Anonymous ID: 3e8cac April 9, 2019, 11:31 p.m. No.6117800   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8210

You can`t make this shit up…….

Round up your sheep……



Anonymous ID: 3e8cac April 10, 2019, 12:28 a.m. No.6118122   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8130 >>8175 >>8290 >>8372 >>8445 >>8574


In May of 2006 ICE had identified over 5,000 individuals subscribed to child pornography sites and coined their investigation Operation Flicker. Their investigation was short lived they were able to make a handful of arrests.

Operation Flicker uncovered more than 250 civilian and military employees of the Defense Department that included individuals with some of the HIGHEST Security Clearance possible. They used credit cards or PayPal to purchase child pornography. The Department of Defense though, specifically the Pentagon only investigated a handful.


Behavior of Department of Defense Employees compromise National Security because the perpetrators that work for our government are at risk for bribery, extortion and threats. It’s an enemy of our country ultimate leverage to have a compromised individual with clearance at their disposal.

The names included staffers for the Secretary of Defense, contractors for the ultra-secretive National Security Agency, and a program manager at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. According to a report by the Huffington Post (since taken down by referenced here) and a dead link to the Department of Defense noted how the DCIS opened investigations into only 20 percent of the individuals identified, and succeeded in prosecuting just a handful.

Most MSM outlets have since scrubbed all information about this investigation almost making it look like it never happened.

According to a surviving report from 2010 on Yahoo News we see that some people were charged. Gary Douglass Grant, a captain in the Army Reserves and a judge advocate general, or military prosecutor. After investigators executing a search warrant found child pornography on his computer, he pleaded guilty last year to state charges of possession of obscene matter of a minor in a sexual act in California. Others included contractors for the NSA with Top Secret clearances; one of them — a former contractor — fled the country after being indicted and is believed to be in Libya.


On January 6, 2011 Anderson Cooper reported on the Pentagon Child Porn Scandal before it was buried forever only to be revived almost a decade later.


Yahoo News had reported that in one case, involving an Army Reserve corporal in the Pittsburgh area, a DCIS agent expressed exasperation after repeatedly trying to get ICE to collaborate with him on the investigation: “Based upon the complete non-responsiveness of ICE … it is recommended that [the] matter be closed.”

Senator Grassley had been constantly on top of this but his requests during the Obama Administration fell on deaf ears because it was the Obama Administration that economically asphyxiated this specific division of ICE in 2009 and they could not continue prosecutions that were started. Curiously the Obama Administration had exponentially increased ICE budgets but deportation had gone down. Then Senator Sessions pointed out that that deportations have declined by 43% in the last three years while the Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) budget for the detention and removal of aliens has grown by 25% back in 2016.

If we were not deporting or securing our border where was the money going?

As per the video above Senator Grassley stated that indeed there were “no answers” to why the 1,700 suspects of purchasing child pornography were never investigated and that unknown numbers are still committing criminal acts.

Obama why were 1,700 suspects never investigated or identified? Why did Operation Flicker end only months after it had started?


The Trump Administration has made multiple arrests across the nation usually the “low level” child pornography and child trafficking persons that provide new and more solid evidence of nefarious actors specifically those on the “list” of Operation Flicker.

He has revived Operation Flicker and the recent indictment of Bradley Robert Segert on September 13, 2018 is a prime example.