Anonymous ID: 3d4cb6 April 9, 2019, 7:42 p.m. No.6115824   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5909

Posted this in a new thread and it was 404. Clowns HATE this info, no surprise.


>In an interesting story covered by the Australian Financial Review it is revealed that experts think the NSA has hardware level backdoors built into Intel and AMD processors. Steve Blank, recognised as one of Silicon Valleys leading experts, says that he would be extremely surprised if the American NSA does not have backdoors built into Intel and AMD chips. His reason is that the NSA finds “hacking” through backdoors significantly more simple than trying to crack encryption. For example trying to crack AES 256 bit encryption would require the power of 10 million suns to crack at the current TDP of processors. Steve Blank therefore claims that because cracking encryption is so infeasible the NSA uses hardware level backdoors instead. Steve Blank said that these suspicions arose when he saw the NSA could access Microsoft emails in their pre-encryption state and so he knew there was another way in.


The information is CORRECT however the mass hardware backdooring of ALL civilian computer hardware was done at the behest of the CLOWNS. It's a CIA op not NSA.


Now you may be wondering how people like Qteam have avoided being 'hacked'. One of the most common things doubters and shills bring up is "why would the Deep State not just instantly backdoor them?" and that would be a logical question- except Qteam use specialized hardware that was manufactured WITHOUT backdoors.


But those are very hard to find. Computers made without motherboard level backdoors haven't been manufactured since Steve Jobs was hand-wiring motherboards in his parent's garage. (with one exception) The CIA and DS infiltrated that world VERY QUICKLY. There is a reason Apple II was halted prematurely, only to be replaced with "Apple II PLUS." All models beyond Apple II are compromised. Do you think they would just ALLOW something that would give human beings unlimited communication and knowledge sharing with each other, without planting future controls? The clowns LOVE to infest the business world and the technology market was perfect for them.


So how would you get around this- without using an antique Apple and dialup modem? (For some, this is the only affordable option.) This is why anons who are on that level of combat with the clowns talk a certain way and use text based websites. Think about it. When you're loading information at 5000 baud, and reading it on a text only screen- what websites would YOU use? What forms of communication would be OPEN?


See more:


The one exception is certain computers manufactured by a specific government contractor (TPW) for use by military intelligence, from the mid 1990s to the early 2000s. For a brief window of time, the NSA were able to have the manufacturing specs avoid chipsets and configurations that contained backdoors. The 'clown' method of hardware backdoor infiltration involves poisoning the supply lines for multiple parts. NSA operatives were able to manipulate the manufacturing process on multiple levels, creating production runs of un-backdoored systems that could be diverted to intelligence officers and units, without the clowns even realizing that this had happened. I do not have the specifics on the inter-agency conflicts past this point, but as anyone knows, the clowns were winning way too much in the 2000s.


After disposal, these systems are supposed to be shredded into pieces no larger than 1/8" by 1/16". Some of them, "slip through the cracks" and can be found in the civilian world. They are hard to find and harder to afford. Web searches on them have been poisoned. In 2016 anons were discovering some of the systems and the search results for it were freaking them out. Changing directly on the screen, returning pages of random numbers from NASA, etc. The website for TPW was doing strange stuff too. Some anons who didn't protect themselves enough were gangstalked and followed by black suvs. Now that the TPW system knowledge has gotten out of the bag, and the DS is fighting a losing war on many fronts, you can actually find out info on them.


They are old. You can run Windows XP or Linux Mint, and use a basic web browser, and use websites with simple graphics. You would be able to view, edit, and upload images. You would probably want to stick to text-based websites anyway. Like the Chans.


Why do you think Q chooses websites with simple layouts, websites without big graphic backgrounds and fancy animations?




More infodrops to follow.

Anonymous ID: 3d4cb6 April 9, 2019, 7:53 p.m. No.6115955   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Nothing to do with voting, they are used for communication without deep state interference.


No one has bought one from eBay- listings on eBay are deleted and you will get a visit from feds for listing one. Same as any other de-militarized equipment that wasn't supposed to be in the civilian market.

Anonymous ID: 3d4cb6 April 9, 2019, 7:55 p.m. No.6115969   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6186


The post you are quoting came out shortly after the TPW P4-15-NB was leaked on /pol/. It was one of several attempts to shill and spread disinfo and make it seem like a larp. Search on 4plebs and other archive sites, you will see the actual trajectory of digging on 4pol.

Anonymous ID: 3d4cb6 April 9, 2019, 8:07 p.m. No.6116113   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6136
























get in here faggots