If youre gonna try and fake post to divide do it like this to be more organic
Example below
I hate fucking sand niggers
If youre gonna try and fake post to divide do it like this to be more organic
Example below
I hate fucking sand niggers
I know
I genuinely dont like sand niggers unless they are christian
Poor yazidis
Tbh anyone dying in the cabals wars is horrible
Even sand people muslims
Q is a fucking retard
Just because i dont want all nigs muslims or spics dead doesnt mean i want them mass imported
Zionists arnt that good at lying lmao
They expose themselves so fast cuz of the greed
Donald trump is a murderer of children
Everyone of his unethical actions around the globe is a war crime
Just like the nigger and bush and the rest
I would classify him as a terrorist
Racism just means shut up and let in hordes of brown people whitey
How much you wanna bet without all the colonizing and cultural mixing people would be happier
And best of all i wouldnt have been born
God i wish i was aborted
>giving dick cheney and the roths something theyve wanted for years that enriches them greatly is winning
If you dont already know who i am
That means your just some retard nigger and arnt worth my time
But you arnt
Which is why you do this gay ass fake posting
Work on your cointelpro faggot
I shill this board better than actual cia niggers
Rip all Of Qs bread
What a surprise
A shitty country has shitty racist people
Tbh the racist part is based
America died the second they let the nigs vote
Anons my satanic parasite keeps trying to make me gay
But i really fucking hate men
What i do