Anonymous ID: c7b906 April 9, 2019, 12:45 p.m. No.6110909   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0930


National security this $!@.


Gag order on the press from reporting more bullcrap.


Seal the border with the BP, NG and MIL assets.


No more catch and release! The illegal border crossers seek out the BP agents because nothing is going to happen to them.


China is loving this mess on the southern border of US. It greatly contributes to the Chinese long term plan of slowly weakening the United States from hundreds of different "paper-cuts".


Instead of doing its job and investigating lawmakers who could have ties to the Chinese IC or are covertly manipulated by Chinese IC via proxy front agencies, the FBI has been on a giant idiotic crusade, trying to find links between Trump and Russia.


Sad and pathetic.