Anonymous ID: 4fe56d April 9, 2019, 11:52 p.m. No.6117925   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7934 >>8021 >>8225


Anon….God LOVES you.

The REAL God.

You've been lied to.

But…You're HERE. On this great TRUTH board.

And the TRUTH is, [they] will listen, IF you really want it to leave and KNOW that YOU deserve THE BEST in Life.


And if you need help in prayer, and WE ALL do, let me kick it off Right here for you and US. Because, there REALLY is ONLY US. You're suffering is mine, and I don't like it. So since I'm being injured, as are ALL Anons, (and everyone else, but for our purposes this serves) then I/WE have AUTHORITY to bind [them] with You and FOR you. We got your back.


There are ELEMENTS to "Prayer" (The poor word)

This is NOT a Game



In the name of Love & LIGHT, I [bind] any and all wicked (twisted or "evil") energies that are coming against this Anon, and I pray ENCOURAGEMENT into his or here Heart. I humbly ask that Anons so moved please pray for this anon, even if he's trolling, he's hurting. This is JUST Our Game. In the name of Love & LIGHT I/WE Pray. amen.




Anonymous ID: 4fe56d April 9, 2019, 11:58 p.m. No.6117962   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7968 >>8054


What kind of "God" is going to respond happily to that prayer Anon?? I mean, some baddies are about to get it, times up, BUT, there is still time to repent, and it's not good that some will be "lost forever". The Father isn't happy about it. Put (you)rself in HIS spot. SURE, He's finally had it, and there are others who are gearing up, BUT, We are a KINGDOM of PEACE (At least MY God is the King, along with maybe a Queen, I don't know) and rooting for or "praying" for death as opposed to forgiveness and the hope of salvation is….


The Prince of PEACE

KING of kings

The LION of Judah

That's MY King


Do (YOU) Know Him??


Anonymous ID: 4fe56d April 10, 2019, 12:17 a.m. No.6118066   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8096 >>8225


Reincarnation exists, although it's perverted to some degree. These baddies have the whole game all filled with viruses. So you have plenty of chances, and the thing is, about 5% of IUC (Individual Units of Consciousness is the term I prefer, although language is a MESS so it's hard to convey just right) but like Q said


4-6% Lost Forever

The End WONT be for EVERYONE


So in this game, evil has been TRUMPED, and it's about time to "download" all the virused (wicked/twisted/evil) stuff into the "trash" bin area of the "Universe", where [they] will be sealed in for Good.


Now….My understanding is that they will get a decent place to start with, but of course, these folks LIKE HELL, [they] REALLY enjoy being evil and destructive and harmful, using lies and whatever other wicked tools they can use, usually to obtain stuff, drugs and cheap sex. They LIKE hell. Like C.S Lewis LONG ago noted…..(Paraphrased of Course)


"We need to stop trying to talk bad people into WANTING to go to Heaven. They wouldn't like it. They WANT to lord over others, they wouldn't enjoy the perfect Equality, they won't like the order, or the Goodness, it would quite literally be hell for them


So….They get a whole new world, it's just here will be NO more opening of "pandoras box". In our game, this has happened before, a few times, and we're THOUSANDS of years deep into THIS babylonian saga as it is. So…THINKING LOGICALLY….When the wicked all go "POOF", and the meek Inherit THIS Earth, The REAL Earth, it stands to reason that since NOTHING else brought them in line (FREE WILL is the bedrock of our Reality) it's safe to say that they will just create more of the hells that are already IN them that they LOVE so much. And without GOOD Children of the LIGHT, to use and cover for and to make their new world work, what can we all see happening??


Not OUR fault. Times up.

Do The RIGHT Thing



Anonymous ID: 4fe56d April 10, 2019, 12:31 a.m. No.6118136   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8170




God WIns

Everybody Loves a Winner

Be Like Dad & Big Bro

It's what (You) were CREATED For

Naturally PERFECT

Corrupted in babylon

(You)r (And mine) RESPONSIBLITY


A Hero

A Savior

The LAW crushes ALL

Can't "WIN"

Free Will

OUR rules

OUR Responsibility

ONLY ONE "Beat The Game"

NOT me


Do (you) KNOW Him??