Anonymous ID: 5eeb3e April 9, 2019, 10:23 p.m. No.6117425   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Society resembles a satanic cult in many ways. One is that the rank-and-file is not privy to the real satanic hidden agenda. (Only the initiated are let in on the secret and allowed to advance.)

Similarly every institution and grouping within society follows this model. Thus, ordinary Jews and Freemasons are easier manipulated and sacrificed if necessary for the greater Evil.



(Disclaimer: I believe the Nazis were run by Sabbatean Jews (Cabalists) but I don't agree that Rosenberg and Heydrich were among them. Rosenberg's The Track of the Jews Through the Ages is one of the best books on Jewish history written. Heydrich was murdered because he was sincere.)




by Bobby English

(abridged by


The Nazi party was set-up, financed and maintained by Jewish International Financiers. Once Hitler was safely elected, the Bank of England offered credit to Germany, and after the Nazis successfully invaded Czechoslovakia, it released £6 million of Czechoslovakian gold to Hitler, which was deposited in London.


When you accept the proven involvement of Jewish bankers and their political representatives to have been very involved in the funding of the Nazis re- armament, you have only two possible answers:


Either Zionists are not Jews or the Zionists wanted a mass persecution of their own people.


Both these answers are true. Many Zionists are not Jewish. Those that were knew that to further the rise and creation of the Zionist State in Palestine, they required an irrefutable need. The gathering Nazi hatred and blame towards the Jewish people for the ills of the world which led to the mass persecution, gave the Zionist elite exactly that.



Ernst Hanfstaengl, a close friend of Franklin Roosevelt, was also a close associate of Hitler before the war, says he was warned by the Austrian writer, Rudolf Kommer that, "if any political party emerges with an Anti-Semitic programme directed by Jewish or half Jewish fanatics, we shall have to watch out".

Anonymous ID: 5eeb3e April 9, 2019, 11:11 p.m. No.6117691   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Not long ago, Marvin Greenwald, 75, said a tearful goodbye to his best friend Vic Trommer.


It was a good funeral.


Mourners shared favorite memories. The rabbi led them in Kaddish. And Trommer was laid to rest in the proper Jewish manner.


But this was not Greenwald's last goodbye to his friend. A few weeks later, he attended another memorial for Trommer, held at the San Francisco Scottish Rite Masonic Center at 19th Avenue and Sloat.


There, Greenwald and dozens of others, Jews and non-Jews, gathered to memorialize Trommer, this time in the manner of another ancient tradition.


A sprig of evergreen — representing the eternal soul of the departed, used in all such memorials — was held aloft before the mourners. Then, Trommer's widow accepted the Legion of Merit medal, presented on behalf of the Sovereign Grand Inspector General the Illustrious H. Douglas Lemons, 33rd degree.


Illustrious? Thirty-third degree?


Greenwald and Trommer were more than friends and fellow Jews. They also were fellow Freemasons, members of that little understood secret society, exalted by some, viciously excoriated by others.

Anonymous ID: 5eeb3e April 9, 2019, 11:26 p.m. No.6117755   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7767

Rotary is a Masonic Jewish organization of business and professional leaders that claims to provide humanitarian service to improve human relations, encouraging high ethical standards in all vocations and building goodwill and peace in the world.


Rotary is an English word derived from "rotation". The organization was named as such because meetings were held in members' houses or offices by rotation. The presidency of the organization is still assumed by members by rotation as well. The clubs have chosen a distinctive emblem, which is a "gear wheel" in two colors, golden and blue, with 24 cogs and six golden spokes within the circle. Each two opposite sides constitute a diameter within the circle of the gear. They all constitute three diameters that cross in the center. When the starting point for each diameter is connected to the ends of the other two diameters, this constitutes the six-pointed star, surrounded by the two English words "Rotary" and "International".

The golden and blue colors are of the Jews' sacred colors with which they decorate the roofs of their monasteries, temples and Masonic lodges. These two colors are now the colors of the flag of the member states of the European Common Market.

Foundation and leading figures:

• On 23 February 1905 C.E., the attorney Paul Harris founded the first Rotary club in Chicago, Illinois. This was three years after he had spread his idea which was accepted by some people. Sylvester Schiele (coal merchant), Gustav A. Loehr (mines engineer), Hiram E. Shorey (tailor merchant) and Paul Harris (attorney) are considered the founders of the Rotary movement and the builders of its intellectual principles after a series of recurrent periodic meetings. Their first meeting was held in the same place where the Rotary Club, Chicago 177 today, was later founded.