Anonymous ID: c77327 April 9, 2019, 9:49 p.m. No.6117126   🗄️.is đź”—kun


>Jesus merely meant this in the sense that they were not doing the works of Abraham…


>Context matters, anon.


>Jesus merely meant this in the sense that they were not doing the works of Abraham…


>Context matters, anon.


>Jesus merely meant this in the sense that they were not doing the works of Abraham…


>Context matters, anon.


>Jesus merely meant this in the sense that they were not doing the works of Abraham…


>Context matters, anon.


>Jesus merely meant this in the sense that they were not doing the works of Abraham…


>Context matters, anon.


>Jesus merely meant this in the sense that they were not doing the works of Abraham…


>Context matters, anon.


>Jesus merely meant this in the sense that they were not doing the works of Abraham…


>Context matters, anon.


>Jesus merely meant this in the sense that they were not doing the works of Abraham…


>Context matters, anon.

Anonymous ID: c77327 April 9, 2019, 9:55 p.m. No.6117172   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7191 >>7212


>The person posting the video is a (((Q))) team member.


>The moar you know. ;)


>They can easily download the video and fix the audio and re-upload. Or they are too lazy also?

You are literally retarded. I'm almost sorry for your parents, but then I remember they are kikes too so fuck them.