Anonymous ID: 775256 April 9, 2019, 9:09 p.m. No.6116720   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6737 >>6748 >>6765 >>6777 >>6793 >>6862 >>6871

Ok Anons, let me try to lay this out….

I feel McCains death was a marker….it provided

insight to where the game is.


Q called his death, to the minute 30 days in advance.

To do this, Q team either knew he was on his death bed and

controlled the situation and the coroner to have the

coroner and media report the time Q had posted 30 days

prior….Or, Q controlled when he was going to die…this means

Q controlled the situation. I go with the later….So why take

McCain out then….there are a lot of bad people Q knows of….

why take McCain???? Q team, POTUS needed to get Kavanaugh on

the SC and needed McCains vote to be confident that he would be

confirmed, so they executed him and put a replacement in that

would vote for Kavanaugh. Now Q team and POTUS play by the book…they

didn't assassinate McCain or murder him….they executed him after

finding him guilty of treason by a military tribunal. This shows a

level of control by Q team…the control the players we are aware

of (HRC, BC, BHO,….etc).


OK, now if you think about when there is a state of the union, we

choose a designated survivor that is put off in a secure location

that in the event of a catastrophic event, we still have someone

in place to lead…Do you think this ancient Khazarians don't have

something similar in place??? I think this is where we are in the

game. The top players are controlled assets…it's the last survivor

and his cells that Q is hunting.


This is where we are in the game…..seem right to anyone elese?

Anonymous ID: 775256 April 9, 2019, 9:30 p.m. No.6116943   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I think that's true for the name players we know….and yes he was neck deep…but I don't think they are all cornered…..we are still seeing FF…there is still operators.