Anonymous ID: 6ea011 April 9, 2019, 7:17 p.m. No.6115528   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Anthropologists generally turn somersaults to avoid discussing it, but Neanderthal man is the basic racial stock for most Jews. And this is steadily developing into a generally accepted if underplayed consensus. Now that this fact is being disinterred, we are experiencing a great public relations campaign "humanizing" and even ennobling the Neanderthal, innocent victim of his contemporary, the Cro-Magnon man, the aggressive, conniving, brutal competitor and all-around rotter, the racial basis for the Aryan white man.


Neanderthals do not lack brains. In fact, the Neanderthal braincase is somewhat larger than Cro-Magnon. They are more hairy than the Cro-Magnons, shorter in stature, tend to slope forward while walking and have a heavy brow ridge. Although their jaw is smaller, their bite is fierce. The men may sport a long, reddish-black beard and if you braid the hair of one and put a black fedora on him, you will have the spitting image of an Orthodox rabbi.


For the past 50 or 60 millennia, Neanderthal/Semites have tried to interbreed with Cro-Magnon/Aryans. This has somewhat improved the Jewish phenotype at the expense of the latter.


For almost a thousand years in the West, since A.D. 1012, when they were expelled from Mainz, Jews have proven themselves to be bad neighbors. In 1649 Oliver Cromwell obtained backing from the British Parliament for the execution of King Charles I on a charge of treason. Afterward, Cromwell permitted the Jews to enter England again, effectively reversing the edict of expulsion issued by King Edward I in 1290, which expelled all Jews from England "forever" and ordered that any who remained were to be executed.


In addition to the common complaint of usury, accusations of ritual murder of Christian children usually motivated the expulsions. England is not the first country to expel Jews.

Anonymous ID: 6ea011 April 9, 2019, 7:29 p.m. No.6115675   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5691 >>5932

A partial list of all the areas from which the Jews have been banished, sometimes on numerous occasions, over the last 998 years is lengthy. The list includes Mainz (four times), France (four times), Upper Bavaria (twice), England, Saxony, Hungary (twice), Belgium, Slovakia (twice), Austria, Lyon, Cologne, Netherlands, Brandenburg (twice), Warsaw, Spain, Italy (twice), Lithuania, Portugal, Naples (three times), Navarre, Nuremburg, Prussia, Genoa, Prague, Bavaria, the Papal States, Hamburg, Vienna, Moravia, Bohemia and Moscow.


Partial List of Cities/States that


have expelled Jews – 1012-1933


Country Year Country Year Co

Mainz 1012

Upper Bavaria 1442

Naples 1533

France 1182

Netherlands 1444

Italy 1540

Upper Bavaria 1276

Brandenburg 1446

Naples 1541

England 1290

Mainz 1462

Prague 1541

France 1306

Mainz 1483

Genoa 1550

France 1322

Warsaw 1483

Bavaria 1551

Saxony 1349

Spain 1492

Prague 1557

Hungary 1360

Italy 1492

Papal States 1569

Belgium 1370

Lithuania 1495

Hungary 1582

Slovakia 1380

Portugal 1496

Hamburg 1649

France 1394

Naples 1496

Vienna 1669

Austria 1420

Navarre 1498

Slovakia 1744

Lyons 1420

Nuremburg 1498

Moravia 1744

Cologne 1424

Brandenburg 1510

Bohemia 1744

Mainz 1438

Prussia 1510

Moscow 1891

Augsburg 1438

Genoa 1515

Germany 1933

Anonymous ID: 6ea011 April 9, 2019, 7:31 p.m. No.6115697   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Wasted and exhausted by inter-Aryan wars, for the most part fomented or aggravated by Neanderthal/Jewish political and economic power, the outlook today is decidedly not good for the Aryan/Cro-Magnon.


World War I was so named after American intervention into the European war that began in 1914. This stupid bloodbath would have remained inter-European had the British not issued the Balfour Declaration on Nov. 2, 1917, which read:


His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of that object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine.


The history of this calamitous outrage, which has brought on so much suffering for the world, the effects of which will curse history forever, has been given by many of the principals involved, particularly James Malcolm, the non-Jewish conceptor of it whose 12-page account of it was printed in the January/February 2000 issue of THE BARNES REVIEW history magazine on pages 20-31.


The purpose of this declaration, issued to American Jews, was to inspire them to use their influence in the banking, commercial, intellectual, news media and political fields to bring America into the war on the side of England. Until then American Jews generally favored Germany because of the Jews' history of profitable relations with the Germans.


The scheme worked and this is why the American Congress declared war on the Central Powers on April 6, 1917, the excuse being that German subs were sinking American ships carrying war materiel to Britain, which, by the way, the Germans had every right to do under then-prevailing American "neutrality" laws, specifically Article V of the Act of June 15, 1917 providing that during a war in which the United States is neutral, it is unlawful to send out of the jurisdiction of the United States any vessel armed or equipped as a vessel of war with any intent or with reasonable cause to believe that it shall be used by any belligerent nation. The German government even placed an ad in The New York Times on April 22, 1915, warning prospective passengers that because the Lusitania would be carrying contraband of war, it would be sunk.

In that war, 116,516 Americans were killed and 204,002 wounded. Of these, fewer than 2 percent were Jewish.

Anonymous ID: 6ea011 April 9, 2019, 7:40 p.m. No.6115797   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6025

Although the beloved author of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, was a firm advocate for religious liberty in America for Jews and all people, what has been carefully censored from the history books is the absolute fact that Jefferson clearly considered the Jewish religion itself to be quite abominable.


Writing to John Adams on Oct. 13, 1813, the widely read intellectual commented on the Talmud and other Jewish teachings: "What a wretched depravity of sentiment and manners must have prevailed before such corrupt maxims could have obtained credit! It is impossible to collect from these writings a consistent series of moral doctrine."


Describing himself as "a real Christian, that is to say, a disciple of the doctrines of Jesus," Jefferson wrote to William Short (on Oct. 31, 1819) that he considered Jesus "the greatest of all the reformers of the depraved religion of his own country," adding in a subsequent letter to Short (Aug. 4, 1820) that while Christ preached "philanthropy and universal charity and benevolence," the Jews followed teachings that instilled in them "the most anti-social spirit towards other nations."


Jefferson wrote that Jesus – as a "reformer of the superstitions of a nation," was in an "ever dangerous" position by opposing "the priests of the superstition" – the Pharisees – whom he described as "a blood thirsty race … cruel and remorseless as the Being whom they represented as the family God of Abraham, of Isaac and of Jacob, and the local God ofIsrael."

Anonymous ID: 6ea011 April 9, 2019, 7:44 p.m. No.6115846   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

As for the European war that followed 20 years later, the United States intervened following the "Jewish sacred declaration of war" against Germany made by Samuel Untermeyer's World Jewish Congress on August 6, 1933 and the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor – an attack documented by Revisionist historians as contrived by Roosevelt and Churchill for the purpose of convincing the American people that they had no choice but to go to war once again. American intervention made this European war again a world war. 407,296 white American men died and over 1 million were wounded, perhaps a third of them horribly, to exist shut away in attics in beds or, if fortunate, in wheelchairs for the rest of their miserable lives. Again, fewer than 2 percent were Jewish. The war also brought vast profits for capitalists and bankers and horrific debt for the taxpayers, which they will be paying until the final collapse of the dollar, an event anticipated shortly, if many private economists are to be believed.


These two needless conflicts killed more than one-third million American men plus at least 67 million other Aryans of France, Britain, Germany, etc. Some 25 million Russian men were killed in the two wars and between 40-60 million Russians were killed by the Jewish controlled Communists before, during and after WWII, a figure cited by Alexander Solzhenitsyn and The Black Book of Communism.


Although Neanderthals/Jews avoid fighting in the wars they instigate between goyim (a Yiddish word meaning barnyard animals or gentiles) they are extremely profitable.


But although they avoid shooting, Jews are exceptionally combative and aggressive in forcing their ideas and group interests upon their host peoples. Sociologists know that all human groups have an in-group morality to be used among their own kind and another type of behavior for outsiders. But with Jews, this behavior is extreme, being literally part of their so-called religion, which basically is self-worship. Indeed, hatred for all outsiders is literally a requirement set out in the Talmud, the dominant Jewish holy book. Jews have no problem accusing whites and white groups of "hate" whereas their own religion is little else but hatred for all non-Jews.

For the past 50 millennia or so,


Neanderthal/Semites have tried to breed with Cro- Magnon/Aryan, and often succeeded. For example, a slave trade exists today in which beautiful Aryan girls from Russia are brought to Israel and used for prostitution with Neandertha/Semites and the breeding of children who look Aryan but are raised as Jews.

Beginning with the American-British invasion of Europe on June 6, 1944 Jewish gangs from Israel followed the Allied armies into Europe (at a safe distance) seizing what they wanted, including countless German patents worth untold billions of dollars and kidnapping German orphans by the thousands. These hapless infants were sent to Israel and raised as Jews. Today, the children of these orphans, with the appearance of Nordic/Aryan youth, are clearly evident in the Israeli army and on the streets of Israel.

Anonymous ID: 6ea011 April 9, 2019, 7:51 p.m. No.6115930   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6144



The vast majority of today's Jews are racially Khazars, originally from southern Russia and eastern Europe. Their history is a fascinating one. The ancient Khazar Empire, a major but almost unchronicled power flourished about the same time that Charlemagne was emperor in the West. Their sway extended from the Black Sea to the Caspian. Their history was popularized by Arthur Koestler, himself Jewish, in The Thirteenth Tribe, published by Random House in 1976. Although Koestler makes no mention of Neanderthals in this book, as reviewer Phineas Stone wrote in the Washington Jewish Week of October 5-11, 1978: "Even if I'm a Khazar, I'm fully Judaized.'"


Dr. Michael Bradley, who identifies himself as a Sephardic Jew, has written a great deal on this subject and is careful to point out that the Khazars – today generally known as Ashkenazi – are generally disliked for their aggressiveness and "propensity to violence" which he ascribes to their Neanderthal heritage. He is known for his The Iceman Inheritance which – although it has been shrilly condemned by the Neanderthal/Jewish media, such as The New York Times may have been read by a million people on the Internet. His e-mail address is


The Karaites are one ofthe many Jewish sects that, while emphatically rejecting inclusion in the usual run of Jews, just as emphatically demand special recognition. There are upwards of 8,000 Karaites in Israel, with 2,000 or more elsewhere. They demand their own courts in Israel with jurisdiction in matters of the personal status of members of their community.


Karites broke away from the mainstream of Judaism in the 8th century when they denied the authority of the oral law, as codified in the Talmud. Rabbinical Jews consider them mamzerin, or illegal bastards. Karaites consider other Jews illegitimate bastards.

Anonymous ID: 6ea011 April 9, 2019, 7:55 p.m. No.6115981   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Another of the many sects of Jews is the Lubavitch-Chabad section of Hassidlc Jewry located in Crown Heights, New York City. Guided by the will of the late Chief Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, work is simultaneously in progress on a $5 million boys school and a $15 million girls school.


It is funded in part by Joseph Gruss, a Wall Street investment banker, Ronald Perleman, chairman of Revlon, and David Chase, of Chase Enterprises.


The Lubavitchers count their numbers at around 200,000 with 3,000 colonies worldwide in 70 countries. A prime object of this sect is to double their numbers every decade. If they do, there will be one billion of them in 130 years. One of the inventions they boast of is the contraceptive coil, for use by White Christian women only. Through their eyes, the gentile is bumbler, fool, amateur and idiot as he consumes the Jewish export doctrine of hedonism. Their racial loyalty, says Bill White, exists only to bring ugliness and pain to mankind, not to create and better the condition of men, which has always been the purpose of Aryan science and religion.

Anonymous ID: 6ea011 April 9, 2019, 7:59 p.m. No.6116018   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6108



By almost every measure, the state of Israel is unique among nations. It was created and exists only by the influence of co-religionists in other countries who, through the manipulation of money and political power, can induce other countries to support it financially and in a myriad of other ways. It is exempt from arms limitations imposed on every other nation boasting nuclear weapons because it has not agreed to any international non-proliferation agreements, nor are there any discernable efforts of Aryan states to force it to abide by any international rule of law, which has been a goal of European nations since the nettlesome Jewish state was created out of Arab lands back in 1947-1948.


The Christian Science Monitor estimates that American taxpayers and kindly bankers have gifted Israel from 1949 to 2009 some $133 billion. It built its nuclear armory by stealing the secrets from other countries, including the U.S., England, France and Russia and has gotten away with it scot-free. A proxy, the American government, coerced Germany into building two nuclear-armed submarines of the latest design for its navy. It violates the Genocide Convention (which Jews lobbied for intensely for during the Senate's ratification process) daily in its barbaric treatment of Palestinians within and without its borders without any comment by the so-called "free press" in the West.


An attractive California blonde peace activist, Rachel Corrie, was deliberately murdered on March 16, 2003 by an Israeli bulldozer operator (the bulldozer was built by the American Caterpillar Co., and no doubt supplied free by American taxpayers) while she was trying to stop the demolition of a Palestinian home with scarcely a murmur from the American press. Israelis openly state their intention to expand Israel's territory by taking territory from other countries and Israel literally dictated "American" foreign policy to the Bush administration, which obediently pirouetted as ordered by the "neo-cons," a name now used by former Jewish communists.


Fortunately the Bush administration did not attack Iran, as the Jewish lobby ardently desired. There is a hidden story here, which has to do with the strong opposition of the American military hierarchy to such an attack, which could only have constituted the biggest and most expensive no-win war in this country's history.


Israel, which has no extradition treaties with gentile nations, is a haven for Jewish criminals, including murderers from anywhere since all Jews are dual citizens of the country in which they live and Israel. One notorious example of this travesty is the gruesome murder of 17-year-old Alfredo Tello, of Silver Spring, Md. on Sept. 17, 1997 by Samuel Sheinbein. Tello was first strangled and beaten on the head with a shotgun. His limbs were sawed off – they were never found – and his torso was burned. Sheinbein and an accomplice, Aaron Needle, called their parents saying they were in trouble and needed money to flee to Israel. Sheinbein's parents immediately picked up their son and drove him to John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York, gave him a one-way ticket to Israel and saw him off. Needle – also Jewish but less lucky – was arrested and two days before his trial either hanged himself or was murdered in his cell. Needless to say, his death was not investigated.

Israeli authorities refuse to return Sheinbein and sentenced him to 24 years after he pled guilty. However, his furloughs from jail are frequent. He was eligible for parole in four years. Says Montgomery County prosecuting attorney, John McCarthy, the possibility that Sheinbein might soon be back on the streets is "terrifying." But this is improbable. Sheinbein is clearly good material for the Israeli army and would enjoy exercising his sadism on Palestinians.

Anonymous ID: 6ea011 April 9, 2019, 8:04 p.m. No.6116086   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6139



And there is no use denying the primary role of Jews in communism – that hellish system under which at least 40 (forty) million human beings in the Soviet Union were killed by starvation, hanging, shooting, burying, drowning, slicing or other means. This is the total arrived at by The Black Book of Communism and to which Alexander Solzhenitsyn agrees.


Had it not have been for Germany's invasion of the USSR on June 22, 1941, the Soviet system of terror and slavery would have been extended at least to the Pyrenees and the Atlantic Ocean, if not to Gibraltar and Galway. This is more than alarmist and unschooled conjecture; it is clear fact as developed by the works of numerous Revisionist historians who are free of leftist academic bias. The list includes Viktor Suvorov's Icebreaker and more recent The Chief Culprit, historian Joachim Hoffman's Stalin s War of Extermination, and numerous others, including David Irving.


Even Winston Churchill, before he was compromised by the money of Jewish Henry Strakosh, specifically placed the responsibility for communism on Jewish shoulders. See his famous article in the Illustrated Sunday Herald, carried on Feb. 8, 1920. [See page 48 of this issue of TBR.-Ed.]


But an environment of democracy is surely preferred. No wonder that the Jewish plaything, President George W Bush, worked to see "democracy" installed everywhere and his father openly promoted a "new world order" which necessarily involves the surrender of fundamental American sovereignty.


Using the framework of democracy, the Jews have fashioned the perfect political system – perfect for those who run it, if not for the people – whereby those who have the real power and authority do not have the responsibility therefor. Thus, as the country and indeed, the entire West, crumble into dust, with confusion, misdirection, alarums and wrongheadedness at every turn, the Jews prosper. Democratic politicians are like colored light bulbs: they burn for awhile and are soon replaced by another of slightly different color. Democracy is securely in the thrall of money and the master of money is the Rothschild entity and its allies, including many gentile supercapitalists.


The key to Jewish control is compound interest, the eighth wonder of the world. One cent loaned at 1 percent compound interest at the time of Christ would today amount to the worth of a gold ball the size of the Earth, worth $2 quindecillion – that's a "2" with 48 zeroes.


As noted, Jews avoid participation in the wars they instigate. Wars between goyini are extremely profitable. Although avoiding getting involved in shooting wars Jews/Neanderthals are exceptionally combative and aggressive in forcing their ideas and group interests upon their host peoples.


Although many writers have commented on the extreme hatred of Jews for others, this writer knows of none who relates this to the atavistic hatred of the Neanderthal for Cro-Magnon/Aryan mankind. It is profoundly deep and ancient, far older than the advent of Christianity. The figure of Christ is, for both Jews and non-Jews, a convenient historical event to rationalize what existed for millennia before His birth. This mutual aversion between Cro-Magnon/Aryan and Neanderthal has existed for some 60,000 years, and over the late centuries has been codified in the Talmud. It must be posited that the religion of Judaism is simply a Jewish rationalization of the ugly Neanderthal's hatred for the Cro-Magnon Aryan.


Jews and Judeophiles glory in the idea that Jews have created Christianity for others. Preachers, such as John Hagee, known to many as the corpulent con man, Pat Robertson and the late Jerry Falwell have had the golden gates of the television medium opened to them and have made fortunes by literally worshipping Jews.

It is not an exaggeration to state that "the Holocaust" is a new religion. Using the "Holocaust" image, many billions of dollars have poured into Jewish coffers. But this is not the only advantage reaped from "the Holocaust." With due apologies, in an appendix to this essay, I shall reprint something I wrote on this subject some 30 years ago in the introduction to a little book by Dr. David Hoggan, The Myth of the Six Million: