What an amazing post! This captures the spirit of today! Both my wife and I have been given hope by these releases from POTUS and Q. We had observed over 25 years of creeping darkness. Each year worse than before.
ourPOTUS has given up EVERYTHING, to lead this crusade for America. He had it all, fame, fortune and family. He put them all at risk for US. He is as a patriot of yore! He is in my mind as honorable as Washington, Jefferson, Revere, etal.
He has a love for us, the little people. He is not scalping or fleecing us. He is nurturing this country to the maximum of his ability. Please pray for him, his family, and his peace of mind. Pray that God will let him know that we appreciate what he is doing for us.
Let us have hope! Pray, pray pray!! Fight, fight fight!!!