Anonymous ID: f01831 April 9, 2019, 12:30 p.m. No.6110752   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0815 >>1053

Barr Reviewing FBI Conduct During 2016 Election In Separate, Wide-Ranging Probe


Update4: Attorney General William Barr says that he is reviewing the "conduct" of the FBI during its original 2016 Trump-Russia investigation, following calls by GOP legislators to investigate the origins of the probe.


After explaining that DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz has a pending investigation into FISA abuse, Barr said "I am reviewing the conduct of the Russia investigation, and all the aspects of the counterintelligence investigation that was conducted in the summer of 2016."



The comments come after House Intelligence Committee Ranking Member Devin Nunes, R-Calif., said over the weekend he was preparing to send eight criminal referrals to the Justice Department this week regarding alleged misconduct by DOJ and FBI officials during the Trump-Russia investigation. It is unclear whom Nunes will refer for investigation, and what the process at the Justice Department might be. -Fox News


Barr says he hasn't seen Nunes' referrals yet, adding "Obviously, if there is a predicate for investigation, it will be conducted."

Anonymous ID: f01831 April 9, 2019, 12:32 p.m. No.6110767   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0795 >>0830 >>0874 >>0893 >>0900 >>0909

Border Patrol Official Drops Shocking Statistic On Nationalities Of Illegals Crossing Border


At least if you listen to Rio Grande Valley (RGV) Sector Chief Patrol Agent Rodolfo Karisch, who is, after all, a bit of an expert.


At a Senate Homeland Security Committee hearing on Tuesday, Karisch dropped a ton of data and statistics, but none was more eye-popping than this.


Karisch said that in his sector alone, border agents have captured people trying to enter the country illegally from more than 50 different countries, including Turkey, China, Bangladesh, Egypt and Romania. “People are traveling across hemispheres to attempt to illegally enter the U.S., using the same pathways as the Central Americans,” he told lawmakers.


While Democrats claim President Trump is making up a fake crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border — and some presidential candidates, like former Texas Rep. Robert “Beto” O’Roarke, want to do away with all border barriers — Karisch said the influx of illegals is reaching epic proportions.


“Much media attention has focused on caravans coming across from Central America,” Karisch said. “But the fact is that RGV is receiving caravan-equivalent numbers every seven days.”


“Karisch noted that Border Patrol has apprehended more families illegally crossing the border in the first five months of fiscal 2019 than during all of fiscal 2018,” Fox News reported. “Customs and Border Protection (CBP) apprehended more than 76,000 migrants across the border in February and said it was on track to apprehend more than 100,000 in March. In the Rio Grande Valley alone, Karisch said that at current pace, they would have more than 260,000 apprehensions in his sector by the end of fiscal 2019. There were 162,000 in RGV last year. He also said that his agents apprehend, on average, 1,000 people a day.”


1,000 a day.


While partisan politicians who know nothing about the border claim Trump is playing politics, those in the know are repeatedly sounding the alarm that things are getting dire there. Last week, former Border Patrol Chief Mark Morgan, who served in the post during former president Barack Obama’s time in the White House, told lawmakers that the crisis is “at a magnitude never seen in modern times” as he urged them to end the U.S.’s “open border policy.”


“We’re experiencing a crisis at the southern border at a magnitude never seen in modern times, it’s unprecedented,” Morgan told the Senate Homeland Security Committee.


Trump in February declared a national emergency and has threatened to shut down the entire U.S.-Mexico border. “If we don’t make a deal with Congress…or if Mexico doesn’t do what they should be doing…then we’re going to close the border, that’s going to be it, or we’re going to close large sections of the border, maybe not all of it,” he said in the Oval Office last week. He later gave Mexico a reprieve, saying officials there will have one year to shape up.


The president has been purging Homeland Security officials in an effort to get “tougher.” Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen resigned Sunday (some say she was ousted) and Secret Service Director Randolph Alles was booted out on Monday. On Friday, the White House pulled its nominee for director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Ronald Vitiello, with Trump again saying he wanted to go in a “tougher direction.”


More heads are expected to roll soon, news agencies report.

Anonymous ID: f01831 April 9, 2019, 12:33 p.m. No.6110783   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Putin on Mueller investigation: It’s ‘total nonsense’ targeted at domestic US audience


The investigation by Robert Mueller was only aimed at home consumption and revealed a crisis in the US political system, Vladimir Putin said in his first comment on the probe, which found no collusion between Trump and Russia.


“This is complete nonsense, which was only aimed at a domestic audience [in the US],” the Russian president said on the investigation, which topped the headlines in the mainstream media for months, but turned-out fruitless.


“Such attacks on Trump are elements of a crisis in the political system of the US,” he added.


There’s an evident divide among the US elites as “the party interests are put ahead of those of the nation and society,” Putin explained.


Putin said that “from the start, we said that Mr Muller’s notorious commission is not going to find anything.”


“We knew better than anybody – Russia has never interfered with any US election. There was no collusion between Trump and Russia that Mueller” was investigating.

Anonymous ID: f01831 April 9, 2019, 12:35 p.m. No.6110799   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Feds Dig In: 16 Parents Indicted In College Admission Scam, Including Ex-TPG Leader


Prosecutors in the U.S. college cheating scandal have now indicted 16 parents, including actor Lori Loughlin and her husband, Mossimo Giannulli as well as former TPG managing partner Bill McGlashan, as prosecutors aggressively pursue the biggest admissions scam ever pursued.


According to Bloomberg, in addition to conspiracy to commit fraud, the parents now face an additional charges of conspiring to launder the bribes and other payments they may have made to the admitted mastermind of the scheme, the U.S. attorney in Massachusetts said Tuesday.


“The prosecutor’s case against Mr. McGlashan is deeply flawed and ignores important exculpatory facts,” his lawyer said in a statement. “We look forward to presenting his side of the story.”

Anonymous ID: f01831 April 9, 2019, 12:37 p.m. No.6110819   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0870 >>1420 >>1480

FBI Court Docs Reveal Comey’s Memos Contained Classified Information – Including Name of Confidential Source Used Against Trump


Newly released FBI court docs confirm James Comey was indeed a witness in the Mueller investigation and his Trump memos were of interest in the special counsel probe.


“The FBI and the Special Counsel’s office have determined that disclosure of the Comey Memos … could reasonably be expected to adversely affect the pending Russia investigation. The Comey Memos are his contemporaneous notes about incidents that are of interest in that investigation …”


According to the court filing released late Monday, Comey’s memos contained classified information (contrary to Comey’s claims), including the name [redacted] of the confidential source the FBI used against Trump.


The documents also suggest then-FBI Director James Comey began his coup against President Trump because he didn’t like his foreign-policy decisionmaking.


The documents were released as part of a FOIA lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch, CNN, USA Today and others against the FBI in an effort to make Comey’s Trump memos public.


A couple weeks ago, US District Judge James Boasberg in Washington ordered the FBI to turn over Comey’s ‘Trump memos’ — both clean and redacted versions by April 1st as he weighed releasing them to the public.


The FBI previously pushed back on March 1st and wrote to Judge Boasberg, an Obama appointee, saying that the memos were still redacted and classified and should remain under seal to avoid interfering with Mueller’s inquisition — Mueller’s witch hunt ended a few weeks ago so the judge asked the FBI to file an opinion about the release of Comey’s memos.


David Archey, the lead FBI investigator for Mueller’s witch hunt told the court that since the special counsel investigation has concluded, portions of Comey’s memos can be released — David Archey informed the court that material from Comey’s memos will continue to remain under seal and redacted.


The FBI will file a further declaration on or before April 15, 2019, to explain why the remaining redactions to the Third Archey Declaration continue to be necessary.

Anonymous ID: f01831 April 9, 2019, 12:39 p.m. No.6110848   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0855 >>0879 >>0961 >>1420 >>1480

Pornhub joins Twitter users targeting Nunes with #YachtCocaineProstitutes hashtag trending


Rep. Devin Nunes has filed a $150 million lawsuit against McClatchy for derailing his probe into Clinton campaign corruption and ‘Russian interference’ with claims about prostitutes and cocaine, sparking extreme Twitter trolling.


The suit filed in a Virginian state court on Monday court alleges a McClatchy reporter conspired with Republican consultant Liz Mair, in order to impede Nunes’ efforts to investigate “corruption by the Clinton campaign and alleged ‘collusion’ between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 presidential election.”


Mair is accused of conspiring with reporter MacKenzie Mays to spread misleading smears, including reports that Nunes (R-CA), a member of the House Intelligence Committee, “was involved with cocaine and underage prostitutes” at a fundraising event on a yacht.

Anonymous ID: f01831 April 9, 2019, 12:41 p.m. No.6110869   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0887

8chan Introduces 'King of The Shekel' - An Ingenious Promotion System


If you're disturbed by the amount of obscene and biased censorship on social media platforms and the internet in general, there is a place for your ideas and opinions on 8chan ( The image board network was famously targeted by Hillary in 2016 and will forever be "The Last Bastion of Free Speech."


Those becoming familiar with the 8chan image board will notice very little advertising. Much of it is promoting content on the network. Now, anonymous board owners can vie for the limited number of slots promoting specific threads on the front page of 8chan.


With King of the Shekel, you can now feature a thread you like or deem relevant or exciting on the 8chan index page. You can also bump those you don't like off the list in the process - a fun new twist in information warfare.


The simple process allows users to pick a thread they would like to feature, submit it, then pay a fee via Susucoin (http:// The thread is then added to the top of the list.


Ten threads can be featured on the 8chan front page at a time. When a new thread is added, the bottom-most one on the list is bumped off.


Bumped-off threads remain visible in a separate page with threads that were already featured, but won't be shown as one of the ten featured threads on the front page. This separate page with previously-featured threads will only maintain the latest 1,000 featured threads.


There are no resubmission restrictions. It is possible to submit the same thread again and cause it to bump to the top spot once more.


Featured threads do not receive special treatment. Featured threads must comply with the 8chan Global Rule and should follow the local board rules to avoid deletion by Global Volunteers and/or Board Owners/Board Volunteers.


As free speech eroding around us, 8chan champions the First Amendment King of the Shekel gives users even more power in a fun and innovative way.

Anonymous ID: f01831 April 9, 2019, 12:43 p.m. No.6110895   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1062

Revolutionary Bill to Reject Federal Gov’t, Prohibit Vaccines Until Proven Safe AND Necessary


A newly introduced bill would reject the federal narrative on vaccines and and prohibit their administration until rigorous safety criteria are met.


AUSTIN, Texas (TAC) – A bill introduced in the Texas Senate would prohibit vaccines from being administered unless certain safety criteria are met. Passage of the bill would significantly strengthen vaccine safety testing requirements and push back against any future federal vaccine mandates.


Sen. Bob Hall (R) introduced Senate Bill 2350 (SB2350) on March 8. The legislation would only permit a health care provider to administer a vaccine if all of the following criteria are met.


The study the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) relied upon for approval of the vaccine evaluated the vaccine against a placebo control group or against another vaccine or substance that the FDA approved based upon a placebo-controlled study;

The study relied upon by the FCA for approval of the vaccine evaluated the safety of the vaccine for a sufficient time to identify potential autoimmune, neurological, or chronic health conditions that may arise on or after a year from the vaccine being administered;

The vaccine has been evaluated for its potential to cause cancer, mutate genes, affect fertility, cause infertility and cause autism spectrum disorder;

The Texas Department of State Health Service has posted on its website disclosure of any known injuries or diseases caused by the vaccine and the rate at which the injuries or diseases have occurred; and

The chemical, pharmacological, therapeutic, and adverse effects of the vaccine and the rate of injury of the vaccine when administered with other vaccines, have been studied and verified.


Effect on Federal Policy


After recent comments by former FDA Commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb in February of 2019 just prior to his resignation, some believe that federal vaccine mandates are imminent. According to CNN, Gottlieb said, “[I]f states don’t require more schoolchildren to get vaccinated, the federal government might have to step in.” Gottlieb also reportedly said, “You could mandate certain rules about what is and isn’t permissible when it comes to allowing people to have exemptions.” [1] As discussed below, current vaccine safety testing requirements are far less stringent than most would assume. Passage of SB 2350 would bolster these requirements and make enforcement of any federal vaccine mandates more difficult.

Anonymous ID: f01831 April 9, 2019, 12:45 p.m. No.6110914   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1420 >>1480

Candace Owens at White Nationalism Hearing: Biggest Scandal Is Democrats Keeping Minorities ‘Perpetual Victims’


Candace Owens, the communications director with Turning Point USA, said at a House Judiciary Committee hearing on Tuesday that the topic of the hearings — white nationalism — wasn’t the true issue and that the biggest scandal is the Democrat Party’s fear-mongering to “brown people” and keeping minorities “perpetual victims.”


Owens, who said in her opening remarks that she is a Democrat who supports President Donald Trump, said Democrat policies have harmed blacks.


“The biggest scandal in American politics is that Democrats have been conning minorities into believing we are perpetual victims all but ensuring our failure,” Owens said.


Owens also said the hearing was more about the 2020 election than white nationalism, which she pointed out was much worse in the United States than during the lifetime of her grandfather, who was with her at the hearing.


“He grew up in an America where words like racism and white nationalism held real meaning under the Democrats Jim Crow laws,” Owens said.


“The hearing today is not about white nationalism or hate crimes,” Owens said. “It’s about fear mongering, power and control.”


“It’s a preview of the Democrats’ 2020 strategy,” Owens said.


“Reparations and white nationalism,” Owens said. “That is the Democrats’ preview.”


Later in her remarks, Owens said she has suffered continuous mocking and hatred from Democrats because she is a conservative, including many calling her the N-word and “Uncle Tom.”


She said she came to her conservatism by studying history without the filter Democrats have put on racism in the United States, including the Party’s opposition to ending slavery and its involvement in the Ku Klux Klan and white supremacy.


The committee, led now by the Democrat majority, wrote about the hearing on its website:


“This hearing will examine hate crimes, the impact white nationalist groups have on American communities and the spread of white identity ideology,” the committee’s website states. “The hearing will also foster ideas about what social media companies can do to stem white nationalist propaganda and hate speech online.”


“Communities of color and religious minorities have long been subject to discrimination and have been targeted by groups who affiliate with ideologies of hate,” the website states. “White identity groups have a long history of oppressing racial and religious minorities and promote individual expressions of violence with the aim of preserving white racial and political hegemony.”

Anonymous ID: f01831 April 9, 2019, 12:51 p.m. No.6110980   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Netanyahu, Gantz both declare victory as exit polls split


Channel 12 survey has Blue and White leading by 4 seats; others have front-runners neck-and-neck; official results to trickle out overnight


11min ago

Yisrael Beytenu candidate ‘pleased’ by exit polls


Eli Avidar, of the right-wing Yisrael Beytenu, says he is pleased with the initial exit poll results, showing the party earning four or five seats in the next Knesset, but will be “more pleased tomorrow” when final results come in. Recent polls had suggested the party could fail to clear the electoral threshold.


Avidar, number four on the party’s list, says it expects to gain another seat or two with the final tally.


20min ago

Gantz’s Blue and White declares victory


Blue and White is also declaring victory.


“We won! The Israeli public has had its say!” the party leaders Benny Gantz and Yair Lapid say.

Anonymous ID: f01831 April 9, 2019, 12:53 p.m. No.6110998   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1146 >>1255

EU Pushes For Long Brexit Delay As PM May Tours European Capitals Before Wednesday Summit


The President of the European Council has published an open letter to European leaders explaining why the European Union should ignore British Prime Minister Theresa May’s request for a Brexit extension to June, and give a full year instead.


The letter from the top Eurocrat comes as Theresa May spends Tuesday in talks with the French President and German Chancellor in their respective capital cities ahead of Wednesday’s special meeting of European Union leaders in Brussels.


After failing to sell her Brexit deal to Parliament, May has gone back on her previous promises to take Britain out of the European Union on March 29th 2019 with or without a deal, and is now seeking a second extension to push the official withdrawal date into the future.


While the Prime Minister appears to prefer a series of short extensions, top Eurocrat Tusk appears to reject this approach, insisting on one long extension instead. Remarking that “There are times when you need to give time time”, Tusk wrote Tuesday of May’s request to extend to June 30th:


“…our experience so far, as well as the deep divisions within the House of Commons, give us little reason to believe that the ratification process can be completed by the end of June. In reality, granting such an extension would increase the risk of a rolling series of short extensions and emergency summits, creating new cliff-edge dates. This, in turn, would almost certainly overshadow the business of the EU27 in the months ahead.”


Tusk’s reference to Brexit holding up other European business, and other remarks later in his letter referring to ways to sideline this, reflect apparent serious concerns by France’s Macron, who sees the continued failure of the Brexit process as overshadowing his attempts to reform Europe. A political analysis published by London’s Times newspaper Tuesday reports that the overly technocratic messaging coming from a European totally consumed by the Brexit process means the Union risks appearing to voters “even more out of touch than it is now”.


The paper reported: “Mr Macron is already said to be fed up with European summits devoted to Brexit rather than to his own plans for EU reform.”


For this reason, and a host of others, the French President is now said to be considering blocking Theresa May’s request for any further extension to get past the distraction of Brexit from his grand project. But going by recent European political history, characterised by fudges and compromise, suggests this is unlikely.

Anonymous ID: f01831 April 9, 2019, 12:55 p.m. No.6111027   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1046

Rockefeller Foundation To Disband '100 Resilient Cities Project', Lay Off Staff


But, it’s not what you think. They say the major objectives of 100RC have been met and that the resources are going to be repurposed to other projects. The Rockefeller Foundation will shift some funding to the Atlantic Council, another hotbed of Trilateral Commission members. ⁃ TN Editor


The Rockefeller Foundation will end funding and dismiss the staff at its 100 Resilient Cities program, the largest privately funded climate-adaptation initiative in the U.S., the foundation announced Monday.


Rockefeller will shift some of its resilience funding to the Atlantic Council, a Washington-based think tank, with a $30 million grant to the council’s Adrienne Arsht Center for Resilience, the foundation said in a press release. Rockefeller also announced a $12 million grant “to allow continued support and transition time to the 100 Resilient Cities network through much of 2019.”


“With a new grant in place to the Atlantic Council and new structures within the Rockefeller Foundation to carry forward its resilience work, the grant that funds 100RC will conclude in 2019,” the foundation said in its release.


The 100 Resilient Cities program was started by Rockefeller in 2013 to help U.S. cities — including Boston, Miami, New York and Los Angeles — as well as cities overseas prepare for threats related to climate change. Bloomberg News reported last week that the foundation was planning to disband the program.


A spokesman for Rockefeller, Matt Herrick, said the 100 Resilience Cities program isn’t shutting down. Instead, he said, it is “transitioning” to other offices, including the foundation’s Jobs and Economic Opportunities initiative.


“The work will continue in one form or another through 2019,” he said.

‘Tough Day’


Andrew Brenner, a spokesman for 100 Resilient Cities, said by email that Monday was “a tough day.”

Anonymous ID: f01831 April 9, 2019, 12:57 p.m. No.6111050   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1065 >>1343

Pompeo Says Egypt’s Purchase of Russian Su-35s Will Lead to Sanctions - Report


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, while addressing the US Senate, reportedly said that Cairo would face sanctions if it buys Russian Su-35 jets.


He also reportedly added that Egypt had assured the US it would take into account the possibility of US sanctions and expressed hope it could withdraw from the deal.

Anonymous ID: f01831 April 9, 2019, 1 p.m. No.6111091   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1327 >>1420 >>1480

The Boy Crisis: The Statistics Tell Us That American Boys Are Falling Behind In Just About Every Area


As a society we appear to be really dropping the ball, because the numbers indicate that American boys are deeply struggling in just about every area. Many professionals are pointing to a “crisis of fatherhood” as one of the key factors, and as I pointed out the other day, approximately a third of all U.S. children are now being raised in a home without a father. Of course this negatively affects our girls as well, but there is something about that lack of a masculine role model that seems to particularly hurt boys. However, the lack of a traditional family structure cannot explain all of the numbers that I am about to share with you. As you will see, we are facing a crisis that will not easily be solved.


Warren Farrell, the co-author of a new book entitled “The Boy Crisis: Why Our Boys Are Struggling and What We Can Do About It”, has identified three key areas that he is most concerned about.


The first is education…


It is a crisis of education. Worldwide, 60% of the students who achieve less than the baseline level of proficiency in any of the three core subjects of the Program for the International Assessment are boys. Even boys’ IQs are dropping.


Today, girls are educationally outperforming boys in elementary school, middle school and high school.


And by the time college rolls around, the performance gap is absolutely enormous. In fact, females have earned at least 57 percent of all bachelor’s degrees in the United States for 18 years in a row.


The second area Farrell is deeply concerned about is mental health…


It is a crisis of mental health. Boys’ suicide rate goes from only slightly more than girls before age 14 to three times that of girls’ between 15 and 19, to 4 1/2 times that of girls between 20 and 24. Mass shooters, prisoners and Islamic State terrorism recruits are at least 90% male.


In addition to all of that, males commit 90 percent of all homicides in the United States, and men lead women by a very wide margin in just about every other violent crime category as well.

Anonymous ID: f01831 April 9, 2019, 1:02 p.m. No.6111117   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1420 >>1480

Netanyahu Says Trump Named Iran Guards a Terror Group at His Request


Israeli PM hopes declaration will boost political chances in Tuesday vote


In a Monday Tweet, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu thanked President Trump for declaring Iran’s Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist organization, saying that he had personally requested Trump’s move.


Netanyahu said that the move would keep the world safe from Iran, and would also serve the interests of Israel, saying he was glad Trump “acceeded to another one of my important requests.”


Netanyahu’s emphasis that this is all his idea, and Trump is giving him everything he wants, is clearly being done with an eye toward Tuesday’s election, as he attempts to convince voters that he is able to get concessions out of Trump no one else could.


This Tweet was only made in Hebrew, likely intending to avoid US officials believing it makes Trump look weak. Getting the far-right Netanyahu reelected is clearly something Trump is keen on, but its unlikely he’ll want to give the impression that US policy is being dictated from Jerusalem.

Anonymous ID: f01831 April 9, 2019, 1:05 p.m. No.6111165   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1183

Well-Known Zionist Settler-Activist Sees More Land Grabs and a “Greater Israel” as a Given


With the annexation of the West Bank now set to take place in the not-so-distant future, it seems likely that Israelis that share Daniella Weiss’ vision will continue to push for the annexation of more and more territory until Greater Israel takes shape.


TEL AVIV, ISRAEL — A well-known and controversial Israeli settler-activist, Daniella Weiss, recently told Haaretz that her vision of a future Israel, following the impending Israeli annexation of Palestine’s West Bank, includes parts of Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Iraq and Iran. Weiss — former mayor of the illegal West Bank settlement of Kedumim — claimed during the interview that this vision of a future “Greater Israel” was not “extreme” but a “basic Jewish approach” and was “the only way to continue Zionism.”


Interviewed by Haaretz columnist Bradley Burston — who personally opposes illegal, Jewish-only settlements in the West Bank — Weiss expounded at length on her role in making a “two-state solution” impossible by founding and expanding settlements throughout Palestine’s West Bank.


Early on in the interview, Burston told Weiss his feeling that the settler movement had “ruined” the Israel he had wanted to see and continues to threaten the country’s safety and existence. Weiss responded that — though Burston’s views aggravated her — she was “more satisfied that my philosophy has had the upper hand” in influencing past and current Israeli policy and that the settler movement “had blocked the option of a two-state solution.”


Weiss — who still lives in the West Bank settlement of Kedumim, which she helped to found in the 1970s — was then asked if she would support giving Palestinians living in the West Bank voting rights in the increasingly likely event that the West Bank would be annexed. Weiss responded:


The land of Israel is only for the Jewish nation as far as sovereignty is concerned. Arabs can live here, have their rights, human rights, they can have their education and culture but not sovereignty.”

Anonymous ID: f01831 April 9, 2019, 1:06 p.m. No.6111180   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1214 >>1374 >>1408

10 Percent of All U.S. Deaths are Now Due to Medical Error


Medical advances have reduced the rate of death by heart disease, cancer, and other illnesses, allowing Americans to live much longer than previous generations. But a recent report from Johns Hopkins safety experts raises concerns about the quality of medical care people are receiving.


As reported on the Johns Hopkins website, a review of medical death rate data shows that medical errors have caused more than 250,000 deaths each year. This represents about 1 in 10 deaths—a staggering rate. Medical errors have now leapfrogged respiratory illnesses as the third leading cause of death in the country.

What is to Blame?


The Hopkins researchers were quick to note that medical mistakes aren’t all due to incompetent doctors. Instead, many errors can crop us because of:


Poor coordination of care

Underuse of safety nets or absence of them altogether

Variation in physical practice

Fragmented insurance networks


Patients, however, can hardly feel confident that they are receiving top care when so many errors are occurring. And remember, this study simply noted the number of deaths due to medical errors. Hundreds of thousands of other people suffer serious injuries because of medical errors even if they do not die.

Anonymous ID: f01831 April 9, 2019, 1:08 p.m. No.6111197   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How Netanyahu’s election gifts are murdering international law


With the Golan Heights now recognised as Israeli territory by the US, and Russia and Egypt helping to deliver gifts ahead of today’s general election, it looks like Israel’s dramatic swing to the right has been internationally accepted.


“There is a very important principle in international life,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said last week at the Golan signing ceremony at the White House in Washington DC. “When you start wars of aggression, you lose territory, do not come and claim it afterwards. It belongs to us.” As absurd and preposterous as it may be, he said this with no attempt to find an argument that could be reconciled with reason. This complete indifference to the international community’s opinion says a lot about Netanyahu’s position while US President Donald Trump is in office.


Right after landing at Israel’s Ben Gurion Airport, Netanyahu went on with this indifference, telling reporters: “Everyone says you can’t hold an occupied territory, but this proves you can. If occupied in a defensive war, then it’s ours.”


The Israeli right-wing seems to have welcomed this declaration not as a gift, but as an intrinsic right that has been finally recognised by the world’s superpower.


Yet while Netanyahu has been working day and night on his electoral campaign, he seems to have had little time to comment on the international condemnation of this declaration from the EU, the Arab League, Turkey, Iran, Russia and China. Thinking of the blind support he receives from the White House, why should he?


Instead, he went even further few days ago in an interview on an Israeli radio programme, saying: “All the options are still on the table.” He said this included the “reoccupation” of the besieged Gaza Strip and “giving” it to Arab leaders.


The most recent example was the crowning of these promises with his pledge to “annex the West Bank if re-elected”. Who could imagine this being said few years ago?

Anonymous ID: f01831 April 9, 2019, 1:09 p.m. No.6111215   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1294

Pentagon’s Orwellian Madness: US Invades Iraq, Incites 60% Shiite Population, Blames Iran For Killing 608 US Troops!


When the Pentagon starts throwing around estimates of who got killed and how in its assorted wars in the Middle East, they are often wildly inaccurate. Nowhere was this more apparent than a new briefing this week on estimates in the 2003-2011 Iraq War.


Designed for Special Envoy Brian Hook to give hawkish speeches on Iran, the briefing estimated that Iran was "responsible" for the deaths of 608 US troopsduring the Iraq War. This was an upward revision from a 2015 estimate of 500, and seemingly was only done to allow Hook to bring it up now.


A more accurate estimate would, of course, be zero deaths. Despite years of anti-Iran rhetoric, the US has never conclusively pinned a single death on the Iranian government or its forces. Rather, these deaths are all loosely attributable to Iraqi Shi’ite factions.


That anyone Shi’ite is necessarily under Iranian command is a popular conceit for US officials, and in Iraq, where 60 percent of the population is Shi’ite, there are no shortage of Shi’ites to blame, particularly militias that didn’t support the US occupation of Iraq.


Some of these groups had ideological ties to Iran, though other substantial factions, like the Mehdi Army, were nationalist groups that opposed both US and Iranian interference in Iraqi affairs. It is convenient for the US to blame Iran, however, so that’s what they’re doing.


Trying to make all Shi’ites equal Iran has continued beyond the Iraq War. In Syria, the US has routinely threatened Shi’ite militias for being "Iranian fighters," and the entire justification for US meddling in the Yemen War is that the Shi’ite Houthi movement, whose form of Shi’a Islam is distinct from the one in Iran, must be in league with Iran.



Anonymous ID: f01831 April 9, 2019, 1:12 p.m. No.6111239   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1475

9/11 Report Testimony Altered to Hide Cheney Role in Pentagon Hit


The official US government report on the attacks of September 11, 2001, has altered and obscured the testimony of US Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta in a manner which absolves former Vice President Dick Cheney of failing to defend the Pentagon.


Mineta’s testimony suggested that Cheney had a clear window of opportunity during which he was made aware that an aircraft was headed straight for either the White House or the Pentagon, after it was clear that the nation was under attack, when he could have given an order and brought the plane down before it hit the Pentagon. The targeting of national landmarks such as the Twin Towers and the Pentagon was in integral part of the attackers’ strategy.


The 9/11 Commission report was drafted by The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States.


In an interview given after 9/11, President George W. Bush confirmed that he had given the order to shoot down any “commercial aircraft that did not respond” to requests for identification only after “the third plane had hit the Pentagon,” which was at 9:37a.m. Bush said that this was the “first decision” he made on Air Force One after the full extent of the attacks became apparent.



Anonymous ID: f01831 April 9, 2019, 1:13 p.m. No.6111251   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1445 >>1500

MAJOR CONFESSION: Kosovo’s PM – ‘I Only Carry Out U.S Orders, I’m an American Soldier’


OCCUPIED PRISTINA, Serbia – In a major confession revealed on Friday April 5th, Kosovo’s Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj said his government’s policies serve US interests against Serbia and Russia, and he is only following Washington’s orders.


“The Albanian people in all our lands are part of what America is leading. Throughout the global plan, we are together,” Haradinaj told the Albanian-language Gazeta Blic last Friday.


“I am a soldier of America on the ground. I only carry out the orders,” the premier said.


Haradinaj was a commander of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) terrorist organization during the 1998-1999 conflict, struggling to separate the Serbian province to make it an independent Albanian state.


In June 1999, after a 78-day NATO air war, Serbia allowed for UN peacekeeping forces to enter – which in practice meant NATO took Kosovo and handed it over to the KLA.


“He’s telling the truth,” said Paris-based political analyst Nikola Mirkovic, adding that Haradinaj is openly saying what he has been over the past 20 years since the US and NATO trained, armed and funded the KLA.


“Kosovo is clearly an American protectorate today, and Haradinaj is just telling the truth, he’s just an American soldier,” the analyst told RT.


Mirkovic argued that Kosovo’s independence – declared in February 2008 but recognized only by the US and its allies – was an illusion. In disputes among ethnic Albanians, “it is always the American ambassador at the end of the day who is receiving the final word and who is deciding what is happening,” he added.


Kosovo is not recognized by most of humanity, including Russia, China and India, as well as Serbia itself, noted Mirkovic. Washington’s policy since 2008, regardless of which party is in power, has pressed Belgrade to recognize Kosovo as an independent state.


“Why NATO bombed Yugoslavia 20 years ago? Because it wanted a position in the Balkans, it wanted a military base like Bondsteel,” Mirkovic explained, referring to the huge US base in southeastern Kosovo.


Haradinaj would have been unaware of the national prayer breakfast in Washington in February, supposedly on account of tariffs. There were even reports that he and another KLA commander – Kosovo’s president, Hashim Thaci – were being denied visas to enter the United States and address the issue. However, Haradinaj was able to travel to the US last weekend by posting a photo of Detroit on his Twitter account.


His plans during this US visit seem to include only meetings with members of the Albanian diaspora, however, rather than any meeting with officials of the administration of US President Donald Trump.

Anonymous ID: f01831 April 9, 2019, 1:14 p.m. No.6111263   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Iran Reveals U.S Supports ISIS, asks Iraq to Expel U.S forces ASAP


TEHRAN – Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has called on the Iraqi prime minister to expel US forces as Washington continues to seek excuses to remain there after a 16-year devastating presence and hundreds of thousands of lives lost.


“The US goal in Iraq is beyond mere military presence – they are behind long-term interests as well as establishing a government like the military governments that formed after the occupation of Iraq,” said Ayatollah Ali Khamenei to Iraq’s Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi during their meeting in Tehran.


“The Iraqi government must do something [for] the US military to leave Iraq as soon as possible,” he said, quoted by the television channel Press TV.


While Iraqi lawmakers are allegedly discussing a bill that requires the complete withdrawal of the US military, Washington refuses to leave, stating that without its presence, Daesh [commonly known as ISIS] would inevitably re-emerge – and that Iraq is a crucial US resource to “monitor” Iran.


Khamenei warned the Iraqi prime minister to beware of Washington’s true goals. “The US and Saudi rhetoric about Iraq is different from its real intentions,” he said.


“They channeled money, weapons and equipment to Daesh at a time when [the terrorists] occupied Mosul and now, when Iraq defeated Daesh, they are speaking friendly words,” said the Iranian leader.


With the rise of Daesh, the US sent its forces to Iraq, after which they “almost” withdrew their troops in 2011. Meanwhile, Washington plans to maintain about 5,200 military personnel indefinitely in Iraq.


Meanwhile, the US plans to put the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) on its list of foreign terrorist organizations on April 8.


Both Tehran and Washington have already accused each other of supporting terrorism and have labeled each other’s actions as “terrorist,” literally or figuratively.


“If the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution are placed on the list of US terrorist groups, we will put that country’s military on the black list of terrorists alongside Daesh,” national security committee of the Iranian parliament, Heshmatollah Falahatpisheh, was quoted as saying by agency Mehr.


Members of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards march during the annual military parade as part of the 34th anniversary of the beginning of the Iran-Iraq War of 1980-88, in front of the mausoleum of the late founder of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Khomeini, outside Tehran, Iran , Monday, September 22, 2014.


The decision to appoint a group as a terrorist organization is made by the Secretary of State, the US Attorney General, and the Secretary of the Treasury if Congress does not block its decision. The group that is alleged to be a terrorist organization, however, may petition a U.S. appellate court to review the designation.


At this point, the IRGC has already been sanctioned by Washington since the Treasury Department imposed sanctions in October 2017 under an executive order of the September 11 issue issued during George W. Bush’s administration.

Anonymous ID: f01831 April 9, 2019, 1:17 p.m. No.6111280   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Here’s Who Owns Big Media


Here’s who owns everything in Big Media today

It probably won’t look like this for long.


The media landscape used to be straightforward: Content companies — studios — made stuff — TV shows and movies — and sold it to pay TV distributors, who sold it to consumers.


Now things are up for grabs: Netflix buys stuff from the studios, but it’s making its own stuff, too, and it’s selling it directly to consumers. That’s one of the reasons older media companies are trying to compete by consolidating. Disney, for example, recently completed its purchase of 21st Century Fox. Distributors like AT&T, which bought Time Warner last year, are becoming media companies, too.


Meanwhile, giant tech companies like Google, Amazon, and Apple that used to be on the sidelines are getting closer and closer to the action. Apple’s newest TV strategy positions the company as a TV guide, a TV storefront selling services like HBO, and a TV creator that employs the likes of Steven Spielberg and Jennifer Anniston to make exclusive shows for Apple users.


To help sort this all out, we’ve created a diagram that organizes distributors, content companies and internet video companies by market cap — the value investors assign to the companies — and their main lines of business.


Here’s what the Big Media universe currently looks like. We will update it periodically: