Anonymous ID: ce9f82 April 10, 2019, 1:02 a.m. No.6118314   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8473



Yes, i watched it.

Here was the problem i had with it.

The 2 guys that Bill interviewed , and their convesation about Q was good, and informative, especially for a normie.

I like Bill and love alot of his tweets.

The issue i found was Bill asked them to name some websites where people can find out about Q.

They told him about their own websites, in the and their youtube.

( to me that was self promoting) especially because they did not mention,

And actually them not mentioning qanon/pub kindof pissed me off, because that is where people can look at just Q's posts and make up their own mind, read them for themselves, not filtered through someone else.

I just checked out their website, there are a few good things about it.

They have Q posts on there, but it was not complete. Would be nice if they had links to those sites(


Lots of good links to other patriots and info on their site.

Never watched any of their videos before.

But their assessment of Q, while on Bills show seemed honest.

Anonymous ID: ce9f82 April 10, 2019, 1:54 a.m. No.6118545   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8547 >>8555




I don't get what the copyright would have been on? video showed Clinton( are they saying now you have to get her permission to use any of her pics/videos?) It showed Obama and it showed a couple of celebs( Rosie, breaking bad actor, and amy schumer)

Most pictures like that are for the public/ public use.

Does anyone else know why there would be a copyright issue? seems like a made up excuse.

Anonymous ID: ce9f82 April 10, 2019, 1:58 a.m. No.6118555   🗄️.is 🔗kun



it is like the music they have in the official white house videos. Video at end said Trump 2020, i'm sure Trump would have got any rights needed for the music.

And if thats the case( was about the music) then he should use Lee Greenwoods song. Proud to be american, a song he does have rights to.

Anonymous ID: ce9f82 April 10, 2019, 2:09 a.m. No.6118590   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8602


Are you saying they are smart because they pretend to be MAGA and rip off patriots, paying themselves and doing JACK SHIT for Trump.

Smart like the rest of the fuckers who have been ripping us off for generations?

Smart because it is a slushfund for fake ass fuckers?

That's not smart, it is evil and wrong.

Fuck you, you dirty weasley cretens