Anonymous ID: e3f972 April 9, 2019, 7:46 p.m. No.6115867   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Here are a couple visuals for you buddy. You are right on point and just like Russia, Russia, Russia they want Global warming. The first pic is all the UN climate models on top and blue and bottom is actual history. Next we currently have four magnetic poles and what we read is the balance point between them. North Magnetic has now moved 1500 miles west and the EU SWARM data is now adjusted so you can only see 3 or 4 years ago LOL. Last the graph to show how UN makes little numbers big. They throw out 99 Percent of atmosphere and then only measure in that last box what they consider the yellow green house gasses. Of those Human CO2 is tiny. Regardless of that entire lie CO2 is a following temp gas not a leading temp gas. It is so plane to see in the ice cores they do not put that data out. All for the transfer of wealth into their pockets. Now you will hear a change from Climate warming to "Man causes the climate to "change"" it is because of the man caused change that it is now getting colder LOL.

Anonymous ID: e3f972 April 9, 2019, 7:48 p.m. No.6115898   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6140

Calling All Anon's

This morning at 2:00 am, a Anon baker was expressing worries about

POTUS and his character. It was some mainstream media story that

he was bad for the country. I do not say this to say she bought into

this but was worried about it effecting the election. I told her that

people said that Jesus was the son of Satan. We know he never did

anything wrong in his life, yet when he cast out a demon and saved

someone the Pharisees said Jesus had power over the demon

because he was the son of the Beelzebub (Satan). I did not have

this video at the time but wish I had. In my 1 &1/2 years (the

beginning) on Q-research through the moves and the introduction of

trip codes. I do not think I have missed a single day. Not all days

were 16 or 18 hours but many were. I love to read, and there is so

much you need to read to fully understand. I have read other hints at

Donald Trumps work that he does quietly and does play Hollywood.

Doesn't call all the TV's and say I am giving this check etc. He just

helps a need. God alone will know what this Man and his wonderful

First Lady including all his kids have done that no one even knows.

My father taught me that you personally can not defend your own

character but your friends and family who know you the best will do

it for you. We know POTUS better than most use this to defend him.

As this 10 days of actions happens that are louder than any words. I

beg you to take 15 min's to hear this touching story of how thoughtful

Donald Trump our beloved POTUS that we work so hard to help does.

You will never hear this on CNN or even on Fox. Every Anon here

has heard over and over their are NO coincidences. Every date,

number and misspelling is planned and NOTHING is by accident.

You will fully know in your heart that what POTUS and the man

Donald J. Trump did for this family was thoughtful and done with

intellect and purpose. Listen to these words and as the Media attacks

grow on us as well as POTUS and FLOTUS. The love this country &

they love all of us and will do all they can to make USA Great Again!


Anonymous ID: e3f972 April 9, 2019, 8 p.m. No.6116033   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Ok the normal rule on 8 chan is three times and quit but I appreciate your input. I would just like other bakers to appreciated the "Presentation" that Doc does. He has been in Oval Office with Trump more than once and hmmm how to say some here only like written work. I totally get that I read 10x at least faster than video but dang it new people need the emotion and it cuts across all three learning groups visual, listening and doing. You kindness for improvement is refreshing. Thank you.

Anonymous ID: e3f972 April 9, 2019, 8:03 p.m. No.6116069   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Well shit for brains if you would read tesla more and stop running your calculator you might understand at this point even if I posted what was possible you most likely would think it was impossible.

Anonymous ID: e3f972 April 9, 2019, 8:08 p.m. No.6116127   🗄️.is 🔗kun



so glad he was honored by being remembered!


No higher love does someone have for their fellow man than to give their life in the service of others and our Nation. One more Hero.