Anonymous ID: 2f0178 April 9, 2019, 10:23 a.m. No.6109572   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9810

Gentlemen, Anons of all ages!

It’s time for an amateur performance of the soon-to-be-timeless classic “Who Wants to Know the Truth behind the Resignation of 8bit?”

You are going to LOVE this show, as I suspect you’ve never seen or heard of it before!

In this performance, we stop sucking 8bit’s dick for a second and ask questions like:

>What the fuck?

>How did this happen?

>Who are the new BV’s, and why are there now four of them?

>No, seriously, what actually happened to bring this about?

And more shit you won’t want to hear but need to know anyway! This show is intended to entertain AND inform in a way that the BV’s would never tell you themselves because of how much they ripped off from the deep state’s playbook of skullduggery, betrayal, and scheming for power!

Shit, it’s a goddamn Shakespearean masterpiece!

The best part?

8bit can verify it all!

Will he ever? Who knows?!

Get ready, Anons!

We’re going from 20/80 to a God-blessed 100%!!

Anonymous ID: 2f0178 April 9, 2019, 10:23 a.m. No.6109576   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Let’s meet our cast, starting with the BV’s!

The first one that most of you know about is Breadbox, or BB.

This hapless jackass would be the most competent out of the lot, were it not for extensive self-promotion across other platforms.

His twitter handle has been developing a fairly significant following and hasn’t been banned as far as I know. Interdasting.

Regardless of that, he acts as the primary representative of /qresearch/ on a Discord server where plenty of other Q-related communitiy leaders get together.

Rumor has it there’s also a podcast he produces, or at least frequents.

I haven’t listened to it, and it’s likely not worth listening to in the first place, but that’s not the point.

Don’t expect a lot of meaningful board management from this guy, especially when there’s so much famefagging to do!

If anyone was going to fag out and power trip on public exposure and his control of the boards, best believe this dude’s in prime position.

We’re talking knees hitting the floor shouting “feed me Daddy Pamphlet” faster than you can whip your dick out and make his dreams cum true.

Try saying “Paytriot Patreon” ten times fast as we move on…

Anonymous ID: 2f0178 April 9, 2019, 10:24 a.m. No.6109580   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The second BV on our list, the other one you know about, is PenisShitlord, PeniShitlord, or just Pen.

This megalomaniacal NEET does most of the banning, spam deletion, pre-emptive gore pic prevention and other dubious but now comfortable practices Anons have come to accept out of hand and still call the place “free speech”.

See, he’s always been a power-hungry control freak, which most Anons who have ever put up with his shit before can attest to.

He can’t be entirely faulted for that, this movement is a big undertaking, and when you’re dodging Antifa, 3-letter agency cronies, and really the entire deep state, it can be easy to lose your marbles entirely.

What he can be faulted for is routinely and consistently harassing 8bit for control of the board.

All of it.

Pen wanted 8bit to hand him the keys, point-blank, on the regular.

God bless 8bit for putting up with it for as long as he did, but I guess he finally cucked out (but there’s more! More details to come!)

Now that Pen is in shared control with the rest of the shady cocksuckers, he doesn’t have to pester 8bit anymore, and isn’t it nice that 8bit finally gets some peace and quiet?

Say a prayer for 8bit’s sanity as we move on…

Anonymous ID: 2f0178 April 9, 2019, 10:24 a.m. No.6109583   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Now we get into the new BV’s! Oh joy!

For context, these people were appointed about one month before this whole thing went down - no announcement, no nothing, just poof! out of nowhere, more people in control.

I respect 8bit’s judgment as much as anyone (sort of, now, anyway), but I suppose Anons didn’t know that a month ago. Neither did I. Surprises are fun!


Anyway, yeah, the third BV. I don’t know as much about this one, so I may be wrong on plenty here. Big caveats all around here.

He does factor heavily into the story at hand, regardless of the assessment below (again, more details coming soon, so please be patient)!

The third BV in control is someone we’re just gonna call Ronnie and not “Ron” out of respect for /CM/, the only “Ron” worth a damn, God bless him.

Newer Anons are probably wondering who the fuck Ronnie is.

Anons around for the reddit /greatawakening/ diaspora will know him as the top moderator of that subreddit.

Other Anons that pay attention to the efforts on voat will know that he’s also the top mod on /qrv/, or at least the most functional one… as functional as you can be on such a comped shit site.

What’s really screwed up is that despite Pen’s paranoia over redditards in general and voat being taken over by chinks, he’s comfortable with a mod from various dead and dying comp’d wannabe branches of the movement jumping on board as co-Board Owner.

Don’t worry, there’s good reason for that shit too. Turns out useful idiocy is remarkably valuable. Someone’s been reading the C_A/MOS handbook!

Contemplate the sticky pages of Pen’s particular copy of that handbook as we move on…

Anonymous ID: 2f0178 April 9, 2019, 10:25 a.m. No.6109584   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Finally, the fourth BV.

None other than our very own ClamBaker!!

Hooray! A Baker made BV status! Cheers all around!

And yes, you read right, Anons!

The femme-fagging bag lady we all know and love to roll our eyes at has a nice squishy seat at the table!

For those not in the know, ClamBaker, or CB, is the one notorious for various “computer problems” impacting the posting of breads.

When she and/or her computer aren’t shitting themselves, she’s arguing with spammers and shills, flinging shit instead of getting her shit together and properly doing the job she volunteered for.

Never mind “Tits or GTFO”, or the fact that the first two BV’s have gotten on her case for the above faggotry in the kitchen.

Apparently that can all be brushed aside for God-knows-whatever scheiße-porn levels of degeneracy needed to happen to get one of the most incompetent and braindead lunatic cunts ever to disgrace the kitchen into a BV position.

More irony from Pen on this one, as he openly despises Bakers and doesn’t trust them getting too close to 8bit for fear of infiltration (someone was a bit possessive of his pole position, it seems. I suspect a body pillow is involved, God help us all).

Granted, 8bit’s the one who put her into the BV spot. ClamBaker must’ve flashed him the saggy goods and fucking blinded the guy.

Try not to imagine spinster boomer titties as we move on…

Anonymous ID: 2f0178 April 9, 2019, 10:25 a.m. No.6109592   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So, the stage is mostly set!

We have quite a few of the dramatis personae established, specifically BB, Pen, Ronnie, and CB.

Just a few more to cover.

Now, we all know and love 8bit. I do respect him, I honestly do.

Part of telling this story will include talking some shit about him. I’m not going to be mean about it, at least not too much, but I hope he understands the rationale behind this whole thing.

As for the rest, meh, fuck ‘em. The one’s probably dead now anyway, so what will he care?

Other players in this game include plenty of the namefaggot Bakers you’ve come to know and love!

AstroBaker (AB), DayBaker (DB), FullMoonBaker (FMB; more tits or gtfo), Peace&LoveBaker (P&L; same deal, what the fuck, ladies, you should know better by now), and a couple of other hapless friends of 8bit who shouldn’t have gotten involved.


Why these people, you ask?

Well, it has to do with the construction of a Discord server we’re going to call the Bunker, the stage where all this drama unfolds.

You see, the Bunker was established by 8bit as part of an outreach effort for Bakers and other more isolated friendlies who wanted to get together and establish communication with other contributors to the movement.

8bit and the two primary BV’s, BB and Pen, already had their own connections on Discord on various servers (an important detail to keep in mind later!).

So this wasn’t a major development for them, but most of the above cast members in our little story were invited one way or another, whether by past connection on Discord or by email if they’d ever reached out to 8bit prior.

As a matter of fact, efforts were made to invite other Bakers into this particular fold, and they refused. Smart!

The exception to the above was Pen, but not because Pen is smart. He is, but so are a lot of maniacal powertrippers.

Remember that bit above about Pen constantly harassing 8bit for BO privileges?

8bit and BB made that fact abundantly clear to everyone on this new Bunker server.

As such, the dickhead was never invited. The goal was to make things comfy, and with enough Asperger’s stink in the room already, combined with ClamBaker’s “problem”, there was no need to invite the reigning king of tard tantrums to fling more shit at the walls.

Imagine how this goes wrong (and give yourself a cookie if you find the solution over the board!) as we move on…

Anonymous ID: 2f0178 April 9, 2019, 10:26 a.m. No.6109596   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Now, for about a month or so, things in the Bunker were comfortable.

During that time it seemed like having people close to the center of the movement coming together was a good thing.

People were happy, but joy in this life seldom lasts.

Here’s where things get sketchy and tricky to explain, but I’ll do what I can.

You see, another general idea behind the Bunker (or any secretive place where paranoid nerds gather) is that what is discussed there stays there.

This ranges from someone else’s personal info or screencaps of conversations or really any other kind of information that isn’t meant to leave the place without a courteous ask and explicit permission. Anyone sharing such information with another person or server outside the Bunker would be a supreme asshole, and given the fact that most of the people there are already somewhat paranoid of sharing personal info because of the nature of what they were doing contributing to the effort, this would be a major breach of trust and privacy and security.

This is particularly true for people getting to know each other and learn more about the other kinds of people that give a shit about fighting global corruption at a grassroots level. Any leak of info and the place is comp’d.

Imagine the Bunker as a kind of SCIF for loser wannabes.

If a HRC or a Schiff or any other leaking shitbag-type character ever shared secret info from a SCIF, all hell would break loose.

Sound familiar?

The same thing happened with the Bunker.

Or at least it should have, but that’s not how things shook down.

Again, sound familiar?

Marvel at the “coincidences” as we move on…

Anonymous ID: 2f0178 April 9, 2019, 10:26 a.m. No.6109599   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9689

Remember how I stated above that the number of BV’s had been bumped to four about a month prior to all of this?

Turns out Ronnie and CB were induced into the BV role right around the time the Bunker was established, if not a bit after.

I’m actually uncertain of the exact timing of what happened when, but that doesn’t matter.

The point is that Ronnie and ClamBaker were right where they wanted to be.

The weekend of March 30-31st, and really that entire week afterwards, is when disaster struck.


One of the conversations in the bunker turned toward learning to code, or at least code better in different programming languages.

It was brought up that Pen was probably the best at it because of to the effort he puts in with board maintenance.

FullMoonBaker (FMB) asked whether Pen had a job.

Now, anyone with a brain and a knack for context clues in written language would assess that she (goddamn, tits or GTFO…) was wondering whether Pen could provide pointers or insight with respect to better coding or, at best, whether he would take time out of his day from autistic screeching to teach coding to interested parties.

Someone without a brain, or someone remarkably paranoid, or someone with something to gain, or perhaps all of the above, would assess that she was trying to doxx Pen.

That certain someone is our own Ronnie, recently appointed BV with plenty of reason to want to feel good about his karma-loving self by ratting out a “shill” by taking a statement entirely out of context.

You can take the idiot out of reddit, but you can’t take the reddit out of the idiot.

Ronnie, the dipshit, took a screenshot of FMB’s statement in the Bunker and shared it on a server common to at least Pen, FMB, and Ronnie. Let’s call it the Shithole.

I’ll repeat: Ronnie screencapped communications on a presumed private server, where personal information was discussed, and shared it elsewhere, literally anywhere else.

The Bunker, as of that moment, was comp’d.

Consider the magnitude of this dick move and violation of privacy and trust as we move on…

Anonymous ID: 2f0178 April 9, 2019, 10:27 a.m. No.6109608   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Even beyond what happens next, there’s no way for anyone not part of the Shithole, or any other server, to know what’s being screencapped in the Bunker, or what’s being shared, or by whom.

On top of that, there’s no way to know who is receiving that information.

It seems that everybody knew the risks of such a venture, but everybody also knew that because 8bit trusted everyone, no one would be stupid enough to do such a thing.

Lo and behold.

The security factor was dead, right then and there.

This alone should have been the center of discussion and moving ahead, but it was not.


Now, if you considered this magnitude of this, thinking

>Eh, it was a harmless comment that he shared, what could go wrong?

Let’s reintroduce you to our paranoid psychopath Pen.

See, Ronnie was feeling pretty high and mighty sharing his screencap of FMB’s comment, thinking he’d outed a “shill” by taking a statement out of context.

Turns out that shit gets Pen hard as well.

After popping some gummy vitamins and letting the fluoride-induced thousand yard stare set in, Pen laid into FMB, basically accusing her of high shilling for the statement about him having a job or not (let’s be real, there’s no way he does lol).

Like most good subordinate bootlickers and morons fearing the e-peen, many of the others in the Shithole started to agree with Pen.

Never mind the lack of context or critical thinking, nor the bitter irony of that behavior coming from people who claim dominion over the last bastion of critical thinking on the internet.

No, it just turned into mindless shitflinging over something taken out of context.

Review your definition of the term “wrap-up smear” as we move on…

Anonymous ID: 2f0178 April 9, 2019, 10:27 a.m. No.6109612   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This cancerous faggotry then spilled into the Bunker, whereby BB got in on the action and started laying into FMB as well, specifically regarding her own personal information and interests that had nothing to do with the topic at hand.

Nothing like a good deflection and a few low blows to prove one’s argumentative superiority, after all.

Just ask a democrat!

Eventually ClamBaker turned on her sex as well (no girls on the internet, just dumb cunts), opining on how Pen’s paranoia and therefore his attacks against FMB were completely justified, implying that defending herself against the accusations were pointless and that defending herself at all was evidence of her being a shill.

You know, like what Kavanaugh did.


More faggot drama ensued, including a rapid departure/return/departure by FMB (what is this, high school?), but essentially whatever comfortability and security was in the Bunker was now completely lost, owing to both the privacy violation by Ronnie the dickweed and the shameful bitch-fest that ensued afterward.

Keep in mind that everyone invited to this place received that invite at the request of 8bit.

Again, these were all people he trusted implicitly and explicitly. To this day, he still does trust them, including FMB, the alleged “shill”, whether the knuckledragging BV’s would share that trust or not.

This understanding and mutual trust apparently goes out the window when a brainless noob of a BV thinks he’s doing the right thing by breaking everyone’s trust by sharing private conversations with a notoriously uncharismatic sperg, one who would take the song “Happy Birthday” to be a death threat, and having the rest of the board leadership pile on to his hasty and misinformed assumption like pack animals instead of foregoing their emotions and using what’s left of their brains to think and talk shit through.


Others spoke for FMB’s defense, but to no avail. She wasn’t defending herself all that well because feels and vagina, and everyone else was either out to lunch or spoke up too late.

She’d booked it after that last departure.

The saddest part?

8bit had nothing to do with it and in his own words, after it all shook down, “FMB was betrayed and ambushed by people she trusted.”

Yeah, no shit.

Think about why that’s the saddest part as we move on…

Anonymous ID: 2f0178 April 9, 2019, 10:28 a.m. No.6109615   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9633

More of the sad truth, because I promised 100%, at least of what I knew.

After everything shook down, 8bit was indeed devastated, for whatever that was worth at the time.

After a day or so, without saying much of anything, 8bit shut the Bunker down around 0000 PST.

Beyond that, the timeline is a bit fuzzy and unknown from this perspective, at least up until the announcement of 8bit’s departure.

8bit had blocked most of the people from the Bunker on Discord, not allowing DM’s of much contact from anyone (other than the BV’s, presumably).

A day or so had passed before regaining contact with almost everyone.

He’d left his post as BO the day prior to the 0000 PST announcement made by BB (under the BO tripcode).

I do respect 8bit’s honest work as a leader, but I do not respect his decision regarding the transition of power to evil bastards, particularly with the circumstances surrounding it.

8bit values his friends, and it is more than fair to say that he considers BB and Pen to be his friends.

But the persistent browbeating to give up his leadership by Pen, punctuated by the most hideous display of disloyalty by those people to whom he deferred his leadership, even after they demonstrated that disloyalty, which will in all likelihood be imposed on the Patriots of the movement…

8bit, I love you, but you’re no Trump.

There came a point where you needed to say “You’re fired,” and you didn’t.

With whatever trust can be mustered regarding your integrity, I trust that you have enough left to where you can verify this story.

I wish you the best.


Consider your respects as we move on…

Anonymous ID: 2f0178 April 9, 2019, 10:28 a.m. No.6109623   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9695

Those last bits might’ve sounded like a tragedy, but as we all know, tragedy + time = COMEDY!!

I don’t know about you but I’m laughing my fucking ass off!

It’s hilarious that a group of people so dedicated to rooting out global corruption uses the same underhanded tactics used by the global corrupt!

It’s funny as fuck that the people fighting for “justice” are willing to smear an innocent for a crime they didn’t commit in a setting where justice is impossible!

It’s an absolute riot that, for all the high praise and respect and well-wishing everyone had for 8bit upon the announcement of his departure, that he did absolutely nothing to even admonish those corrupt assholes, let alone remove them from their position of power!

After all, isn’t it amusing that 8bit handed the keys to untrustworthy people not even a week after they blatantly demonstrated their inability to be trusted?

Don’t you just laugh thinking about how you, too, could be the victim of the next witch hunt over some pointless comment that sends Pen into a triggernigger rampage? Or that Ronnie or CB will use their newfound jealous power to cement their status close to the center, at the expense of the privacy and trust of others? Or that BB will encourage because it must be really fucking nice to have the BO tripcode right now, with nothing anyone can feasibly do about it, so fuck whichever Anon gets shafted because of four power tripping ego faggots that can’t be expected to manage a goldfish?


Isn’t it hysterical that the BV’s would’ve never told you any of this?

Isn’t it amazing that 8bit wouldn’t have told you either?

Isn’t it funny that Anons would’ve just been kept in the dark?

Isn’t it just goddamn great that four wolves in sheep’s clothing, corrupt witch-hunting assholes, took a page out of the DNC handbook just to take control of the board and let you idiots shovel shit to your hearts’ content?


Think about what happens next as we move on…

Anonymous ID: 2f0178 April 9, 2019, 10:29 a.m. No.6109630   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How many of you have seen or read King Lear?

Anyone else familiar with a story of sycophantic scheming assholes close to a leader, vying to obtain his power at all costs, even at the behest of the faithful?

Go read it, if you haven’t.

As much as I would’ve loved to rip that play off and entertain you with a bullshit slide, I’m not that cruel.

Everyone’s so excited to rip the band-aid off, but they don’t know what to do when it happens, or when it needs to be pulled.

I’m ashamed of myself for having waiting this long, or not saying anything more when I could have, or when it might’ve made more of a difference to change the outcome.

But here we are.

Anons are under the boots of power-craving “volunteers” who, after over a year of “dedication” to the movement, would rather boost their own egos across the internet, or jealously lord their power over others, or use that power for their own self-indulgence, or pretend that their duplicitous and deceitful actions are good and just.

That sounds really fucking familiar.

Whatever respect might have once been given (never owed) to the BV’s is now dead, as they showed their true colors as the same corrupted monsters this movement has been opposed to since the beginning.


>But what about the other famefags in the Bunker, Mr. Man?

Who knows? I don’t, so I can only speculate.

AstroBaker is still around, and presumably also in the Shithole. Maybe he’s vying for a fifth spot in the ninth circle.

DayBaker deleted his pastebin and his Discord. If you saw the last three breads he baked, then you might suspect he was pissed off. Goddamn Rorschach wannabe. I don’t know where he is, he hasn’t posted in a while, so he’s either incredibly quiet or dead, which is just extra quiet lol.

FMB still has some presence, but the folks in the Shithole continue to stroke each other’s cocks (and ClamBaker through the Depends) over their presumed “victory”. It’s like watching blind dogs gnaw on rawhide, there was never any meat there, and it’s still not a real bone, but they can’t see to know any better and they still crave it because of the instinct, it’s really perverse.

Peace&Love still seems to post every now and again, but was never really a part of this bullshit to begin with, so whatever.

As for the others, they weren’t really part of it either, so it doesn’t matter.

The play’s over, so get ready for discussion questions as we move on…

Anonymous ID: 2f0178 April 9, 2019, 10:29 a.m. No.6109636   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9667 >>9677 >>9678 >>9717 >>9835 >>9982

And… that’s it!

Finally, (A)nticipated Questions!

>Who are you?

One out of many.


Deal with it, faggot.

>You’re lying/a shill/a faggot/a Jew/a clown/etc.

Nope. None of the above, thanks for playing, enjoy denial.

>8bit won’t ever verify this, you moron.

Nope, probably not. That just makes it all the more sad, really.

>Even if I believe you, how do you know all this?

I’m a good investigator.

>Why would you bother posting this in the first place? It doesn’t change anything.

No, it really doesn’t, at least not without support or action.

I don’t expect the BV’s to own up to this in any respect, and without 8bit showing up to verify the story, the truth will be dismissed.

Then again, the conscience is a powerful thing, and I believe 8bit has one, even if the BV’s don’t.

In the worst case scenario, Patriots point and Q follows. Evil leaders have been in power before, change happens, stronger good leaders step forward, and so it goes.

>So you’re doing this to usurp the board leadership?

Sort of. I don’t want any leadership position for myself, but I would be remiss standing by and letting the corrupt rule.

After all, that’s why we’re here, isn’t it?

>Why not say anything sooner, before 8bit gave up control?

Because the story wasn’t finished yet.

>Do you believe this is the right thing to do, or the right way to do it?

Yes and yes.

Knowledge is power, and power belongs to the people, therefore, knowledge belongs to the people.

>Are traps gay?


> <insert_dumbass_question/insult/statement_here>


> <insert_BV_question/insult/statement_here>

Go kill yourself, you treasonous degenerate, you won’t be missed.

We’ll see you twitching at the end of a rope before the end.


And that’s it for questions, thanks for following along and… yeah, enjoy, Anons.

Maybe I didn’t quite get to 100%, but it’s close, and it’s def better than the 20/80 you had before.

I hope it means something to you and something good can come of this un-American nightmare shitshow.


Peace out, bitches.