Anonymous ID: 6c23e3 April 10, 2019, 4:19 a.m. No.6119202   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9307

Bait and smuggle: Mexican cartels divert border cops with migrant surges and ferry drugs where the coast is clear


A northern Texas sheriff says his county has seen a big uptick in methamphetamine and heroin seizures since October, saying Mexican drug smugglers are using large groups of migrants to divert Border Patrol’s attention while they run narcotics over the border in nearby areas.


Tarrant County Sheriff Bill E. Waybourn told the Washington Examiner drug seizures have picked up since 2016 and spiked “tremendously” in the past six months just as groups of 100 or more people began showing up at the border.


Data from the county, which includes Forth Worth, shows nine pounds of meth was seized in 2016. In 2018, that figure jumped to 22 pounds. In the past six months, 110 pounds of meth have been discovered by the sheriff’s department.


Heroin busts followed a similar trajectory. Less than one pound of heroin was found by the department in 2016, but last year more than 61 pounds were confiscated. Since October, 20 pounds have been seized.


“We’re several hundred miles away from the border, however, the border does impact us,” he said.


In that six-month time frame, the number of people apprehended while illegally crossing the southern border also increased. Last month, 92,000 people were taken into custody.


Since then, more than 100 large groups of 100 or more people have been encountered between ports of entry. Only two large groups were documented in fiscal 2017.


Waybourn said he learned during a recent visit to McAllen, Texas, that cartels control the Mexico side of the border and migrants who want to illegally enter the U.S. must go through them to do so.


“Interesting thing I found: The cartel owns that border on the other side. Part of their strategic plan is they release and let these over to surrender at certain times. They overwhelm our Border Patrol resources. It gives cartels the ability to move drugs [and] other people that we probably would have never let in,” said Waybourn. “They’re coming in on the flanks.”


The large groups typically arrive in remote spots on the border where agents are far and few between and can take an hour to get reinforcements to the location. While they are overwhelmed with a group, cartels can run other people or products through a nearby area where agents have just come from.


He said drugs are also passing through ports of entry.


Once smugglers have gotten narcotics into the country, they use I-35 to get them north to the Dallas-Fort Worth area, Waybourn said.


The heroin and methamphetamine seizures indicate the region is seeing more drugs trafficked through the city, while law enforcement also makes more busts, he said. The sheriff said a gram of meth has gone from around $90 to $100 in 2016 to $20 nowadays.


“The abundance of dope that is coming across that border is the reason for that, and it’s truly supply and demand, and there’s a lot of supply out there,” he said. “The Mexican cartel is pushing it over in incredible amounts … We know the drugs come here, and so are the people,” he said.


Waybourn said 8% of his jail population are illegally in the country and are in custody for allegedly committing an additional crime beyond illegal entry.

Anonymous ID: 6c23e3 April 10, 2019, 4:22 a.m. No.6119214   🗄️.is đź”—kun



Palantir, Peter Thiel’s Data-Mining Company, Knows Everything About You


Peter Thiel’s data-mining company is using War on Terror tools to track American citizens. The scary thing? Palantir is desperate for new customers.


High above the Hudson River in downtown Jersey City, a former U.S. Secret Service agent named Peter Cavicchia III ran special ops for JPMorgan Chase & Co. His insider threat group—most large financial institutions have one—used computer algorithms to monitor the bank’s employees, ostensibly to protect against perfidious traders and other miscreants.


Aided by as many as 120 “forward-deployed engineers” from the data mining company Palantir Technologies Inc., which JPMorgan engaged in 2009, Cavicchia’s group vacuumed up emails and browser histories, GPS locations from company-issued smartphones, printer and download activity, and transcripts of digitally recorded phone conversations. Palantir’s software aggregated, searched, sorted, and analyzed these records, surfacing keywords and patterns of behavior that Cavicchia’s team had flagged for potential abuse of corporate assets. Palantir’s algorithm, for example, alerted the insider threat team when an employee started badging into work later than usual, a sign of potential disgruntlement. That would trigger further scrutiny and possibly physical surveillance after hours by bank security personnel.

Anonymous ID: 6c23e3 April 10, 2019, 4:24 a.m. No.6119226   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9261

Adam Schiff Unlikely to Help Michael Cohen Delay Prison Sentence


House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff sounds thoroughly uninterested in helping President Trump’s former lawyer avoid his prison time.


Asked about Michael Cohen’s request to delay the fulfillment of his conviction on Monday, Schiff told CNN, “I don’t get involved in sentencing matters as a practice. I never have in Congress and that’s been my policy.”


Cohen, Trump’s former personal attorney, has been seeking a proverbial stay of execution in the ostensible interest of being “readily accessible and immediately available” to Congress, according to Cohen’s lawyers.


Cohen claimed he has recently gotten access to a hard drive that includes 14 million files. Among these are e-mails, voice recordings, and other information that could be pertinent to the House’s ongoing investigations into both Trump and his 2016 campaign.


The “substantial trove of new information,” as well as Cohen’s touted cooperation with authorities so far, are the basis for his representation lobbying the Southern District of New York for a delay to his incarceration. That might be a difficult pitch, however, considering that his “cooperation” has been inconsistent.


Still, his lawyers seem confident. “There is no doubt that Mr. Cohen’s testimony, both public and private, has contributed substantially, with documents and other evidence, to triggering additional areas for investigation by law enforcement authorities and Congress,” they wrote.


“We hope that this memorandum demonstrates that Mr. Cohen needs to be readily accessible and immediately available to provide ongoing assistance to Congress in order for it to fulfill its executive branch oversight responsibilities,” they concluded. “However, with 30 days left before he surrenders to prison, time is no longer a luxury he is capable of.”


If Cohen truly wants to help, Schiff is more than willing to allow him. “We continue to encourage Mr. Cohen to provide us any materials that he has that are relevant to our investigation,” Schiff responded. “We will continue to do so and hope that he has additional information to offer.”


The question that remains is whether Cohen feels as helpful and patriotic if he does not get something out of it. In the past, that in particular has been a bit of a problem.

Anonymous ID: 6c23e3 April 10, 2019, 4:28 a.m. No.6119252   🗄️.is đź”—kun




"The recent surge of children and teenagers from Central America showing up at our border is an OBAMA treasonous administration-made disaster.”


Resident Barack Obama needs to own up and accept responsibility for the growing crisis of children who came to the United States illegally.


In recent years, the number of unaccompanied children crossing illegally has skyrocketed. In 2011, there were 6,500 and in 2013, the number doubled. For this year alone, the government is projecting anywhere from 60,000 to 80,000.


“If you make it, they take you to a shelter and take care of you and let you have permission to stay,” a young Honduran boy told The New York Times. “When you appeal your case, if you say you want to study, they support you.”


Why the recent uptick? The Obama treason administration and pro-amnesty forces claim it’s because of unrest in Central America.


Crime and poverty are no doubt among the reasons many people want to leave their countries and come to America, but the reality is that corrupt Obama’s words and deeds are the real culprit behind spikes in illegal immigration.


For example, in 2012, treasonous Obama bypassed Congress through executive action to allow some minors brought to the U.S. illegally to defer deportation for two years.


As originally drafted, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals applied only to minors who arrived prior to June 15, 2007. But this action, along with other executive orders and policies relaxing or nullifying our immigration laws, has inspired tens of thousands since 2012 to smuggle their children across the border hoping for similar outcomes.


The fact the Obama treasonous administration has deported fewer illegal immigrants than any administration since 1973 also is a major driver. The reality is that many of those from Central America who are caught after crossing the border are not sent home. They are sent to shelters and given food and clothing while the U.S. government attempts to resettle them with relatives living, many illegally, in the U.S. And in some cases we’re providing bus and plane tickets for their travel.


House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., who has promised to hold hearings on the issue, is right when he says “The recent surge of children and teenagers from Central America showing up at our southern border is an administration-made disaster.”


The truth is, the comments by any and all politicians suggesting amnesty or “pathways to citizenship” for those here illegally are partially responsible for what is becoming a humanitarian disaster. Who knows what these children endured on their dangerous trek north across hundreds of miles with little food or water and at the hands of human smugglers. Some may not make . Others find themselves in overcrowded shelters in border states such as Texas and Arizona that are completely unprepared to take them in. What may have been a fortunate deal for the first few hundred who got across the border soon could turn in to a nightmare for the thousands now pouring in. A crisis is building on our southern border and the pictures now being shown look more like refugee camps one would see in other parts of the world.


Would Resident Obama send his young daughters on such a journey? He should be doing everything in his power, both in word and deed, to prevent other parents and countries from allowing their children to face such dangers.

Anonymous ID: 6c23e3 April 10, 2019, 4:31 a.m. No.6119263   🗄️.is đź”—kun

FBI’s Baker was “freaked out” by Clinton biases inside DOJ, FBI


On Tuesday closed-door testimony from FBI General Counsel James Baker was released by Representative Doug Collins (R-Ga).


Baker in blockbuster admissions spoke of the whitewashing of Hillary Clinton’s abuses with classified documents on her home server and the destruction of those devices to cover up her violations under the Espionage Act.


However, Comey and others in the Department of Justice swayed Baker away from pursuing any charges against the Democratic presidential candidate.


Baker believed and testified to the fact that Clinton should have been prosecuted for her acts in 2015 for obstruction of justice, at the least, for destroying evidence under the Espionage Act.


Comey’s top lawyer also gave damning testimony on the Russian Dossier and the top-level FBI biases against presidential candidate Donald Trump. Baker says he was “quite worried that the investigation may be driven by political biases.”


Baker — under oath — told of his personal relationship with a top lawyer at Perkins Coie, who was one of several different actors, that brought the Clinton campaign paid for Russian Dossier to his attention. Perkins Coie was the law firm representing the Clinton campaign.


Alleged journalist David Corn working for Yahoo was another actor that spoke to Baker about the dossier and how the FBI should launch an investigation into the Trump campaign.


Lastly, Baker told lawmakers behind closed doors how Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein was very serious when Rosenstein suggested he would wear a wire and meet with President Trump in order to spy on and gather evidence to remove the president under the 25th Amendment rule.


So what we have here is sworn testimony on how the Deep State attempted to pervert the 2016 presidential election with lies and cover ups and yet I see no story on even making not of the story.


If the tables were turned it would be a page one banner headline.

Anonymous ID: 6c23e3 April 10, 2019, 4:32 a.m. No.6119277   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9284


We are approaching the stage at which point the Cabal operators will declare a rogue actor was at work, which is when The Don declares all these communications platforms as public utilities and at that point assumes control.

Anonymous ID: 6c23e3 April 10, 2019, 4:37 a.m. No.6119306   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9354

Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar Married Her Biological Brother


The liberal media forgot to mention Ilhan was married to her brother.


Power Line reported:


A reader has written us to point out that the Somali website Somalispot posted information last week suggesting Omar’s involvement in marriage and immigration fraud. The post notes that Omar married Ahmed Hirsi in 2002. Hirsi is the father of Omar’s three children. Omar is depicted with Hirsi and their children on Omar’s campaign website here.


The post further notes that Omar married her brother Ahmed Nur Said Elmi in 2009, implying that the latter marriage assisted his entry into the United States. Her brother was a British citizen. “As soon as Ilhan Omar married him,” the post continues, “he started university at her [a]lma mater North Dakota State University where he graduated in 2012. Shortly thereafter, he moved to Minneapolis where he was living in a public housing complex and was later evicted. He then returned to the United Kingdom where he now lives.”


Ilhan Omar was elected to be a State Representative for District 60B November 8, 2016 and took her oath on the Quran.


In 2017, several months after Omar’s marriage history briefly created a national news item, Omar quietly petitioned family court for a default divorce, claiming she could not locate Elmi.

Anonymous ID: 6c23e3 April 10, 2019, 4:41 a.m. No.6119328   🗄️.is đź”—kun


>Well, the President of the United States did post copyrighted material without permission, so they were following the law. You may hate @jack, but this is a dumb reason to do so.


DARK TO LIGHT nigger digger!