Anonymous ID: 472802 April 9, 2019, 8:24 p.m. No.6116318   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6600

There has never been a more colossal and successful deception, nor one that has been so enormously profitable in every way for its perpetrators, than the myth that Hitler and his Nazis killed 6 million Jews."


But, you might ask, why should one concern himself with merely one more lie – and an old one, at that – when we are lied to so many times each day by armies of advertisers, preachers, salesmen and politicians?


And the answer is that the direct effects of this myth go far beyond the fact that since the end of World War II the people of Western Germany have been forced to pay more than $10 billion to Israel and to individual Jews elsewhere as "restitution." The answer is that the effects of this myth have a direct and an ever-increasing impact on each of us, every day.


For the truly critical effect of the myth is that it has made impossible rational and public discussion of the most vital matters, the understanding of which are central to our well-being. Take recent history, for example. There is an immutable and rigidly-fixed dogma, taught to all of the people through movies, television programs and in all of the universities of the land, that the Germans were uniquely and solely responsible for starting World War II. Thus, the unspeakably disastrous political results of that war – the rise of Communism and the destruction of Europe as a world force, as well as the nearly infinite human suffering both during and after the war: 50 million lives lost, an ultimate financial cost of $25 trillion or more – can be comfortably blamed on the Nazi devils without the pain of having to examine the possibility that Britain, America, and our "noble ally," the Soviet Union, were not entirely blameless.


Says Israel Shamir, an outspoken Israeli Jew that has converted to Christianity:


I still remember old Jews spitting while passing by a church, and cursing while passing by a Christian cemetery. Last year in Jerusalem, a Jew decided to refresh the tradition. He spat at the Holy Cross carried in the procession in the city. Last year, the biggest Israeli tabloid Yedioth Aharonoth reprinted in its library the Jewish anti-Gospel, "Toledoth Eshu." It is the book of hate for Christ. The hero of the book is Judas. He captures Jesus by polluting his purity. According to "Toledoth," the conception of Christ is sin, the miracles of Jesus [are] witchcraft, his resurrection but a trick.


Even today, Jews in Israel refer to Jesus by the demeaning word "Yeshu" (instead of "Yeshua"), meaning "Perish his name." In a similar pun, the New Testament Gospel [sic] is called Avon Gilaion, "the booklet of sin." These are the endearing feelings that the friends of Christian Zionists maintain toward Christ.

Anonymous ID: 472802 April 9, 2019, 8:40 p.m. No.6116470   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6487 >>6600

Dishonoring Christian religious symbols is an old religious duty in Judaism. Spitting on the cross, and especially on the Crucifix, and spitting when a Jew passes a church, has been obligatory from around A.D. 200 for pious Jews. In the past, when the danger of anti-Semitic hostility was a real one, the pious Jews were commanded by their rabbis either to spit so that the reason for doing so would be unknown, or to spit onto their chests, not actually on the cross or openly before the church. The increasing strength of the Jewish state has caused these customs to become more open again but there should be no mistake: The spitting on the cross for converts from Christianity to Judaism, organized by Kibbutz Sa'ad and financed by the Israeli government, is considered an act of traditional Jewish piety. This barbarous attitude of contempt and hate for Christian religious symbols has grown in Israel. In the 1950s Israel issued a series of stamps representing pictures of Israeli cities. In the picture of Nazareth, there was a church and on its top a cross, almost invisible, perhaps the size of a millimeter.


Nevertheless, the religious parties made a scandal and the stamps were quickly withdrawn and replaced by an almost identical series from which the microscopic cross was withdrawn


Stan Gooch, a writer of Jewish origin, based in Wales, and known for his study of the evolution and history of the brain, elucidated upon in several books, is one of the controversial writers whose research has led him to believe that modem-day Jews can trace integral components of their heritage to the famed and mysterious Neanderthal. In his book, The Dream Culture of the Neanderthals: Guardians of the Ancient Wisdom, Gooch has expanded upon his theme and is proud to proclaim the Neanderthals as the ancient forerunners of today's Jewish people. Gooch's publisher summarizes the author's findings:


"Contrary to current theories, Stan Gooch maintains that the Neanderthals were not destroyed by the younger Cro-Magnon culture…"

Anonymous ID: 472802 April 9, 2019, 8:53 p.m. No.6116589   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6721



According to the American Jewish Committee, "The Talmud is the legal code which forms the basis of Jewish religious law and it is the textbook used in the training of rabbis."

Benjamin Freedman, a converted Jew, in his book Facts are Facts, said:


From the birth of Jesus until this day there have never been recorded more vicious and vile libelous blasphemies of Jesus, of Christians, and the Christian faith by anyone, anywhere, or anytime than you will find between the covers of the infamous "63 books"; which are the "legal code which forms the basis of Jewish religious law" as well as the "textbook used in the training of Rabbis." The explicit and implicit irreligious character and implications of the contents of the Talmud will open your eyes as they have never been opened before. The Talmud reviles Jesus, Christians and the Christian faith, the priceless spiritual and cultural heritage of Christians, as they have never been reviled before or since the Talmud was completed in the 5th century.


Mr. A.N. Field, a British-American writer of the 1930s, collected the following gems from the Talmud, which deserve a far wider circulation among non-Jews than they have received:


• Whosoever is uncircumcised belongs to the sons of Belial, to the children of doom and eternal perdition. (The Book of Jubilee, xv, 26-27.)


• The Jew is to say on Purim Day: "Cursed be Haman, blessed be Mordechai; cursed be Seresh, blessed be Esther: cursed be all non-Jews, blessed be all Jews." (Orach Chaim, 660, 16.)


• Theft, robbery and rape of a beautiful woman and similar deeds are forbidden to every gentile toward another gentile and also toward a Jew, but they are allowed to a Jew against a non-Jew. (Sanhedrin, 57 a; also Aboda Zara, 13 b.)


• A heretic gentile you may kill outright with your own hands. (Aboda Zara, 4b.)


• Those who do not own the Torah, must all be killed. Whoever has power to kill them, let him kill them openly with the sword, if not let him use artifices until they are all done away with. (Choschen ha-Mischpat, 425, 5.)


• If a Jew has a suit with a non-Jew, you (Jewish judge) will take the Jew's side as far as possible, according to the laws of the gentiles, you will take the Jew's side and say to the gentile: Thus it is according to your law. If neither of these alternatives is possible, then you must cheat. (Baba Kama, 113 a.)


• It is allowed to cheat a gentile and take usury trom him. (Baba Mezia, 61 a.)


• God has commanded us to take usury trom the gentile and lend him only when he consents to repay with usury, in order that we do not create profit for him, even if there accrued no profit to us. (Sepher Mizwoth, 73 a.)


• A thing lost by a gentile may not only be kept by the man who found it, but it is even forbidden to give it back to him. (Choschen ha-Mischpat, 159, 1.)


• A Jew may rob a gentile, that is, he may cheat him over a bill if unlikely to be detected. (Choschen ha-Mischpat, 348, 1.)

Anonymous ID: 472802 April 9, 2019, 8:58 p.m. No.6116630   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The following racist quotations from the Talmud appear in reputable publications:


• You are human beings but the nations of the world are not human beings, but beasts. (Baba Mecia, 114,6.)


• On the house of the goy one looks as on a fold of cattle. (Tosefta, Erubin, viii.)


• The estates of the goy are like wilderness, who first settles in them has a right to them. (Baba Batra, 54, b.)


• The property of the goys is like a thing without a master. (Schulchan Aruch: Choschen ha-Mischpat, 156,5.)


• Who took an oath in the presence of goys, the robbers, and the custom-house officer, is not responsible. (Tosefta Szebnot, 11.)


• A human form is only given to those who are not Jews in order that the Jews may not be waited upon by beasts. (Schene-tuchoth-habberith.)


• If a Jew can deceive idolaters by making them think he is a follower of their cult, it is permitted to do so. (Yore De'ah, 157,2.)


• One should and must make false oath, when the goyim ask if our books contain anything against them. Then we are bound to state on oath that there is nothing like that. (Szaalot-Utszabot. The Book of Jore Dia, 17.)


• Every goy who studies Talmud, and every Jew who helps him in it, ought to die. (Sanhedrin, 59 a, Aboda Zara, 8¬6, Szagiga, 13.)


• To communicate anything to a goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all the Jews … (Book of Libbre David, 37.)


That the Talmud inculcates hatred both of Christianity and Christians, was the view ofvthe late Monsignor Jouin, founder in 1912 of the Revue lntemationale des Societes Secretes and the editor of it up to his death in 1932. Translations of articles

by Monsignor Jouin appeared in The London Free Press of September and October, 1937, and February 1938, and in these the whole matter was fully discussed with many citations.


As has been already stated, there is much controversy as to how such passages as have been cited above are regarded from the Jewish Chronicle of January 3 [1938] reporting the newly installed president of the Council of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations in London as saying "his guide would always be the Schulcan Aruch." In Warren Weston's book, Father of Lies, it is stated that Professor Cohen, as a sworn expert before the court at Marburg in April 1888, testified that, "the religious Jew considers himself bound by the whole contents of the Talmud."

Anonymous ID: 472802 April 9, 2019, 9:07 p.m. No.6116701   🗄️.is 🔗kun



A further point in the Jewish religion around which much controversy has centered is the "Kol Nidre" prayer. This is recited on the day before Yom Kippur ("the Day of Atonement") each year with great solemnity in all synagogues. (In 2010, Yom Kippur begins at sundown on Friday, September 17.) The Free Press of February 1938 published what it stated was a photostatic reproduction of the prayer in English and Hebrew from the Jewish prayer book for the Day of Atonement, published in London under the authority of the late chief rabbi of the British empire. The prayer reads as follows:


All vows, bonds, devotions, promises, obligations, penalties and oaths: wherewith we have vowed, sworn, devoted and bound ourselves: from this Day of Atonement unto to the next Day of Atonement, may it come unto us for good: lo, all these we repent us in them. They shall be absolved, released, annulled, made void and of no effect: they shall not be binding nor shall they have any power. Our vows shall not be vows: our bonds shall not be bonds: and our oaths shall not be oaths.




A great deal has been written and spoken about various aspects of Jewish power, which is apparent not only in the political realm but economic and elsewhere, as mentioned above. The expert manipulation of Jewish power makes it almost irresistible.


In any discussion of Jewish power, the Rothschilds are central. This amazing family, which began in Frankfurt in the 18th century, today owns perhaps half of the goods and chattels of the world in their own name but mostly in various corporations and trusts and particularly through a stable of proxies – trusted Jews indentured to the family. An excellent overview of the Rothschild dynasty is given in Michael Collins Piper's book, The New Babylon. One cannot read this book without realizing that the influence of Jewry in general and the Rothschilds in particular is awesome.



Meyer Rothschild, founder of the Jewish banking dynasty that today dominates Jewish global affairs, is show – Neanderthal-like– lording over the planet with his hungry vultures about to be unleashed on the bankrupt peoples of Earth.

Anonymous ID: 472802 April 9, 2019, 9:10 p.m. No.6116729   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This 1849 painting depicts a bizarre Jewish religious ceremony at the London palace of the Rothschild dynasty which was commissioned by the family, demonstrating their unswerving fealty to the principles of their faith. An early admiring biographer of Meyer Rothschild declared that Rothschild was a "zealous believer in the Talmud [the guiding structure of Jewish laws] and chose it alone as the guiding principle of all his actions."

Anonymous ID: 472802 April 9, 2019, 9:13 p.m. No.6116755   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6788



This grand celebration of 19th-century New York of the pivotal Jewish holiday of Purim commemorates the Old Testament's Book of Esther, which hails the genocide of 75,000 Persians as a result of the scheming of Esther, the Jewish bride of the Persian king. No other Jewish holiday, all of which in one form or another celebrate the defeat and destruction of non-Jews, better exemplifies the venal nature of the teachings that underlie what one Jewish theologian has called "the Jewish Utopia," which is the philosophical foundation of what some today refer to as an impending New World Order.


There is a little-known but deep-rooted history of virulent Jewish antagonism and violence against non-Jews (Christians in particular) but many scholars have ignored the record in this regard.

Now a forthright Jewish academic, Elliot Horowitz, associate professor of Jewish History at Israel's Bar-Han University, has come forth with a book that explores this ugly phenomenon: Reckless Rites: Purim and the Legacy of Jewish Violence.

This heavily-detailed, copiously-documented volume is a stunning contribution to the history of the Jewish people and their troubled relationship with "the other" – the non-Jews…"


"Talmud Spews Hatred of Christ, Christians" starts as follows:

"Scattered throughout the Talmud, the founding document of rabbinic Judaism in late antiquity, can be found quite a few references to Jesus – and they're not flattering. The Talmudic stories make fun of Jesus' birth from a virgin, fervently contest his claim to be the Messiah and Son of God, and maintain that he was rightfully executed as a blasphemer and idolater. They subvert the Christian idea of Jesus' resurrection and insist he got the punishment he deserved in hell – and that a similar fate awaits his followers.

Were you shocked by these claims? Did you consider what you've read to be "rank anti-Semitism" or "vicious hatred"?…"


"The Ugly History of Jewish Desecration of Many Christian Sites in the Holy Land" starts as follows:


"As early as December 1955, not long after the institution of the Jewish state of Israel, Father Leonard Feeney, a Boston-based Roman Catholic clergyman, compiled the following list of Christian churches and other institutions that had been attacked or otherwise destroyed by the newly-ensconced Jewish occupation regime in the Holy Land.

In assembling this shocking list – which would come as a complete surprise to modern-day Christians who believe that Israel has been a good friend to Christians in the Holy Land – Father Feeney noted that his list did not include the loss in lives and property suffered by the nearly one million Arabs (Christian and Muslim alike) who had been evicted from their ancient homes during the then-seven years since Jews had seized power over Palestine . . .."

Anonymous ID: 472802 April 9, 2019, 9:22 p.m. No.6116858   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6891

In America, Jewish power is exercised on both our internal and external affairs largely by the influence of the media. Although in the U.S. the formula is democratic – with public opinion and action spurred by newspapers and other organs of mass enlightenment – the Jews have shown that they can prosper in authoritarian systems as well, such as in a communist society (the USSR, a dictatorship with most officials and bureaucrats being Jewish) and "fascist" Franco Spain.


Politicians do their best to equate Judaism with Christianity. To them, Judaism is just another religion they must be aware of to get as many votes as possible from that particular group. They do not know about, nor do they care about the nature of Judaism. This is American democratic politics, the aim of which is to secure as many minority votes as possible to add up to a majority of the votes cast.


Let there be no doubt that Israel's nuclear weapons of mass destruction are the cornerstone of Israel's national defense policy and that this is founded on a deep-rooted, underlying religious (even racist) fanaticism. It is upon this basis that it can be rightly said that the world has some very real fears knowing that Israel maintains this dangerous arsenal. Also bear in mind the vital point that Israel's founding father, David Ben-Gurion, attached a fervent, even mystical, religious significance to his nation's nuclear weapons development program.

According to Israeli historian Michael Karpin, writing in his book, The Bomb in the Basement, Ben-Gurion referred to the Jewish money lords who donated some $40 million in the 1950s (the equivalent of $250 million today) to seed the weapons program as the "makdishim," or consecrators, and to their contributions as "hakdasha," consecration. Karpin noted…"


"Ancient Teachings Still Prevail…" starts as follows:

"Jewish writer Samuel Roth's provocative 1934 work, Jews Must Live, candidly addressed the theme of Jewish notions of "chosenness" and "superiority" which had been consistently instilled into the thinking of the Jewish people throughout history Roth described the nature of the Jewish religious teachings that were brought to him in his earliest years…"