Anonymous ID: d60242 April 9, 2019, 8:18 p.m. No.6116247   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6335

So I saw this video (pic related) which seemed odd and reminded me of all the other odd things we see these days including "safe spaces” and this particular narrative of delayed adulthood and the general “coddling” of the population as Q mentioned (pic related) and I had just read the article below about cultic mind control and something clicked:


Adult swaddling is taking off in Japan



Why Cults Terrorize and Kill Children

>The Journal of Psychohistory 21 (4) 1994


The psychodynamics of cultic torture and sacrifice of children are the same whether performed by small contemporary groups or by whole countries in the past. They involve the following steps:

(4) Deification of the terrifying leader as a defense against personal helplessness,

(5) Organization of cult hierarchy into totalitarian structure.

Cultic ritual involves regression all the way back to birth. Cults relive each traumatic moment of birth in their rituals. They put children in … symbolic wombs. They hang them upside down, the position of fetuses.


Sounds like “adult swaddling” to me. Also see pic related for upside down yoga.


It may seem perplexing when you hear the crazy leftists & propaganda from the news/hollywood/schools saying things like “white people are bad” on one hand and then offering a “safe space” on the other hand, but there is a logical purpose to this narrative & that is to breakdown our collective personality so they can recreate us into mind-controlled slaves who consider our masters to be god-like so we would never contemplate fighting their tyranny because it can’t even be recognized as such. Then we are led to act in the manner of their choosing as they subconsciously lead us to our “safe spaces.”


Are you awake yet?


I think Q mentioned that MK-Ultra went from being a test program to being fully implemented against the entire population (but I couldn’t find the post) and I didn’t quite understand it at the time, but now it makes more sense. The mass pharmaceuticals, repetition of narratives, attacks on identity, being told outright lies and then forced to say they are true (1984-style) and other phenomenon that we are witnessing in the general society are hallmarks of mind-control, cults, satanism, and MK-Ultra because the people who run the programming (TV, schools, etc) are our cult leaders.

Remember at Google “I am a golden dragon” or “I am an ornate building”?

Makes sense now.

Remember Micro-dosing LSD in silicon valley?

Makes sense now.

And obviously the Satanic rituals in government and Pedophilia in the Vatican, etc. Ad nauseum, that we all know about.


As a general observation, I've often noted that the "sheeple" in the US are no less brainwashed than those in North Korea who think that Kim Jong is a literal god, but this certainly expanded my perspective about the situation. Hope it expanded yours too.


Good luck out there.