Anonymous ID: 34e1d3 April 10, 2019, 4:44 a.m. No.6119340   🗄️.is 🔗kun


translation. will repost next bread






  1. Julian Assange

  2. Journalist, editor in chief [of] Wikileaks

  3. Awarded with multiple prizes, even Peace Nobel Prize nominated

  4. Revealed serious violations of human rights and war crimes

  5. Not only is persecuted from the United States. [also from] other countries such as Saudi Arabia


  1. Threat from the United States

  2. Secret cause in Virginia before a Grand Jury

  3. United States denied it even to Ecuador

  4. It was known by the raid on Google after seeing court orders

  5. Accusations of espionage and treason

  6. Life imprisonment or even death penalty

  7. Up to this day the fear is even worse: VAULT 7 (march 7 2017)

  8. MIKE POMPEO, Director of the CIA and current Secretary of State. April 13, 2017. "Wikileaks non-state hostile intelligence service" that had to be fought.

  9. DONALD TRUMP himself affirmed on April 21, 2017 "It's fine with me if the Justice Department wants to [try? catch?] Julian Assange."

  10. Therefore, JEFF SESSIONS, United States Attorney G[eneral?], announced 4 days later, on April 25, 2017 "[…] Assange is priority".

[…] of the republican party,