Thanks for taking one for the team, anon!
Doesn't Killery still own the DNC? I wanna see THAT documentary, kek. They should call it "unwinding the deal; we were brought to heel."
Must be like Christmas for these guys that have had the big picture for so long yet had to live in the world that crime made waiting waiting waiting…
I think we will find he is not good, anon. We shall have to be prepared. And expect moar hijinks too.
Yeah, thought of that CT connection to Durham but did not read the part about Baker there, too. I found his explanation of Page's role at General Counsels office odd though.
3 words that prolly spooked Brennan most- radical. Islamic. terrorism.
Read and refreshed in a bit of the predicate saga this weekend. News was out some time ago but Assange wanted a deal. Bruce Ohr carried the deal to Comey-who quashed it. Then Assange released Vault 7. If he wasn't smart enough to see through faggot Comey and then released Vault 7 (if HE did it) and while Pompe was CIA Director… there will be no mercy for him and he should not have stayed MUM-period. He has to know Snowden is a Clown ergo…. not good.
Kek the Dems took a pass on his offer. Methinks it has to do with MOAR criminal referrals.
Go back into archives for timeframes of board jumps. It was nuts-I was new. The personalities on chans knew each other. It was 8-bit. If you want to read for yourself, do the board search and discern. We don't do finger printing or other biometrics here.
It's like baseball. Huber has had an outfield team warming up, practicing base throws [visiting team]. Barr is getting a group together to now throw warmups for the home team and Hubers team will bat to start the game. Ooh, there goes a pop fly down center.. it's going, going, gone!!!! Out of the park!!!