Anonymous ID: 53336f April 9, 2019, 10:45 p.m. No.6117572   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7588

So Hillary ran and “LOST” to an unknown congressman Hussein.


I don’t think any of us believe that do we? The plan was laid out beforehand. She would take in donations, fun various “things” that needed to be setting up for the 16yr plan. She throws it, but not really, you see this was part of the plan. She would have Hussein, an outsider or rather a minority black man win. He would be able to wage so much covert class welfare that there is NO WAY Hillary would have been able to, his skin color and political card would allow him greater range of fucking all classes of Americans, get into things held from someone like him, his experience what he was about, and what his political card said (not his skin color).


She takes up Sec of State cause this gave her access to military flights all across the globe, to be a hand in any decision that was supposed to be made (her name/clout could alone get things done).. she was freed up to be where she needed AND able duck out when she needed to leave a position to then start campaigning.


The plan was set up long before Hussein’s presidency, long before “W” shrubby Bush’s run (which set us up on the whole path via 9/11).. before BC’s outlandish mid-90’s presidency which set up all the tech sales and secrets getting to China (los alomos computers stolen.. COUNTLESS OTHERS along w deregulating tech transfers and setting up a media against the US more so than at any time which ushered in what we have now.


Before Bush Sr’s 4yrs and invasion of a one time ally Iraq.


Was just thinking about it all, wondering if there are anons who DON’T know a basic boil down of each president and the slide our country took because of them.


A 40,000’ view of “the 16yr plan”.. if you will.. maybe 35,000’.. kek

Anonymous ID: 53336f April 9, 2019, 11:05 p.m. No.6117671   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I listen to some different folks, i listen to some interviews on msm, mainly fox due to a waste of time listening to other sources..


Keeping an open mind, like a parachute ya dig?


What different people talk about, I can see the crumbs meaning different directions than what are commonly discussed..


It made me realize that we anons have a tough gawddamn job to do. We have to know enough that makes us potentially dangerous to the plan, or at the very least be a huge pain in the ass sometimes KEK! But what I am talking about is we have to know what we do and have to wait for everything to process and the even bigger task of having to wait till the normies catch up.


This is a large part of the plan. To do things in a way that allows every piece of puzzle to fit to the right piece at just the right time. Part of the fitment was deflecting DS, so it changes, very dynamic, which changes things downstream also, but has to be within the law so the DS cannot squirm out, but also, and just as if not MORE IMPORTANT.. must be done at the right time so the normies can get their collar pulled. It has to be clean, to redpill them to what is going on and why they should care.


I can only imagine (know Q has said this) how hard it must be for Q to know and not be able to tell us. Hard enough for normie public to not know the lil that we know.