social media posting.


"My warmest sympathy and best wishes goes out to the people of New Zealand after the horrible massacre in the Mosques," he wrote."49 innocent people have so senselessly died, with so many more seriously injured. The U.S. stands by New Zealand for anything we can do. God bless all!"


Clinton lost to Trump in the 2016 presidential election.


Again with the division push…

Anonymous ID: 154cb0 April 9, 2019, 7:34 a.m. No.6107917   🗄️.is 🔗kun

DOJ attorney: Agency is 'well along' in its redactions of Mueller report


A Department of Justice (DOJ) attorney said Tuesday that the agency is "well along" in its process of redacting portions of special counsel Robert Mueller's report.


Courtney Enlow said during a court hearing for a lawsuit seeking the release of the report that while she did not know the exact timeline, the department was "well into" the review, which includes redactions.


Attorney General William Barr told a House panel Tuesday that a version of the Mueller report would be made public "within a week."


The court hearing was in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed by the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) to obtain the report.


Judge Reggie Walton, who was appointed to the bench by former President George W. Bush, declined EPIC's request to issue a preliminary injunction requiring the Justice Department to quickly release the report, saying the advocacy group did not prove there would be irreparable harm if the agency failed to do so.


Walton said that he understood EPIC wants the information be released as soon as possible, and that the subject matter is extremely important for the nation.


He ordered the government to file its formal response to EPIC's request by April 25, and for both parties to appear before him again on May 2 with a status update on the exact documents requested and when they might be expected to be released.


EPIC said last week that the Justice Department had agreed to an expedited release of the report and its underlying documents. However, because the lawsuit was filed under FOIA, it will be subject to exemptions under the law.


Congress is also immersed in a battle over obtaining Mueller's full report. The House Judiciary Committee last week authorized a subpoena for DOJ to hand over the report in its entirety.


Barr missed an April 2 deadline set by the Democratic chairmen of several House committees to release the full report. He has said DOJ is working to redact certain kinds of information from the document, including any details pertaining to national security or ongoing investigations.


Barr said in his summary letter sent to Congress last month that Mueller determined the Trump campaign and Moscow did not collude to influence the 2016 presidential election.


He said Mueller did not make a determination on whether Trump had obstructed justice. In reviewing the evidence, Barr said that he and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein had decided against bringing forward such a charge.



Anonymous ID: 154cb0 April 9, 2019, 7:36 a.m. No.6107939   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8196 >>8302

SEAL skipper defends restrictions on special warfare chief freed by Trump


A tweeting President Donald J. Trump might’ve ordered Chief Special Warfare Operator Edward “Eddie” Gallagher freed from the brig while the SEAL awaits a trial on war crimes charges, but his commodore has imposed stiff restrictions on his release.


In a Monday letter sent to Phillip Stackhouse, one of Gallagher’s civilian attorneys, Naval Special Warfare Group 1 commodore Capt. Matthew D. Rosenbloom outlined and defended the measures he’s ordered Gallagher to follow.


Gallagher, 39, is authorized to possess only an iPod Nano or iPod Shuffle to listen to music. The SEAL is forbidden to use any device that connects to the internet or has Bluetooth capability, Rosenbloom wrote.


Gallagher will be provided telephone privileges to call his immediate family and his attorneys and they’re also allowed to visit him at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, but any requests for better food or accommodations off of the San Diego military base are denied.


“The command has and will continue to ensure SOC Gallagher receives three meals a day,” Rosenbloom continued. “The order is a restriction order, not an entitlement order.”


Defense attorney Stackhouse told Navy Times that those orders appear to be unlawful.


“The president ordered Chief Gallagher released from pretrial confinement,” said Stackhouse. “How does a subordinate commander get the right to issue orders that appear to alter what his commander in chief wanted?”


To Gallagher’s legal team, the president appears to have communicated different wishes by telephone to the Secretary of the Navy and Rosenbloom has no delegated authority within his chain of command to alter them.


Gallagher’s attorneys believe the chief could be released to his family in Florida pending his upcoming court-martial trial, but Rosenbloom balked at that.


In his letter, however, the captain indicated that he will consider other requests from Gallagher “as circumstances dictate.”

Anonymous ID: 154cb0 April 9, 2019, 7:41 a.m. No.6107981   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8035 >>8196 >>8302

Video Captures MiG-21 Air Strike On Tripoli By Renegade Libyan General


Amid widespread condemnation from supporters of the UN-backed and recognized Government of National Accord (GNA) entrenched in Tripoli, LNA spokesman Ahmed Mismari insisted that the attack wasn’t aimed at civilian planes in a statement.


In the video footage an LNA warplane launches what appears a pair of unguided air-to-ground missiles towards the target — it's unknown if there were any casualties from the airstrike, though over a dozen have died since the assault on Tripoli began from Benghazi-based Gen. Haftar's forces, which includes multiple civilians.


The UN said 3,400 people have been displaced since the outbreak of major violence near Tripoli last Thursday, with Libya's Ministry of Health citing 21 deaths and 27 injured, according to CNN.


One political commentator and historian, Gerald Horne, placed the latest rapidly unfolding events within the context of the prior NATO intervention: “You may well expect a bloodbath to unfold in Tripoli. Which is quite tragic and unfortunate, but I’d say it’s the inevitable outcome of the ill-advised attack by NATO, led by the US, that resulted in the 2011 overthrow of Gaddafi,” he told Russia's RT.


Libya’s beleaguered Prime Minister Fayez al-Serraj, leader of the GNA, has been told by his western supporters not to leave Tripoli. Though the UN and France have this week made shows of support the GNA's Sarraj, whom Haftar is seeking to unseat, France is widely seen as quietly supporting Haftar, who could be the war torn country's next potential strongman backed by the Gulf states and some European countries (similar to the rapid rise of Egypt's Sisi).


France has been under pressure since Haftar's assault on Tripoli to not merely issue statements condemning "all sides". Meanwhile the GNA and its backers have called Haftar's use of air power a "war crime". The United Nations called it "a serious violation of international humanitarian law".


French President Emmanuel Macron's office has lately said it wanted Sarraj to remain a "key player" in continuing efforts to negotiate peace between the GNA and Haftar's forces, saying "France would like Sarraj's government to remain a key player and to try and conclude the peace process negotiated in Abu Dhabi," according to CNN.


Last week's assault by LNA forces focused on securing Tripoli's international airport, 15 miles south of the city center, but which has been out of operation for years. It was briefly taken over by Haftar's forces, but the GNA currently claims to be in control.


"Haftar forces attacked Tripoli four days ago, mainly from the south and got as far as controlling Tripoli international airport," the GNA told CNN Monday. "As of yesterday and today, Monday, Haftar forces have been pushed back and Tripoli secured."


On Sunday Secretary of State Michael Pompeo had urged in a statement, “We have made clear that we oppose the military offensive by Khalifa Haftar’s forces and urge the immediate halt to these military operations against the Libyan capital.”


Additionally Pompeo stated, "There is no military solution to the Libya conflict" — an absurd and ironic line for a top US official, given it was the US-NATO led 2011 war on Libya's Gaddafi that plunged the country into years of internecine civil war and violence in the first place.


So… they call Pompeo a warmonger in some articles but this one they call him an absurd hippy because he doesn't see a 'military' solution…. wtf.


Not sure how to link videos yet sorry.

Anonymous ID: 154cb0 April 9, 2019, 7:43 a.m. No.6108004   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8016 >>8060 >>8102

Japan Grounds F-35 Fleet After Jet Disappears From Radar Over Pacific


Step aside Boeing, it's Lockheed Martin's turn to bask in the spotlight for at least a few hours.


Earlier today, a Japanese F-35 stealth fighter jet with one pilot on board unexpectedly disappeared from radar while on a training mission over the Pacific on Tuesday night, Kyodo reported citing the defense ministry. The fighter jet went missing at around 7:27 p.m. (1027 GMT) as it was flying 135 km (84 miles) east of Misawa in northeastern Japan, a ministry spokeswoman said.


It was not immediately clear if it had crashed, the spokesperson said, adding: “We are still trying to search for the aircraft.”


The fate of the pilot was also not immediately clear.


According to Japan's NHK, the plane lost contact about 30 minutes after taking off from Misawa Air Base, and added that the Self-Defence Forces and coastguard dispatched vessels to carry out rescue operations, NHK added.


What is embarrassing, is that according to the Defense Report, Japan’s first F-35A fighter squadron based at Misawa became operational on March 29.


As a result of the unexplained, and first ever, disappearance of the stealth fighter, Kyodo also reports that Japan will ground its entire fleet of F-35s until there is more clarity on what happened today.


Seems like the F-35 did what it was supposed to do but with a possible rogue pilot?? Umm… something smells fishy.

Anonymous ID: 154cb0 April 9, 2019, 7:52 a.m. No.6108072   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8196 >>8302

Emmy-winning ABC News producer Alexa Valiente passes away at 27


An ABC News producer who helped her team win an Emmy for coverage of the October 2018 Las Vegas massacre died suddenly at age 27.


Alexa Valiente was a producer on web and broadcast projects, the network said in a story Monday announcing her death.


A cause of death was not given, but ABC News mentioned she had been “facing health issues for several months.” She died on Friday.


Shocked friends and colleagues on Monday remembered Valiente as enthusiastic, hard-working and passionate about everything from hip-hop to travel.


Friends and colleagues will remember her “bright personality and infectious love of life,” ABC News said.


“Always a friendly face in the halls, she had an upbeat spirit, a curious and brilliant mind and a real passion to see the world,” said James Goldston, president of ABC News, in the network’s tribute. “She will be deeply missed.”


Valiente started at ABC as an intern and was promoted to producer in 2017. She was part of an ABC News team that won an Emmy for a 2018 piece on the Las Vegas shooting, “Las Vegas: Heartbreak and Heroes,” which ran on 20/20.


She had a degree in diplomacy and international relations from Seton Hall University. She was profiled in a university publication in January.


“Emmy-winning ABC News storyteller. Prone to dance battles,” read Valiente’s Twitter profile, under the handle @AlexaCaliente.


Valiente, who lived in New York, is survived by a sister, a brother, and her parents, ABC News said.


Determined to visit a new city each month, Valiente chronicled her journey on Instagram under the moniker @twentysomethingchic, supplemented by the hash tag #jetsetalexa, as was noted by her colleague Peter Travers, host of ABC’s celebrity interview show Popcorn.


“All of us at Popcorn and @ABC News are shattered by the death of our darling Alexa Valiente, who brought her talent, smarts and sense of fun to everything she touched,” he wrote on Facebook. “That she is gone at 27 is just cosmically wrong.”


He called her a woman who “came at life with a humanity that made room for all of us who were lucky enough to fly in her orbit.”


Trigger words throughout this article give a weird impression.