Anonymous ID: eabd49 April 9, 2019, 8:34 p.m. No.6116408   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6791

>>6114872 PB

They do Tax it in california. Its insane amount of tax. The state gets a tax the county tax, and of course a City Tax, then a Sales Tax.

The state tax and sales tax is regulated. But each county gets to choose its own tax percentage. As does each city.

Go to certain clubs you could be paying 40% or higher. Yes thats for tax. Go out to the central valley you could find it as low as 25%. There may be lower tax in the middle of nowhere. But its not worth it anymore. It was better before they legalized it for recreational. The day it switched prices went from $35/eighth to $55/eighth plus the tax. So like $70 an eighth after tax. Anymore tax will ruin the market completely. Its already puts the people who need it medically out of reach of it. The people that can afford it dont usually need it and just use it to party with.

Its becoming a tourist product not a medical product. When we voted for it to be recreational it was sold to the voters that medical patients would not have to pay taxes. Only Recreational smokers would be charged taxes to help pay for schools. Then once it was voted in they said it was too hard to keep them seperated so everyone had to pay the tax.


I believe this is where the democrats are getting their money. All Taxes are paid in cash. I repeat CASH. No electronic transfers and all paid in CASH at 1 office in northern cali. These taxes are in the millions for big clubs or CoOps. Hundreds of thousands for smaller ones.

Its somewhere around $20000 to apply for a license. You are not guaranteed a license but you have to pay to be considered. If you dont get it you do not get the $20000 back. Where does all this money go. Each year I see New taxes here for schools and roads and gas. Seem like a lot of money thats not accounted for or atleast not being used for what the tax payer voted for. They say there are more then 800 clubs in L.A. alone and estimate over 1000 in the state. Try double or triple that.