Anonymous ID: ce7006 April 9, 2019, 10:30 a.m. No.6109646   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9730



Sorry for the wall of text, but the rape of that little girl justifies a mini rant.


Multiculturalism by its very definition is doomed to failure. Different cultures have very different standards. This case is just one example of that. Where this dude came from its ok for grown men to fuck little kids and rape women with impunity. But you can't claim to embrace multiculturalism if you're not willing to lower your own cultural standards to match everyone else's. This is why there have always been countries and borders and restrictions on crossing from one to another. These people do not belong in Europe.


They do not belong anywhere else besides the shitholes where they come from. But because the damage that they have inflicted upon the West is now permanent the powers that be are moving ahead with the rest of the globalist agenda—which includes destruction of family and Christian values, and desensitizing people to the grossness of homosexuality and pedophilia. End game: one gigantic, global borderless Third World shithole with mass poverty everywhere and vulnerable people living in shit like pigs, while the elites continue to live like kings and queens in walled mansions and armed security.


Do you not already see this happening?


Most of us know instinctively that its not a good idea to crap where we eat. But somehow the politicians and the media have convinced many in the West that its ok to do that now.


Even we who know the truth will not be spared from the fallout of all this. We're watching our communities being impacted and changed by it more and more every year. Some day, if we live long enough, we will begin to reflect and wonder why the fuck we sat back and just let it happen. And we're going to seriously miss what we used to have. Fuck, I miss it already.

Anonymous ID: ce7006 April 9, 2019, 10:42 a.m. No.6109771   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9794 >>9801



God is the master of every plan.


Q is a messenger.

Q is a guide.

God has always used humans in both these roles.


Q has helped open the eyes of many, but Q have never presented themselves in a godlike role. They are helping us. We are all Q now. We are all learning and spreading truth. That is the whole purpose of Q. Evil doesn't win the long game. If you want to know how this ends, read a Bible.


You are loved. Now fuck off back to being on your knees to the demons that you and your overlords worship.

Anonymous ID: ce7006 April 9, 2019, 11:03 a.m. No.6109934   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9940


Bezos is an old fart. Chicks like her fuck him only because he has $$$. I wouldn't knock the girl too much. She's just an overambitious bitch who fucks other men behind her husband's back for favors. If she had any respect for him she wouldn't have sold his naked pictures to the paparazzi. To be real, we don't even know for a fact that she wasn't fucking Bezos WITH her husband's consent. These people don't marry or get into relationships for love. They do it to exploit each other for opportunity and $$$. Bezos COULD have done better than her, but what difference does it really make which woman he picked to fuck around with…even he knows that the only reason they look at him iat all s because of the money. Nasty old perv probably couldn't get that dick up with crane anyway. These people are all devoid of soul. For all we really know, Bezos and his handlers set this whole thing up as part of some elaborate scheme.

Anonymous ID: ce7006 April 9, 2019, 11:06 a.m. No.6109958   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9966 >>9967


Anon, think about it. That doesn't make sense. When you are in an 'open marriage' you mutually consent to screw around with other people. You give your spouse permission to fuck around, and they give you permission to do the same. That's what open marriage is. You don't get upset and file for divorce when the screwing around starts.