Anonymous ID: 3e98b9 April 9, 2019, 3:12 p.m. No.6112410   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2794 >>2860 >>3074

‘It’s a massacre’: Rising number of suicides among French police condemned by union


Police unions in France have reacted with “great anger” to the news of two more suspected service suicides over the weekend in the country.


“It's a massacre,” the UNSA-Police union’s Thomas Toussaint told French media. He noted that it took until August last year for the number of suspected or proved officer suicides, currently 25, to reach 2019’s level.


A female officer who worked for a suburban Paris station was found dead with a self-inflicted gunshot wound, according to Le Parisien. Local media in the town of Ales also reported the discovery of the body of a male officer who had disappeared one week previously.


A senate report released last summer looked at the problems facing law enforcement personnel, including grueling schedules, exhaustion, and heightened tensions caused by recent civil unrest, as well as terrorist incidents, and labelled the issue a “true crisis.”


If the current death rate continues unabated, the record for most police deaths per year by suicide – 70, in 1996 – will be topped.


“A policeman kills himself every four days,” the Alternative Police CFDT union said of the recent statistics in a statement expressing its sadness and anger at the recent deaths. “It’s too much.” The union called for a greater initiative to tackle the problem, which it claimed has seen no “real substantive action” taken in 20 years.

Anonymous ID: 3e98b9 April 9, 2019, 3:24 p.m. No.6112545   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2550 >>2584 >>2743 >>2860 >>3010 >>3074

Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Doctor Experimenting on Children as Young as 8 for Transgender Therapy with Government Funding


Dr. Michael Laidlaw, an endocrinologist from Rocklin, California, recently discovered via a Freedom of Information Act that a government-supported research program at the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles was experimenting on children as young as 8 years old with cross-sex hormones.


Dr. Johanna Olson-Kennedy, who runs the Los Angeles study, received a $5.7 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH.)


There are currently more than 30 clinics for transgender children in the U.S.


Olson-Kennedy’s clinic, the Center for Transyouth Health and Development at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, is the country’s largest, treating 725 children.


Her youngest patient is 3 years old. (Source.)


Dr. Laidlaw discussed his findings at a recent panel discussion sponsored by the Heritage Foundation.


“Imagine giving eight-year-old girls testosterone. They are in third or fourth grade. This is unbelievable. But this is going on.”


Dr. Laidlaw said the minimum age for giving cross-sex hormones had been lowered from 13 to 8 in the NIH funded five-year study. He stated that there is an absence of clinical data on “transgender-affirming therapy” indicating it is a good idea or is at all healthy for the children.


There’s little to stop these researchers from merely removing the gonads of a four- or five-year-old child who identifies as transgender as an ad-hoc puberty-blocker in a rush to “affirm” their identity. (Source.)


Dr. Laidlaw stated that puberty blockers are administered on a wholly unscientific basis, relying on the child’s “gender identity.”


“There is no objective test to diagnose this,” he said, “yet we are giving very harmful therapies on the basis of no objective diagnosis.”


Such therapy can make the child sterile, a risk young children of that age are not old enough to understand.


Walt Heyer also spoke at the Heritage Foundation Panel, and refers to himself as a “former transgender.” He refers to such treatment as is funded by the NIH “child abuse,” and said he claims to have spoken to many transgender individuals who called transitioning “the biggest mistake” of their lives.


Another panel member was Dr. Marian Rutigliano, who questioned parents trusting doctors for knowing what is best for their children at such a young age. reports:


For parents who believe they are placing their trust in doctors knowing what’s best for their child, panelist Dr. Marian Rutigliano revealed that the AAP’s 2016 guidelines on caring for trans-identifying children were written by a 12-person panel on which less than half the members were even physicians, led by a 25-year-old trans-identified female – and one of those physicians worked at a clinic in which every single child who came in for a consultation was considered “appropriate for transition.”


Doctors who do attempt to stand up to the current vogue in transitioning kids are bullied or harassed into silence, often losing their positions, Rutigliano said. (Source.)


Addressing cross-sex hormones also reports:


Already, children as young as eight or nine can be given puberty-blockers – which halt the child’s development into an adult of their biological sex in preparation for taking the cross-sex hormones which bestow the secondary sex characteristics of the opposite – according to Endocrine Society and American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) guidelines.


These drugs have not been FDA-approved for this purpose and must be prescribed off-label, and their known side-effects include interruption of normal brain and bone development, as well as increased risk of heart attack, stroke, and various types of cancer.


At the UK’s Tavistock gender clinic:


… girls treated with these drugs have reported greater emotional problems, dissatisfaction with their bodies, and even self-harm, Oxford professor Michael Biggs found, after filing a FOIA request. (Source.)

Anonymous ID: 3e98b9 April 9, 2019, 3:27 p.m. No.6112577   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2852 >>2878 >>3074

With 228,000 votes tallied, Likud ahead by 5%


228,367 votes have now been counted.


Likud is ahead, with 29%, compared to Blue and White’s 24%.


The front-runners are followed, in descending order, by Shas (6.3%), Yisrael Beytenu (5.5%), Labor (4.9%), United Torah Judaism (4.7%), Union of Right Wing Parties (3.8%), Kulanu (3.6%), Meretz (3.2%), the New Right (3.1%), Zehut (2.8%), Ra’am-Balad (2.6%), Hadash-Ta’al (2.2%) and Gesher (1.8%).


The results are emerging from across the country and should not be seen as a representative sample until most ballots are tallied.

Anonymous ID: 3e98b9 April 9, 2019, 3:48 p.m. No.6112839   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2858 >>2860 >>2887 >>3049 >>3074

Part 2: Allison Mack’s plea hearing: Her complete allocution: ‘I hurt good people through my misguided adherence to Keith Raniere’s teachings’


The following is from the transcript of Allison Mack’s plea hearing.


On April 8, 2019, Allison Mack appeared before US District Judge Nicholas Garaufis in Brooklyn Federal Courthouse to withdraw her plea of not guilty to Counts 1 and 2 of the second superseding indictment and plead guilty to those counts.


Counts 1 and 2 are racketeering conspiracy and racketeering.


Her lawyers, Sean Buckley and William McGovern appeared with Mack.


Assistant US Attorneys Moira Kim Penza, Tanya Hajjar, Mark Lesko, AUSA, with the US Attorney’s Office Eastern District of New York, appeared for the prosecution.


After pleading guilty to the two counts the judge required her to make an allocution, in effect to confess on the record that she did indeed commit the crimes she pleaded guilty to a moment before.


[To read what happened prior to her allocution see Part 1: Allison’s guilty plea hearing: The judge explained her rights; the prosecution lays out charges they would have proved at trial]


THE COURT: So at this time, I’d like you to tell me what you did to commit these crimes. And if you are reading a prepared allocution, I would like you to do so slowly. Are you reading —


THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.


THE COURT: — your allocution?




THE COURT: Have you discussed your allocution with your attorneys?


THE DEFENDANT: I have, Your Honor.


THE COURT: You viewed it with them?


THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.


THE COURT: All right. And you are satisfied that it represents your best statement about what you did; is that right?


THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.


THE COURT: Okay. Why don’t you go ahead and read your allocution.


THE DEFENDANT: I am here to plead guilty before Your Honor. [she starts crying]


THE COURT: Do you want to take a moment?


THE DEFENDANT: I’m fine. No. Thank you. Thank you, Joe.


This past year has been one of introspection and self-examination, but, also, a year of understanding and acceptance. It has been a year of looking at what I had done for the past ten years, looking at my relationships with other members of NXIVM, friends, family, and associates, looking closely at the decisions I made, the people I trusted, and, more importantly, those who placed their trust in me. And having done so, I am prepared to take responsibility for acts in which I was involved, some of which I now recognize were wrong.


As Your Honor is aware, I dedicated years of my life to an organization in which I and others truly believed, NXIVM. In the course of my time with NXIVM, I became close with many individuals, many of whom are wonderful people, and some of whom I now realize are not.

Anonymous ID: 3e98b9 April 9, 2019, 3:50 p.m. No.6112851   🗄️.is 🔗kun

3min ago

Netanyahu en route to Tel Aviv for victory speech


Netanyahu is on his way to Tel Aviv for a triumphant speech to Likud supporters, in which he is expected to again declare victory and may announce a prospective coalition line-up.

Anonymous ID: 3e98b9 April 9, 2019, 4:12 p.m. No.6113125   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Well they turned rainbows, which kids like, into a gay symbol to start attacking them in adolescence to mind control them into thinking gay is an option.


Population control just as they planned.