why do they wear purple?
Purple: We don't have much to say to the insignificant bunch of nothings that exist in this body. We are ALWAYS in control and are basically invisible to the rest, besides blacks, and even they don't know who we are. We are superior. We are the mafia connection, the drug dealers, the politicians. We ARE superior. We got here through lots of pain, but you can't prove that to us because we don't believe it because we are too high up to experience this. WE are the Illuminated ones. We only take our orders from the council members inside. The GOLD council. One of us is on the Gold Council. We give orders throughout the system when nobody even realizes that we've given an order. We tell the body if they need to cut or die. It won't hurt us. They deserve it. If the body dies, we won't because we are far superior to those below us, therefore, are not part of them. We will live on, or that is what we were taught. We are learning different though.