Re 60% in hospital:
I come up with atrocities having to do with the missing children for starters. If you dig, especially on Haiti, the reasons (theories?) for exploitation, killing of these children is beyond the comprehension of normal, loving, people. Tested it on my spouse; it was met with disgust and disbelief. Same with the stories of the Canadian native children tied to the Queen that another anon posted about. The abuse of children in the Catholic Church. All horrific stories, but just ONE piece of what has been going on in the shadows as we go about our daily lives.
An aside on the Catholic Church abuse: when this was at its peak of exposure a decade or more ago, I was talking with an orthodox Jewish friend who told me it happens in synagogues too, they just keep it well hidden. Their son was afraid to use the bathroom at synagogue because he was approached for sex all the time. No one faith is beyond reproach.
Go to a missing person website and the sheer volume of people of all races, creeds, ages is mind boggling. What has happened to them? Gone without a trace.
Watch Kevin Shipp on YouTube. He has a 3 part video that will have you questioning everything. They would have to rewrite all the history books just based on some of gems in his videos.
Just think of what you can find out here even passively reading posts that others have dug up, let alone the crumbs that turn into truths by Q. Big Pharma, cancer cures going unused, the involvement of the church, Hollywood exposed, elected politicians exposed, government scandals and down right illegal activities that cost lives of civilians and military…unnecessarily. Mockingbird was huge for me - it explained why those who only watch CNN seem brainwashed and unable to accept even a single fact not fed to them by that station. They will literally shout you down, stating their talking points.
We've been getting everything in a slow drip over months. I truly believe that was the Q plan. SOME people need to know. SOME people need to start talking about it to family and friends in order for it not to appear as a grand conspiracy perpetrated by the administration if given all in one big drop. We see it unfolding before our eyes, the hive here gives you the sauce to research research research on your own. If all in one drop, people would be afraid to leave the house.
Up is down, left is right, north is south…nothing is as it seems. Or as you thought.